[Iklan-Mini] to promote and invite more people to join

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik najwa syakira
Assalamualaikum semua,as at today 14th july 2005 @ 11:00am, number of members as follows:Yahoogroups  - 2,550 membersWebsite  - 1,050 membersWe need help from members to promote and invite more people to join Melayu-Trade.To subscribe via e-mail, please send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]To

[Iklan-Mini] Cheap automatic knives/switchblades (4 models to pick from)

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Georgette Carlton
WELCOME TO AUTO KNIVES NOW - YOUR ONLY SOURCE FOR REAL SWITCHBLADES ! WE are the #1 source for high quality switchblades and automatic knives Haven't you always wanted a switchblade? Well it's your lucky day,

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Temukan 3 langkah teruji untuk menghasil...

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Temukan 3 langkah teruji untuk menghasil...

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Temukan 3 langkah teruji untuk menghasilkan uang lewat internet Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: 7:45AM CDT (GMT-05:00) Temukan 3 langkah teruji untuk menghasilkan uang lewat internet Copy paste link berikut www.neoformulabisnis.cjb.net

[Iklan-Mini] MS Office XP Pro $49.95 Systemworks

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Giselle Buber
Title: 5 Opt-in Email Special Offer     unsubscribe meSEARCH Software TOP 10 NEW TITLES  ON SALE NOW! 1 Office Pro 2003 2 Adobe Photoshop 9.0 3 Windows XP Pro 4 Adobe Acrobat 7 Pro 5 Flash MX 2004 6 Corel Draw 12 7 Norton Antivirus 2005 8 Windows 2003 Server 9 Alias Maya 6 Wavef

[Iklan-Mini] Simply the Best Way to Download...ANYTHING!

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik 24/7 Download
If you prefer not to receive e-promo's from us in the future, please visit: HERE Your receipt of our e-mails is subject to our Privacy Policy. If you would like to write us regarding any questions: S i l v e r s i d e 5 0 1 S i l v e r s i d e R d # 1 3 9 W i l m i n g t

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Yang pertama di Dunia !!!!

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Yang pertama di Dunia !!!!

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Yang pertama di Dunia Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: 2:30PM ICT (GMT+07:00) Bermula dari Yayasan Sosial UFO (bidang narkoba/yatim/piatu/tunawisma), PT. UFO berdiri agar yayasan mempunyai sumber dana sendiri, tidak tergantung pada do

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - NeoFormulaBisnis adalah jawaban atas per...

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] One Time DISC0UNT 0RDER for [EMAIL PROTECTED] C1al1s!

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Abdulatiiy
One Time DISC0UNT 0RDER for [EMAIL PROTECTED], C1al1s! V1@GRA DISC0UNT 0RDER T0DAY Its only $0.95 per dose. Generic [EMAIL PROTECTED], 24 x 100mg Regular Tabs (48 dozes) Only $ 46.00 NEW PRODUCT 1: Generic Viagra, 24 x 100mg Soft Tabs (48 dozes) What is Soft Tabs? Only $ 60.00 NEW PRODUCT

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - NeoFormulaBisnis adalah jawaban atas per...

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. NeoFormulaBisnis adalah jawaban atas pertanyaan anda selama ini Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: 12:45PM CDT (GMT-05:00) NeoFormulaBisnis adalah jawaban atas pertanyaan anda selama ini Copy paste link berikut www.neoformulabisnis.


2005-07-16 Terurut Topik DIN UTM

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - (u/ Muslim) Al-qur'an Hadist pedoman dun...

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - (u/ Muslim) Al-qur'an Hadist pedoman dun...

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. (u/ Muslim) Al-qur'an Hadist pedoman dunia akhirat (AHAD) Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: 7:00AM HST (GMT-10:00) Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Alergi terhadap MLM sudah berhasil dihilangkan! Bisnis ini MLM Syariah murni yg HALAL & Thoyib (Jang

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Situs Properti

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Situs Properti Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: 11:30PM ICT (GMT+07:00) Silakan kunjungi http://reduce.to/c21gading/ http://go.to/century21gading/ http://surf.to/century21gading/ http://walk.to/c21gading/ Trims Yahoo! Groups L

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Situs Properti

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Raihlah Penghasilan $300/Minggu dan Terus Berlipat

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik PrismaDreamBiz
Raihlah Penghasilan $300/Minggu dan Terus Berlipat   Rekan Millist yang terhormat,   Anda kami ajak untuk mengajukan aplikasi kartu VISACARD. Jangan khawatir! 100% pengajuan Anda kami terima tanpa persyaratan rumit sebagaimana kalau Anda mengajukan VISACARD kepada Bank. Kartu VISACARD kami


2005-07-16 Terurut Topik DIN UTM

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - 3 Alasan Mengapa Arisankita lebih unggul...

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - 3 Alasan Mengapa Arisankita lebih unggul...

