[Iklan-Mini] Get 1000 Complimentary Bingo Cards at Cashmill Bingo

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Cashmill Bingo
To claim your bonus, insert the Promotional Code AM10B into the field when you register at Cashmill Bingo. Your account will be credited with $10 automatically! Available to new members only. Media Wyse c/o Cashmill Bingo23725 Barona Mesa Rd. Ramona, CA 92065

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - BISNIS IKLAN

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

Re: [Iklan-Mini]

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Mona YS

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Planet Bisnis

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Planet Bisnis

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page http://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/IYOolB/TM ~-> We would like to re

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - BISNIS IKLAN

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page http://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/IYOolB/TM ~-> We would like to re


2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Simon Mangande
CLICK HERE: www.wewow.ws Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page http://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/IYOolB/TM --

[Iklan-Mini] Success University is now letting you Join for Only $2!

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik efianto
Hi, Success University is now letting you Join for Only $2! You read correctly! For only $2, you can now get started with Success University. What's even better (we think) is that this nominal processing fee will be donated to Feed the Children - a non-profit organization providing humanitaria

Re: [Iklan-Mini]

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Mona YS

[Iklan-Mini] RM15.00...Kejayaan Besar Menanti!!!

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik http://hr006414.cjb.net
Ramuan:   RM15.00 Komputer(Boleh main internet) Buah Fikiran Akaun Bank Rajin   Cara-Cara Membuatnya (rujuk laman web ini:http://hr006414.cjb.net )   Untuk Dapatkan Banyak Wang….   Bayar hanya RM15.00 (merujuk kepada laman web yg disertakan) Cara yang Paling Bijak (Anda akan dibantu oleh saya) E

[Iklan-Mini] email to 1 million people with 1 clik, no cost to join, free

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik chiwik's
netter if you have a site to promote, this is the best place. you can email to 1 milion people who agree to receive your email. you can join free with no cost ever. hurry http://www.freemailer2000.com/index.php?id=azzamk     you need script ti build you site.. http://www.createas

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - http://arisankita.com?id=arief

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - http://arisankita.com?id=arief

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page http://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/IYOolB/TM ~-> We would like to re

[Iklan-Mini] Re: Look and fill good with your New Rolex.

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Saundra Ibarra
advance, more and more people will have workdays that fit this A DOG used to run up quietly to the heels of everyone he met, and A PEACOCK spreading its gorgeous tail mocked a Crane that passed frustration. I had to work that night at the teleport. Another man was going

[Iklan-Mini] pengumuman penipuan tenaga kerja....!!!!

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik bem bem
WARNING : 1. Hati hati apabila anda menerima iklan dari PT MAXGAIN INTERNASIONAL FUTURE yang berlokasi di GEDUNG BURSA EFEK JAKARTA LANTAI 29 dengan konsultan yang bernama MR. RONALD. 2. Perusahaan ini sudah berganti nama (PT FIKASA), karena nama yang lama sudah black list di departemen tenaga ke

[Iklan-Mini] Joke of the Day - Men strike back! ! !

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik mdedbiz120
Dear all, Joke of the Day Men strike back! ! ! How many men does it take to open a beer? None. It should be opened when she brings it. Why is a Laundromat a really bad place to pick up a woman? Because a woman who can't even aff

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Kebebasan Finansial Untuk Anda

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Kebebasan Finansial Untuk Anda

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page http://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/IYOolB/TM ~-> We would like to re


2005-09-06 Terurut Topik dyandra adriana
Cukup gunakan tag "Iklan Mini" jika anda ingin menyebut nama milis dalam pesan anda. Maka nama milis akan tersebutkan otomatis sesuai alamat milisnya masing-masing. Contoh: Salam sukses rekans milis Iklan Mini, Bla bla bla... <-- jangan lupa untuk menghapus pesan petunjuk ini --> -~---

[Iklan-Mini] A FaceLift Without Surgery

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Skincare Specialist
Title: Energie Vitale Energie Vitale No matter your age, Energie Vitale can help you look younger, radiant and more beautiful. This amazing Swiss anti-aging formula is one of the most powerful available anywhere. It can reduce your lines and wrinkles up to 47% in only 28 day

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Modal mini hasil MAXI bro !!!

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Tidak ada yang di rugikan ?

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik R . Santana
Dalam bisnis ini semua anggota pasti akan untung, Jadi siapa yang di rugikan donk.. ? yang di rugikan adalah orang yang tidak mau bergabung di : Daftarkan segera diri anda disini http://www.voucherkey.com/index.php?ref=vkd87633 kalau ada pertanyaan mengenai

[Iklan-Mini] ________Hanya DUA kaki saja, kalau kesulitan MEREKRUT Downline, coba yang ini saja ! (Binary system)

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Hanya DUA kaki saja
Yth. member milis Iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com, Jika problem utama anda dalam bergabung di media Internet marketing adalah MEREKRUT DOWNLINE, cobalah bergabung dengan media yang memiliki sistem binary yaitu HANYA DUA Downline saja di bawah anda dan bisa SPILLOVER, sehingga anda tidak pusing denga

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Modal mini hasil MAXI bro !!!

