When an HTML message _without_ a plain text alternative part is quoted
for reply in IMP 4.1, two extra spaces are inserted between the
chevron and the first word of every proper paragraph ('/]*> ?/i'
=> "\n\n "). The result is an odd-looking first-line-only indent for
each quoted paragraph, n
Zitat von Peter Meier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi
>> There is no keyring in Horde. Personal keys are stored in the user's
>> preferences, public keys in the user's address book. Adding public
>> keys is the same like adding contacts from a e-mail message header.
> ok now I see how it works. The
> There is no keyring in Horde. Personal keys are stored in the user's
> preferences, public keys in the user's address book. Adding public
> keys is the same like adding contacts from a e-mail message header.
ok now I see how it works. The Keyring under options is just a list of
all con
Hi, users are complaining that after hitting the 'Send' button often times
they get a blank screen or a browser error page and the message does not
get sent. The complaints started coming in around the same time we ugraded
to Horde 3.1.5 & IMP 4.1.5. Has anybody else experienced something simila
Otto Stolz wrote:
> imp/config/prefs.php, to be precise.
> Best wishes,
> OS
Thanks for the info worked liked a charm :)
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IMP mailing list - Join the hunt
Hi all,
is there any email hosting solution available with DIMP/HORDE as the webmail
client? I've been spoiled by the responsiveness of Gmails client but would not
want to miss the reliability of Horde's framework.
Does anyone know of such a thing? Free or paid does not matter...
Zitat von Peter Meier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi
> we are using the gpg functionality in imp since ages. It seemed to work
> perfectly. However currently we are having the problem that users are
> reporting that they aren't able to import public-keys into their
> keyrings. We tested that and ther