$1.9 million car ASTON MARTIN Coupe - picture galleryAston Martin has released
the first image of its newest flagship –the limited edition One-77. Details are
scarce, but the One-77 will be poweredby a hand-built 7.0-liter V12 nestled
inside an aluminum and carbon fiberchassis. 0-60 times are es
Two-week dark chocolate diet reduces risk of heart diseaseEating dark chocolate
daily for two weeks may lessen the risk ofheart disease. Eating a couple of
chunks daily for a fortnight is enough to wardoff high blood pressure and
reduce the risk of diabetes, both major risk factorsfor heart atta
Why Iswitched my mails to Gmail from Yahoo? Here's why I'm a Gmail convert: for
the first time since I startedusing e-mail nearly 20 years ago, I can keep my
in-box tidy.
A monthago, I switched my personal e-mail from Yahoo Mail, with which I've
beengenerally happy. What attracted me to Gmail w
What is IPTV? IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) delivers
televisionprogramming to households via a broadband connection using Internet
protocols.It requires a subscription and IPTV set-top box, and offers key
advantages overexisting TV cable and satellite technologies. IPTV is typically
Usethis camera to SPY underwater in pools and beaches This camera is designed
to record videos of movement of fishesunderwater, but can be used for a lot of
creative purposes;-)
Details at http://liteURL.com/?21346 -
3serious MISTAKES to avoid in your career Employee turnover hurts not only
those receiving their “walkingpapers,” but employers as well. It’s a costly,
though avoidable, problem. Ioften see the same detrimental effects that some
actions repeatedly have ondifferent individuals. If you want to hav
Passwords: How to better manage them? Passwords are like the common cold: they
induce headaches, no oneis immune, and there is no cure in sight.
But they are necessary in thisera of digital data, where everything from paying
bills to passing notes tosharing photos is done online through user acc
NowSPY on your cheating spouse's deleted text messages USB devices that can be
used to access SIM card data on a computerare nothing new. But this particular
one is apparently the first SIM reader thatcan be used to access deleted text
messages still on the card. Just like deletedfiles on a PC h
Micro-Camcorder - the smallest camcorder in the worldThe Micro-Camcorder is
billed as the smallest high resolution,real time digital camcorder ever
produced. Stick it into a pack of chewing gumand you’ve got the perfect way to
record stuff for all sorts of honest,upstanding, legitimate uses. The
Weight loss DOUBLED by writing down everything we eat, says studyDieters who
kept daily food diaries were more successful, newstudy says.In the struggle to
lose weight, picking up a pen might be just asuseful as putting down the fork.
That’s according to a new study that found thatpeople who kep
HowFast Does Human Hair Grow? Human hair typically grows at a rate of around
half an inch (1.25centimeters) per month, and this rate of growth is consistent
across the head.Several factors can influence both the rate and quality of hair
growth,including diet, age, and general health. As a genera
HOW TO:Get Along With Your Boss? At one point or another in your career, you
will report to amanager, the person you fondly - or not - call boss. The
relationships that youcreate and manage, with both your immediate boss, and
other company employees,are critical for your work success and career
HOWTO shape up your thighs with right exercises? Most people become frustrated
when they begin dieting and anexercise program in an effort to lose weight,
because they simply can not obtaintheir goal. Chances are you dream of having
tone up thighs but you are more thenlikely doing everything wro
Nowmobile phones to repel mosquitoes A mobile phone operator in South Korea is
offering users a newservice that claims to repel mosquitoes. Subscribers to SK
Telecom Company willbe able to download a sound wave that humans cannot hear,
but that annoysmosquitoes within a range of one metre (one y
8 EasyWays to Lose Weight Lose weight without going on a diet? It's not too
good to be true.You don't have to follow a strict diet to get the ball rolling;
making theseeasy but effective changes really can help you lose weight. Details
at http://bit.ly/agVMIn-
Voice Recording Spy Watch
Here’sanother toy for you wannabe spies. This ‘handsome’ watch includes 1GB of
flashmemory and a microphone allowing it to record up to 500 hours of audio.
Itsrechargeable battery is actually only rated for about 9 hours of recording
time,but it only takes about 2 hours
Internet to speed up by 60 times, claims research Scientists at the University
of Sydney have developed a switchthat would allow the internet to become 60
times faster than current networks.Taking four years to complete, the switch is
created using a small scratch on apiece of glass. The scratch
HiddenSpy Camera in a TIE The camera in this tie is the world’s smallest color
pinholecamera. Also there is a claim that this tie is fashionable. You can
recordexactly what you see while wearing it. No external power is needed, since
itjust connects directly with an included MP4 player.
