[Iklan-Mini] File for claim

2008-10-08 Terurut Topik Jae Hyun Park
You have won 1,000,000.00GBP Contact Mr Donald email [EMAIL PROTECTED] details required Name,Age,Occupation Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iklan-mini/ <*> Your email settings: Individual

[Iklan-Mini] file for claim

2008-09-17 Terurut Topik Mr . Brian Johnson
Contact Mr.Brian Johnson for the claim of £891,934.00pounds,your e-mail attached to our ballot game,in our MONTHLY PROGRAM,you have to Provide your Names,Address,Age,Occupation,Tel, Country Send to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your g

[Iklan-Mini] file for claim

2008-09-17 Terurut Topik Mr . Brian Johnson
Contact Mr.Brian Johnson for the claim of £891,934.00pounds,your e-mail attached to our ballot game,in our MONTHLY PROGRAM,you have to Provide your Names,Address,Age,Occupation,Tel, Country Send to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your g

[Iklan-Mini] File For Claim

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik UK Claims Dept
Contact Dr Harry Raymond for the claim of £1,000,000 pounds which youhave won in UK NATIONAL LOTTERY.Provide your.Full Names.Home Address,Age,Occupation,Tel,Country Send to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mrs.Marry James. Promotions Manager. Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To

[Iklan-Mini] File For Claim

2008-09-10 Terurut Topik Uk Claims Dept
Contact Dr Harry Raymond for the claim of £1,000,000 pounds which youhave won in UK NATIONAL LOTTERY.Provide your.Full Names.Home Address,Age,Occupation,Tel,Country Send to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mrs.Marry James. Promotions Manager. Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To

[Iklan-Mini] FILE FOR CLAIM.

2008-09-05 Terurut Topik Contact Mr. Gary Cooker
You have emerge a lucky winner in the last edition of the IRELAND-DELL AWARD PROMOTION, in the payout sum of 1,000,000 GBP. Contact us immediately for claims. Contact Mr. Gary Cooker, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] TELL: +44 70240 81383 Claims informations: Name:.. Address:...Tel:...Occupation:Nat

[Iklan-Mini] File For Claim

2008-09-05 Terurut Topik Uk Claims Dept
Contact Dr Harry Raymond for the claim of £1,000,000 pounds which youhave won in UK NATIONAL LOTTERY.Provide your.Full Names.Home Address,Age,Occupation,Tel,Country Send to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mrs.Marry James. Promotions Manager. Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To

[Iklan-Mini] File For Claim

2008-09-04 Terurut Topik Uk Claims Dept
Contact Dr Harry Raymond for the claim of £1,000,000 pounds which youhave won in UK NATIONAL LOTTERY.Provide your.Full Names.Home Address,Age,Occupation,Tel,Country Send to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mrs.Marry James. Promotions Manager. Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To

[Iklan-Mini] File For Claim

2008-08-16 Terurut Topik Result Department
As part of compensation to internet users,you are a Lucky Prize Winner of £750,000 from World Wide Internet Technology Company.For claims,Contact DR Owen Green, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: htt

[Iklan-Mini] File For Claim

2008-08-09 Terurut Topik Claims Requirement
Contact:MrKeegan.James([EMAIL PROTECTED])for a lump sum pay out of £1,532,720pounds.Provide him with the information below: 1.Full Name: 2.FullAddress:3.sex.4.Occupation.5.Phone/Fax:6.Age.7.Country.8.Nationality. Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your grou

[Iklan-Mini] File For Claim

2008-08-08 Terurut Topik Mrs Sarah Criswell
Your E-Address was selected online in our UK NATIONAL Lottery. Your draw has a total value of £1,000,000.00.Please acknowledge the receipt of this mail with the details below to:Mr.Mavel Mark Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Claims Requirements: 1.Full name: 2.Home Address: 3.Age: 4.Sex: 5.Tel -

[Iklan-Mini] File For Claim

2008-08-06 Terurut Topik Uk Claims Dept
Contact Dr Harry Raymond for the claim of £1,000,000 pounds which youhave won in UK NATIONAL LOTTERY.Provide your.Full Names.Home Address,Age,Occupation,Tel,Country Send to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mrs.Marry James. Promotions Manager. Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To

[Iklan-Mini] File For Claim

2008-07-24 Terurut Topik Mrs . Sarah Criswell
Your E-Address was selected online POWER BALL LOTTO PROMO.Your draw has a total value of £1.000.000 pounds. Please acknowledge the receipt of this mail with the details below to :Mr.ANDERSON MOORE. Contact E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Claims Requirements: 1.Full name: 2.Home Address: 3.Age: 4.Sex