2009/9/24 Sam Kuper :
> Antlr is stumping me. Perhaps it's because I'm trying to use it to
> parse a pretty gnarly markup language, but maybe not...
> Between the [BEGIN] and [END] markers below is a sample of the markup
> I'm dealing with.
Here's my (grossly incomplete, but better than nothing) progress so far:
grammar name_reg;
options {
name_reg: ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* a_field b_field? c_field?
v_field? e_field? EOF;
a_field: STAR_A '' name ' ' dateblock? description '('
2009/9/24 Sam Kuper :
> *a \\Albert, John\\ (b. 1912/13). Gardener. George Robert Fox's
> gardener at The Vicarage, \circa\ 1941. (Census returns 1841 (Public Record
> Office HO137/916/8).)
> *b expanded by EL
> *c
> *v 2, 3
> *e 18 19
> [END]
I should add that each
Antlr is stumping me. Perhaps it's because I'm trying to use it to
parse a pretty gnarly markup language, but maybe not...
Between the [BEGIN] and [END] markers below is a sample of the markup
I'm dealing with.
.Extract field for no. 16 can be added as the last line of an entry,
in the f