The SixSteps To Follow When Trading Forex Learning forex? Here are six golden
rules to follow before youstart trading for real. Drill this carefully in your
head before blowing yourfirst live account. Details at http://bit.ly/b0B6gD
Scratches on MOBILE phones to be repaired by special CAR PAINT
A whileback, Nissan scientists helped to develop a paint clearcoat called
ScratchShield that can self-repair light scratches overnight or over the course
of aweek. Now the Japanese automaker is spreading the love, licensing the
Introduction and the Basics of Forex Economic IndicatorsEconomic indicators
Economic indicatorsare pieces of financial and economic data published
regularly by governmentalagencies and the private sector. These statistics help
market observers monitorthe economy’s pulse - so it’s no surprise tha
Seagatepresents worlds thinnest 2.5 inches Netbook drive At a mere 7
millimeters in height, Seagate's Momentus Thin drivewill be the slimmest 2.5"
hard drive on the market. Not only that, butsupposedly it will also be one of
the lowest-priced storage options forultra-portables and netbooks. Deta
What isa Dehumidifier? A dehumidifier takes moisture out of the air by
condensing it ontoa cold surface. Have you ever poured a cold glass of water on
a hot, humidsummer day? If you have, you have seen the moisture condense on the
glass. Thisis because when air cools, it can't hold its moisture.
HOW TOCreate an excellent Deep Conditioning Hair Treatment? This is an easy way
to create a deep conditioning treatment tomaintain healthy, soft and smooth
hair. Details at http://bit.ly/b4Wld9 -
Yoga helps older women stand taller, says study Study: Nine-week program added
a centimeter to their stature.Elderly women showed measurable improvements in
their walking speed and balanceafter a nine-week yoga program — and they gained
a centimeter in height, onaverage, Philadelphia researchers
HOWTO Stop Body Odor Naturally with Baking Soda? Millions of people suffer from
embarrassing body odor.Fortunately, you don't need to spend a lot to solve the
problem. Natural,'green', cheap baking soda can solve your personal odor issue!
Details at http://liteurl.com/?34727-
How dohelicopters stay floating in the air? Essentially, helicopters stay up
for the same reason airplanesmove forward through the air. A rotating propeller
creates changes in airpressure, lowering it in some areas and raising it in
others. Combined with aspecially curved wing, the effect is kno
BestDIET before and after workouts When planning your exercise sessions, it’s
important to factor inhow you’ll fuel those workouts beforehand and how you’ll
replenish lost energyafterward. Details at http://bit.ly/d33tQ0-
10Fixes for the Worst PC Security Nightmares In the world of comic books, every
bad guy is an evil genius. Onthe Web, hackers, spammers, and phishers may be
evil, but they're not requiredto be geniuses. They can make a healthy living
just by exploiting known securityholes that many users haven't
Top5 Desktop Replacement Laptops Desktop replacements are one of the largest
growing segments inthe portable market. These system pack in the features and
functions that makethem competitive with full sized computers. There are even a
lot of specializedmultimedia and gaming models. Based on my r
Wireless spy camera hidden in a toy One of my minor complaints about Scarlett
Johansson's latestmovie, The Nanny Diaries, is that a nanny cam hidden in the
eyes of a teddy bearis such a painful cliche that you don't even have to see it
in the trailer toknow it's there. Details at http://liteurl.
7 Keysto Making Money Consistently One of the things that I am hearing more and
more these days isthat traders are not making money consistently.
Do you know anyone withthis challenge? Do you know them intimately?