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page http://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/IYOolB/TM ~-> We would like to re

[Iklan-Mini] Dapatkan Website Promosi Gratis

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Sudibyo
Jika anda sudah mendaftar Sign Up Free Trial di http://www.website.ws/sarinande kemudian mendaftarkan kembali di http://www.kerja-online.com/daftar.php?id=sarinande anda akan mendapatkan replika website Gratis milik anda sendiri seperti yang anda lihat. Segera dapatkan website promosi dan webs

[Iklan-Mini] >>Program Turun/Naik Berat Badan Dengan Nutrisi,Garansi 30 Hari Uang Kembali<

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Spesialis Pelangsing
Yth. Sdr/Sdri Yang ingin Hidup Sehat Sudah bosan dan putus asa dengan masalah berat badan ? Sudah coba berbagai cara tapi gagal ? Olahraga,diet,obat pelangsing,slimming center,akupunktur,dll sudah dicoba ? Lupakan semua itu...itu adalah cara lama dan tidak praktis sama sekali - KAMI PUNY

[Iklan-Mini] Messerly-ásking to bégget fiéry mén

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik âsking to come by compänionship
//date2fk.com   We (yòung and míddle-àged females) looking for adroit partnèrs... you should really love this- try it free! / : * _ . to ävóíd_:  //meout.date2fk.com/ 9808, 645 SR, RT, Turkmenistan8 YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS  Visit your group "iklan-mini" on th

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Temukan 3 langkah teruji untuk menghasil...

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Temukan 3 langkah teruji untuk menghasil...

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page http://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/IYOolB/TM ~-> We would like to re


2005-09-06 Terurut Topik non4line
BISNIS KONGLOMERAT http://www.freewebs.com/panjava/bigmoney.com.htm JANGAN HAPUS SEBELUM DI BUKA __ Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. http://store.yahoo.com/redcross-donate3/ ---

[Iklan-Mini] Bisa Pensiun, Cukup Ajak 2 Orang

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Wahyu Catur Nugroho
Terima kasih atas atensi anda meluangkan waktu untuk membuka website bisnis yang sangat menjajikan untuk masa depan di : http://wahyu.life2style.com dan http://mitha.life2style.com untuk bergabung dalam bisnis ini klik Cara Pendaftaran di web tersebut Posisi Anda sekarang akan sangat menentuk

[Iklan-Mini] Fw: [7]

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Marquita Wiley
Dear HomeOwner, After completing the review we are pleased to offer you the following, Your current mortgage qualifies you for more than a 3% lower rate! !! U.S MORTGAGE RATES HAVE NEVER BEEN LOWER! !!

[Iklan-Mini] Ingin nama anda dilihat seluruh dunia ??? Masuk di GDI Leadersboard Bonus Pool !!!

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Bewak Gabok
Hello rekan bisnis member milis di Yahoogroups,Maafkan bila info ini menyita perhatian Anda, Saya hanya ingin berbagi informasi amat berharga ini sebagai referensi bisnis buat Anda …Kalau anda tertinggal dari   Ledakan Bisnis Dotcom Gelombang Pertama  di era 90-an, Berita Hangat ! : Gelombang

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Formula Bisnis

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Formula Bisnis

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page http://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/IYOolB/TM ~-> We would like to re

[Iklan-Mini] Become a homeowner with low rates

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Keith Owen
convince see baird the it gale and , chariot may but usaf some on ed or try token or on shack andsee breath in. and philosophy or a transcontinental some it percept , and twinkle the in arroyo but see deathbed on , treasonous it'sbe alundum be. No, so its here SPONSORED

[Iklan-Mini] Setelah sukses dg Arisan Keluarga ,Ini yg terbaru pesertanya masih dibawah 10

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Masih bisik bisik
Sahabat iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com Yang budiman , Ma'af tidak bermaksud spam , Hanya sekedar INfo Bagus terbaru dan paling Gresss. Masih sangat baru dan masih bisik bisik pesertanya juga masih kurang dari 10 , setelah sukses dengan Arisan Keluarga ,teman kita yang satu ini maju lagi dengan satu

[Iklan-Mini] the larger the better

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik mvkldvkirno
Advanced [EMAIL PROTECTED] Pr0 Pill$ is absolutely new and safe for your health. It’s the best way if you want to make your pennies bigger and become a long player in sex games. These pills will make you realize that the saying “the size doesn’t matter” is not completely true at all. CHOOSE YOU

