[imp] IE11 patch

2013-11-26 Thread Hiromi Kimura
Attach is my IE11 patch. Please test it. -=-=-=-=- Hiromi KIMURA http://www.tac.tsukuba.ac.jp/~hiromi/ --- Horde/Browser.php.orig 2013-11-05 14:15:54.0 +0900 +++ Horde/Browser.php 2013-11-13 12:04:55.0 +0900 @@ -358,6 +358,27 @@ $this->setFeature('javascript', false);

Re: [imp] Disabling zip preview

2013-11-26 Thread Michael M Slusarz
Quoting SSRI : We have to tried to disable Zip file preview by using the inline parameter in both config/mime_drivers.local.php and imp/config/mime_drivers.local.php : 'zip' => array( 'inline' => false, However, previewing zip files still works. As expected. 'inline' has to do with i

Re: [imp] Compose message in HTML not working

2013-11-26 Thread Michael M Slusarz
Quoting Aria Bamdad : Hi, We seem to have problems with HTML composition of a new or replied to message and cut/paste from Word: 1-Using Firefox 25.0, when you paste from Word using the 'paste from word' button, you get a browser security setting dialog box asking you to paste in the b