So, what can you do to makemoney consistently? Details at http://bit.ly/bY1LtN
2011 BMW 3 Series coupe and convertible get refreshed, 335i getssingle turbo
Thenext-generation BMW 3 Series isn't that far off, with the sedan expected
todebut sometime in 2011 as a 2012 model. Yet the Munich brand isn't sitting
onits hands in the meantime – the current 3 Series coupe and conver
Understanding TRUFFLES Truffles are a rare and delicate type of edible mushroom
that growmainly in France, Italy, Croatia, and Slovenia; truffles are also
collected inthe United States in Oregon and Washington. Truffles grow
underground among theroots of oak, elm, chestnut, pine, and willow tree
Sometips for understanding BODY LANGUAGE 1- Always look at someone directly in
their eyes when they arespeaking to you. This may seem difficult at first but
it’s definitely the #1body language ingredient to make you successful when
interacting with others.Note: Do not ever stare at someone. All
HOWTO Track Calories on an iPhone? Ever been curious about how many calories
are in that dish you'reabout to order? Or, how much fat is in that tuna melt at
the diner down thestreet? The free LIVESTRONG.COM Calorie Tracker can help you
find thatinformation and keep a digital diary of your daily
What is the Tower of London? The Tower of London is a historic castle complex
located on thebanks of the Thames in London, England. It has served a number of
functionshistorically, ranging from a prison for high profile prisoners
includingElizabeth I to a permanent home for the Crown Jewels of E
6reasons to enjoy CARBS It’s time to give up the carb guilt. When we pack on
the pounds,we often blame it on eating too many carbohydrates. But not all
carbs are loadedwith starchy calories. And if you severely limit how many carbs
you eat — to thepoint where even a dry cracker seems like a splu
What isthe Difference Between Concrete and Cement? The difference between
concrete and cement is that concretecontains cement plus sand and gravel. It is
the cement that binds the sand andgravel or crushed rock together to form what
we call concrete. Concrete then, ismore than just cement. Detai
HOWTO Start Doing Yoga? Deciding that you want to start doing yoga is the first
step. It'seasy to get stuck here, though. Don't be intimidated! Here is the
informationyou will need to take that next step and start enjoying the
pleasures andbenefits of yoga. Details at http://liteurl.com/?34887
Howmobile phones provide SEX to South Koreans? I know it’s a question that keep
you up late at night: how doSouth Koreans get their prostitutes?
While South Koreans used to getthere whores the traditional ways; off the
street, meet and greets at CharlieSheen’s house; tougher anti-prostitution
Bulletproof Handkerchief Protects A Gentleman’s Heart
There comesa time in every TV series when you know the show is desperately
fightingcancelation. No, it’s not the episode where the main character meets
theirdoppelgänger (although that is a good indication). It’s the one where the
herois save
What could be Nokia's future?
It'sthe largest cell phone maker in the world, with the largest share of
anysmartphone vendor in the world. Yet I increasingly look at Nokia's products
andlisten to its strategy wondering if the company can remain relevant in a
mobileworld that's changed drastically
HOW TOSoften and Tame Beards and Facial Hair? Is your beard stiff? Does it
scratch your loved one when you kiss?Facial hair can be wiry and uncomfortable
for you and the ones you love. Softenand tame your facial hair easily with hair
conditioner. Details at http://bit.ly/cMjhUz -
10Things ONLY Men Can Do Ladies, prepare to get your panties in a bunch, as we
relate the10 things only men can do. Tired of hearing that you’re a member of
the lessergender? Take heart guys, there’s some things you do a whole lot
better thanwomen and we’ve compiled a list of the top 10. Each it
10reasons why an Ultra Mobile PC is better than Netbook As I look at the
UMPCPortal product pages today I see something Ihave never seen before. The top
10 most popular devices, based on visitorclicks, are all notebooks. 4 of them
are touchscreen convertibles but the restare plain old low-cost,
20Books to Curl Up With and Read in Bed Here is a list of 20 books that we
found to be good reads beforehitting the sack. Details at
http://liteURL.com/?21980 -
Dell’sNew Solar Parking Lot
Think abouthow hot your car gets on a sunny day. Dell decided to harvest all
that wastedenergy by installing these solar panels in their parking lot. Now
they'rekeeping cars cool and putting that sunlight to good use. Details at
http://bit.ly/96KuZV -
Audio & Video Spy Pen with 2GB of storage This slightly thicker than normal
pen has a built in spy camerathat is capable of recording video and audio to
the internal storage device at aresolution of 352 x 288 pixels. And what’s
more, the spy pen actually works as anormal pen too! Details at
Sanyo’sWorld’s Smallest, Lightest, Thinnest, Dual Camera
This thingis tiny. At 5 ounces and 1.06 inches thick it can capture full HD
videos with aresolution of 1920×1080 pixels in MPEG-4 AVC / H.264 format, which
is great forPC’s. Currently they are trying to make it compatible with iFrame
and M
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