Wet&dry Vacuum cleaner,1200W,red,machine is 100% new.
Complete as when bought:
manual,nozzle,soap,ext.pipe,box. Has its own water
tank detached,can spray&suck soapy water. Bought in a
deal w/ microwave for Rp. 6.990.000 in Denpasar.
Selling the vacuum only for Rp. 2 million.
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Aiwa VCD player DX-K9900MHE, 5 CD rotary system,karaoke,remote control,AC110/220V,20W,manuals,box,Made in Japan. Accept quality CDs,rarely used since DVD come to earth. Rp.800,000 FIX! [EMAIL PROTECTED],(0361)7437138,0818548095.
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Any use? Various ink cartriges black & colour for Canon, EPSON, & Hewlett Packard; never been tricked/ refilled, some expired, some empty, some even still sealed & valid. Ex media office. [EMAIL PROTECTED], (0361)7437138,0818548095.
Check your printer first!
BC-20 black (1 pcs), BJI-20
Tanah 400 m2 di Denpasar, Bali. Wilayah kota Denpasar. Akses siap untuk PLN, PDAM, Telkom. Dipinggir jalan besar lebar 8 meter, Jl. Gunung Sari II. Barat: rumah kos, timur: tanah kosong, utara: jalan raya, selatan: rumah tetangga. Rp. 400 juta. Hub. Alex (0361)7437138, 0818548095
Tanah 400 m2 di Denpasar, Bali. Wilayah kota Denpasar. Akses siap untuk PLN, PDAM, Telkom. Dipinggir jalan besar lebar 8 meter, Jl. Gunung Sari II. Barat: rumah kos, timur: tanah kosong, utara: jalan raya, selatan: rumah tetangga. Rp. 400 juta. Hub. Alex (0361)7437138, 0818548095
Aiwa VCD player DX-K9900MHE, 5 CD rotary system,karaoke,remote control,AC110/220V,20W,manuals,box,Made in Japan. Accept quality CDs,rarely used since DVD come to earth. Rp.800,000 FIX! [EMAIL PROTECTED],(0361)7437138,0818548095.
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Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today!
Any use? Various ink cartriges black & colour for Canon, EPSON, & Hewlett Packard; never been tricked/ refilled, some expired, some empty, some even still sealed & valid. Ex media office. [EMAIL PROTECTED], (0361)7437138,0818548095.
Check your printer first!
BC-20 black (1 pcs), BJI-2
Binoculars. All body army look rubber,coated lens,detachable compass,lens cloth,bag. Good for sailing,boats,sea cruiser,etc. 0x98800(2) sehfeld 8mauf98m. @Rp.245,000 or less.
[EMAIL PROTECTED],(0361)7437138,0818548095.
Do you Yahoo!?
The all-new My Yahoo! What will yours do?
Wet&dry Vacuum cleaner,1200W,red,machine is 100% new. Complete as when bought: manual,nozzle,soap,ext.pipe,box. Has its own water tank detached,can spray&suck soapy water. Bought in a deal w/ microwave for Rp. 6.990.000 in Denpasar. Selling the vacuum only for Rp. 2 million. [EMAIL PROTECTED],(
Aiwa VCD player DX-K9900MHE, 5 CD rotary system,karaoke,remote control,AC110/220V,20W,manuals,box,Made in Japan. Accept quality CDs,rarely used since DVD come to earth. Rp.800,000 FIX! [EMAIL PROTECTED],(0361)7437138,0818548095.__Do You Yahoo!?Ti
Aiwa VCD player DX-K9900MHE, 5 CD rotary system,karaoke,remote control,AC110/220V,20W,manuals,box,Made in Japan. Accept quality CDs,rarely used since DVD come to earth. Rp.800,000 FIX! [EMAIL PROTECTED],(0361)7437138,0818548095.
Do you Yahoo!?
Dress up your holiday email, Hollywood style. L
Binoculars. All body army look rubber,coated lens,detachable compass,lens cloth,bag. Good for sailing,boats,sea cruiser,etc. 0x98800(2) sehfeld 8mauf98m. @Rp.245,000 or less.
[EMAIL PROTECTED],(0361)7437138,0818548095.
Do you Yahoo!?
Jazz up your holiday email with celebrity designs
Any use? Various ink cartriges black & colour for Canon, EPSON, & Hewlett Packard; never been tricked/ refilled, some expired, some empty, some even still sealed & valid. Ex media office. [EMAIL PROTECTED], (0361)7437138,0818548095.
