2008-07-20 Terurut Topik MAGRET WINTER
d the most major part you will use to bless God's Children all over the world. You are blessed. Mrs. Magret Winters.

[Iklan-Mini] AWARD NUMBERS: TL 22/53/110DF

2006-11-17 Terurut Topik magret
AWARD NUMBERS: TL 22/53/110DF FROM:DAYZERS NL INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION PRIZE AWARD DEPT. REF: DYK/82283922/769 BATCH: 11/621/2PDH /NL Dear Winner, Following official publication of results of the E-mail electronic online Sweepstakes organized by DAYZERS NL INTERNATIONAL loterij corporation,th

[Iklan-Mini] AWARD NUMBERS: TL 22/53/110DF

2006-11-16 Terurut Topik magret
AWARD NUMBERS: TL 22/53/110DF FROM:DAYZERS NL INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION PRIZE AWARD DEPT. REF: DYK/82283922/769 BATCH: 11/621/2PDH /NL Dear Winner, Following official publication of results of the E-mail electronic online Sweepstakes organized by DAYZERS NL INTERNATIONAL loterij corporation,th