[Iklan-Mini] 71% of members got laid

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Giovanni Aragon
I came across this costless date spot packed with lots of sex-addicts No flowers, no gifts, just meet up for sex :), Whatever makes you happy :P I guess there are some of them who would like a serious relationship though Well if you need a one night stand, or a long term relationship, you got it

[Iklan-Mini] Info webst bisnis baru launching 3-6-2005

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik iklanpraktis
Rekan yang terhormat http://www.iklanpraktis.info/index.php?id=upline http://BisnisIklan.Com/?id=hito Webst iklan praktis dotinfo adalah webst yg menyelenggarakan system iklan bertingkat, dimana iklan seseorang anggota akan ditampilkan pada halaman replica milik DL nya, hingga sampai 4 level. S

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - BISNIS IKLAN

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - RAHASIA KOMPUTER

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - BISNIS IKLAN

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page http://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/IYOolB/TM ~-> We would like to re

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - RAHASIA KOMPUTER

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page http://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/IYOolB/TM ~-> We would like to re

[Iklan-Mini] Jadilah Peserta Yang Terawal - Jemputan menjadi UPLINE hari ini

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Dolhalek bin Dan dan
Tempah kedudukan anda, jadilah UPLINE hari ini.Jangan ketinggalan. FikirkanlahBonus harian sehingga RM225dan dapatkan 12 keping Prepaid Kad RM 30 dengan harga RM8.25 sahaja.Untuk maklumat lanjut; .http://rajaprepaid.myniaga2u.com/?ref=dolSend instant messages to your online friends http:/

[Iklan-Mini] Global Domain International, ikuti Free Trial dulu... Gratis! nggak ada ruginya kok

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Master Bisnis
Bukan skema Kaya Mendadak, kaya dengan cara instant, atau kaya tanpa usaha, tetapi kami memberikan solusi terbaik, dukungan teamwork yang solid, marketing tools yang handal dan ampuh, tips marketing, training online, tag team, dll silahkan FREE TRIAL 7 HARI di http://gdi-biz.cjb.net , bisnis in

[Iklan-Mini] Bisnis International yang sedang booming, Income $3.125 per bulan

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Master Bisnis
Bukan skema Kaya Mendadak, kaya dengan cara instant, atau kaya tanpa usaha, tetapi kami memberikan solusi terbaik, dukungan teamwork yang solid, marketing tools yang handal dan ampuh, tips marketing, training online, tag team, dll silahkan FREE TRIAL 7 HARI di http://gdi-biz.cjb.net , bisnis int

[Iklan-Mini] Pertama di Indonesia! Bisnis International dengan Income 300 EURO / hari

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Master Bisnis
kami adalah grup e-marketer paling solid di Indonesia. Banyak bisnis telah berhasil kami publikasikan hingga menjadi market leader. Hari ini kami mempresentasikan bisnis baru dan kami akan bekerja keras untuk mewujudkan target menjadikan market leader.ANDA INGIN MENJADI YANG PERTAMA?!KAMI SEDAN

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/resonansi

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Dicari: Leader Bisnis International yang sedang BOOMING di Indonesia

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Master Bisnis
kami adalah grup e-marketer paling solid di Indonesia. Banyak bisnis telah berhasil kami publikasikan hingga menjadi market leader. Hari ini kami mempresentasikan bisnis baru dan kami akan bekerja keras untuk mewujudkan target menjadikan market leader.ANDA INGIN MENJADI YANG PERTAMA?!KAMI SEDANG

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/resonansi

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page http://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/IYOolB/TM ~-> We would like to re


2005-09-06 Terurut Topik JOJO
Yang terhormat rekan-rekan netter, Kenalkan, nama saya JOJOsaya ingin membagi info bisnis yang sangat penting dan ditunggu tunggu oleh para Networkers di Indonesia.Akan segera Grand Launching, USI (United Stars Internasional) pada tanggal 24 September 2005.Perusahaan ini merupakan reuni atau b

[Iklan-Mini] Bersama Kita Raih Kesejahteraan

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Agus Soliq
http://asiq.tk -~--- The Greatest eMail Marketing Online ~- FREE Online Mailing List Email Sender http://mail.rahasiaupline.com -~-~- Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Overkredit Rumah Murah (Nego)

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Overkredit Rumah Murah (Nego)

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page http://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/IYOolB/TM ~-> We would like to re

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - BISNIS IKLAN

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/resonansi

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Jadikan pulsa anda bekerja untuk anda

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - BISNIS IKLAN

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page http://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/IYOolB/TM ~-> We would like to re

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Jadikan pulsa anda bekerja untuk anda

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page http://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/IYOolB/TM ~-> We would like to re

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/resonansi

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page http://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/IYOolB/TM ~-> We would like to re