Quoting Jan Schneider :
- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von stuartjew...@gmail.com -
Datum: Thu, 08 Jul 2010 18:14:29 +0200
Von: stuart jewson
Betreff: Horde Installation
An: "consult...@janschneider.de"
Hello There.
I have a hosting account with Hostmonster and ha
Quoting Paul van der Vlis :
A customer says they find the font to small while creating a new message.
Is it possible too change the size default of the font?
Should be configurable via CSS - "composebody" class (at least as of
IMP 4.3.7).
As for HTML - this is more difficult. It
Quoting Andreas Moroder :
aside from the fact that I miss ( or are thei available and I can
not find them ) the powerful filter functions, I have a problem with
the filter.
Access to the advanced search screen in DIMP has already been added to IMP 5.
It happens that I insert text in the f
Quoting Kim Haverblad :
Correct if I want to send the attached file together with the outgoing
e-mail; but my issue is that Horde Imp seems to have problem to process
a 30mb file which I want to submit as linked attachment and not as file
Please read the FAQ - http://faq.horde.org/
Quoting Michael Rubinsky :
Quoting nA ni sivAm :
Hi there,
Is there any option i need to set, so that when i send an email to a new
1. the un-stored contact details are automatically given an option to store
in address book AND
2. option to enter/ edit name field is displayed as wel
Quoting Andrew Eells :
How can we administratively tell IMP to reload everyone's IMAP
folders list? We've upgraded recently, as described below, and
everything is working except for peoples' preexisting folders are
not showing up.
Webmail>managing folders>Rebuild Folder Tree doe