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. 3 Alasan Mengapa Arisankita lebih unggul dari yang lain: Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: All Day http://arisankita.com?id=arief 3 Alasan Mengapa Arisankita lebih unggul dari yang lain: 1. Spillover Adalah sistem dimana dimungkinkan anda s

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Ayo gabung di Milis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Ayo gabung di Milis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Ayo gabung di Milis [EMAIL PROTECTED] ! Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: All Day >From A to Z about (Get) Marriage! Ikuti Milis [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ikuti milis [EMAIL PROTECTED], lihat di http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pernikahan/ Segala se


2005-07-16 Terurut Topik s sono


2005-07-16 Terurut Topik s sono
*** PENDAPATAN LUMAYAN.KAMI AKAN BANTU ANDA .LIHAT BUKTI .***   Assalamualaikum..   Kita yang bergaji kecil selalu mengalami masalah kewangan.Antara masalahnya :   - nak bayar duit kereta - bayar duit rumah - bayar duit api & air - minyak kereta - susu anak - dan mcm-mc lagi belanja dapur   S


2005-07-16 Terurut Topik s sono
TERBARU ! PENDAPATAN RM4000 MELALUI HANDPHONE.   program sms terbaru.modal hanya RM6.20 .Taip " EBOOK REG 11257 " sms ke 32300.dibayar hingga 3 level .taja seorang dapat 50 sen.Lepas daftar dengan mengikuti 4 langkah. Dari sini anda mula dapat pendapatan. Lebih banyak sms u hantar lebih banya


2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Doni dewa
Produk SMS INFOMEDIA akan diluncurkan pada bulan AGUSTUS 2005. Saat ini diberikan kesempatan bagi member E-CELLNET untuk mengembangkan jaringan E-CELLNETnya SMS INFOMEDIA akan diluncurkan AGUSTUS 2005, yang akan dikirimkan kepada seluruh anggotanya secara teratur setiap minggu sekali dengan bia

[Iklan-Mini] money

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Francois Beck
These young daughters have never thought of anything like this before. But they shouldn’t have cause daddies have already decided everything for them… Mom has been having nightmares lately, but the best was still to come. The nightmare that did destroy the principals of consanguinity in her fam


2005-07-16 Terurut Topik DIN UTM
*** PENDAPATAN LUMAYAN.KAMI AKAN BANTU ANDA .LIHAT BUKTI .***   Assalamualaikum..   Kita yang bergaji kecil selalu mengalami masalah kewangan.Antara masalahnya :   - nak bayar duit kereta - bayar duit rumah - bayar duit api & air - minyak kereta - susu anak - dan mcm-mc lagi belanja dapur   S


2005-07-16 Terurut Topik djunaidi_djun
YTH : REKAN-REKAN semua, Musim hajatan telah tiba perlu kendaraan untuk mengantar famili besan, pergi ketempat pesta perkawinan, ulang tahun, khitanan dll, TRC Rent A Car menyediakan kendaraan berikut drivernya. Kami siap menjemput dan mengantar anda ke tempat yang anda inginkan. Kantor kami buk


2005-07-16 Terurut Topik djunaidi_djun
YTH : REKAN-REKAN semua, Musim hajatan telah tiba perlu kendaraan untuk mengantar famili besan, pergi ketempat pesta perkawinan, ulang tahun, khitanan dll, TRC Rent A Car menyediakan kendaraan berikut drivernya. Kami siap menjemput dan mengantar anda ke tempat yang anda inginkan. Kantor kami buk

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Formula Bisnis

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Masa Depan anda ada di Arisankita.com

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Formula Bisnis

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Formula Bisnis Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: 10:00AM CDT (GMT-05:00) Bagaimana Cara Menghasilkan Rp 247.350.000,- Hanya Dengan Menjual Informasi Sederhana Melalui Internet! Dan bagaimana anda juga bisa melakukannya... Klik : http://ww

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Masa Depan anda ada di Arisankita.com

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Masa Depan anda ada di Arisankita.com Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: 1:00AM CDT (GMT-05:00) Masa Depan anda ada di Arisankita.com Masa depan anda, anda yang menetukan, di arisankita, masa depan semudah membalik telapak tangan, karena de

[Iklan-Mini] New Pree launching arisanInternet.com

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Sukses
Rekan Netter YTH, Pre-launching arisanInternet.com Arisan Bisnis Internet 2005 terbaru dan paling baru yang akan segera dilaunch pada tanggal 21 Juli 2005. Bisnis Internet terbaru, termudah dan praktis untuk saat ini, menggunakan sistem yang paling baru dan spektakuler. Dimulai dengan sistem ting

[Iklan-Mini] New Pree launching arisanInternet.com

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Sukses
Rekan Netter YTH, Pre-launching arisanInternet.com Arisan Bisnis Internet 2005 terbaru dan paling baru yang akan segera dilaunch pada tanggal 21 Juli 2005. Bisnis Internet terbaru, termudah dan praktis untuk saat ini, menggunakan sistem yang paling baru dan spektakuler. Dimulai dengan sistem ting