Check your printer first!
BC-20 black (1 pcs), BJI-
Aiwa VCD player DX-K9900MHE, 5 CD rotary
control,AC110/220V,20W,manuals,box,Made in Japan.
Accept quality CDs,rarely used since DVD come to
earth. Rp.800,000 FIX! [EMAIL PROTECTED],(0361)7437138,0818548095.
Do You Yahoo!?
Binoculars. All body army look rubber,coated
lens,detachable compass,lens cloth,bag. Good for
sailing,boats,sea cruiser,etc. 0x98800(2) sehfeld
8mauf98m. @Rp.245,000 or less.
[EMAIL PROTECTED],(0361)7437138,0818548095.
Do You Yahoo!?
Tanah 400 m2 di Denpasar, Bali. Wilayah kota Denpasar.
Akses siap untuk PLN, PDAM, Telkom. Dipinggir jalan
besar lebar 8 meter, Jl. Gunung Sari II. Barat: rumah
kos, timur: tanah kosong, utara: jalan raya, selatan:
rumah tetangga. Rp. 400 juta. Hub. Alex (0361)7437138,
0818548095, [EMAIL
Wet&dry Vacuum cleaner,1200W,red,machine is 100% new.
Complete as when bought:
manual,nozzle,soap,ext.pipe,box. Has its own water
tank detached,can spray&suck soapy water. Bought in a
deal w/ microwave for Rp. 6.990.000 in Denpasar.
Selling the vacuum only for Rp. 2 million. [EMAIL
unto him and all dee fire unto him and peace). But not consumed
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Alex, member Prestasi no. 11148, ID no. 10794
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Belum pernah ada yang seperti ini!! Disahkan no
Butuh bantuan? Browse dulu website & semua link-nya lalu hubungi saya :
Alex, member Prestasi no. 11148, ID no. 10794
(0361) 7437138, 0818548095, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Belum pernah ada yang seperti ini!! Disahkan notaris & SIUP
Tanah 400 m2 di Denpasar, Bali. Wilayah kota Denpasar.
Akses siap untuk PLN, PDAM, Telkom. Dipinggir jalan
besar lebar 8 meter, Jl. Gunung Sari II. Barat: rumah
kos, timur: tanah kosong, utara: jalan raya, selatan:
rumah tetangga. Rp. 400 juta. Hub. Alex (0361)7437138,
0818548095, [EMAIL
Om Swastiastu,
Saya di Denpasar, Bali hendak mencoba berdagang
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z and you will know the difference !
Butuh bantuan? Browse dulu website & semua link-nya lalu hubungi saya :
Alex, member Prestasi no. 11148, ID no. 10794
(0361) 7437138, 0818548095, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Belum pernah ada
Dijual Tanah 400 m2 di Denpasar, Bali. Wilayah kota Denpasar. Akses siap untuk PLN, PDAM, Telkom. Dipinggir jalan besar lebar 8 meter, Jl. Gunung Sari II. Barat: rumah kos, timur: tanah kosong, utara: jalan raya, selatan: rumah tetangga. Rp. 400 juta. Hub. Alex (0361)7437138, 0818548095
Dijual Tanah 400 m2 di Denpasar, Bali. Wilayah kota Denpasar. Akses siap untuk PLN, PDAM, Telkom. Dipinggir jalan besar lebar 8 meter, Jl. Gunung Sari II. Barat: rumah kos, timur: tanah kosong, utara: jalan raya, selatan: rumah tetangga. Rp. 400 juta. Hub. Alex (0361)7437138, 0818548095
sung hasil, bukti, secara 'IN-PERSONAL' beberapa member Prestasi dan karena itu merekomendasikan ini pada anda.
Browse www.prestasi.biz and you will know the difference !
Butuh bantuan? Browse dulu website & semua link-nya lalu hubungi saya :
Alex, member Prestasi
Tanah 400 m2 di Denpasar, Bali. Wilayah kota Denpasar. Akses siap untuk PLN, PDAM, Telkom. Dipinggir jalan besar lebar 8 meter, Jl. Gunung Sari II. Barat: rumah kos, timur: tanah kosong, utara: jalan raya, selatan: rumah tetangga. Rp. 400 juta. Hub. Alex (0361)7437138, 0818548095
ifference !
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Alex, member Prestasi no. 11148, ID no. 10794
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