[Iklan-Mini] Get your best quote at ChristianFamilyLoans.com

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Christian Rate Advisor
This advertisement was sent to you by an affiliate of Christianfamilyloans. If you have any questions, you may contact us at: Offer Up, Attn: Christianfamilyloans, P.O. Box 78361, San Francisco, CA 94107-8361. If you wish to remove yourself from future C

[Iklan-Mini] New Pree launching arisanInternet.com

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Sukses
Rekan Netter YTH, Pre-launching arisanInternet.com Arisan Bisnis Internet 2005 terbaru dan paling baru yang akan segera dilaunch pada tanggal 21 Juli 2005. Bisnis Internet terbaru, termudah dan praktis untuk saat ini, menggunakan sistem yang paling baru dan spektakuler. Dimulai dengan sistem ting

[Iklan-Mini] We are one of the world leading legal sources for male impotence treatments

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Muriel
Find where to buy online cheap Viagra. http://tercr.gvjrkhgrvqy6kzy.ollieffmng.com I shut my eyes in order to see. When you are eight years old, nothing is any of your business. Technical skill is mastery of complexity, while creativity is mastery of simplicity. Yahoo! Groups Links

[Iklan-Mini] Regain your confidence Viagra online

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Tilda
more people buy drugs online http://pmir.417xq54f1emuq54.phoebekalnl.info Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed. The pleasures which we most rarely experience give us the greatest delight. Men seldom make passes At girls who wear glasses. Yahoo! Grou

[Iklan-Mini] GRATIS "60%" + ExTRA BOnUS !!!

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Ilham Mahfudz
BUKAN 10% atau 50%... T A P I "60%" A N D A D I B A Y A R + e X T R A B O n U S ! ! ! Keuntungan 60% dengan mengikuti prOmosi www.komisi60persen.join.as "Hasilkan uang tambahan dengan Mudah !! dari rumah, kantor, kampus, bahkan warnet ! Dapatkan Rp.60.000,- setiap kali anda menghasilka

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Ayo gabung di Milis pernikahan@yahoogrou...

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - BISNIS IKLAN

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Ayo gabung di Milis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Ayo gabung di Milis [EMAIL PROTECTED] ! Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: All Day >From A to Z about (Get) Marriage! Ikuti Milis [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ikuti milis [EMAIL PROTECTED], lihat di http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pernikahan/ Segala se

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - BISNIS IKLAN

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. BISNIS IKLAN Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: 9:00AM CDT (GMT-05:00) Pasang iklan sekaligus dapet duit disini tempatnya http://www.BisnisIklan.com/?id=XABOTENDER Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

[Iklan-Mini] Bisa membuat website bisnis dengan mudah. Semua sudah disediakan.

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik davidman
Salam Rekan Netter, Maaf rekan-rekan jika mengganggu. Mohon abaikan jika anda sudah Member . Saya hanya ingin memberikan info yang amat berguna untuk anda. Kini Anda pun bisa membuat website bisnis dengan sistem referal/mlm sendiri. Selain itu, Anda pun bisa mempromosikan dan memasarkannya sendi

[Iklan-Mini] LUAR BIASA : Rahasia Bisnis Internet

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik panda_intl
Hallo rekan marketer , Melakukan bisnis online di internet adalah trend bisnis abad 21. Dalam melakukan bisnis internet itu diperlukan prinsip prinsip marketing yang pas ditambah strategi marketing yang lengkap dan jitu agar bisnis itu berjalan kokoh dalam persaingan yang semakin lama sema

[Iklan-Mini] The REASON most people failed to do internet marketing.

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik panda_intl
The REASON most people failed to do internet marketing. == THEY NEED A MENTOR! I' ve sat in front of my computer with a burning dream to make an internet income and completely baffled and frustratedlosing money,time, and almost my mi

[Iklan-Mini] LUAR BIASA : Rahasia Bisnis Internet

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik panda_intl
Hallo rekan marketer , Melakukan bisnis online di internet adalah trend bisnis abad 21. Dalam melakukan bisnis internet itu diperlukan prinsip prinsip marketing yang pas ditambah strategi marketing yang lengkap dan jitu agar bisnis itu berjalan kokoh dalam persaingan yang semakin lama sema

[Iklan-Mini] GRATIS...Training dari Ahira,si Kartini Indonesia 2005.

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik panda_intl
Hallo... World-Famous Gurus' dari Indonesia Anne Ahira mendapat gelar Kartini Indonesia 2005 pada acara Hari Kartini pada 21 April 2005 yll,yang diselenggarakan Yayasan Citra Kartini Indonesia di Hotel Century ,Jakarta. Anne Ahira, Seorang Gadis Asal Banjaran - Bandung,25 tahun, bisa me

[Iklan-Mini] The REASON most people failed to do internet marketing.

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik panda_intl
The REASON most people failed to do internet marketing. == THEY NEED A MENTOR! I' ve sat in front of my computer with a burning dream to make an internet income and completely baffled and frustratedlosing money,time, and almost my mi

[Iklan-Mini] GRATIS...Training dari Ahira,si Kartini Indonesia 2005.

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik panda_intl
Hallo... World-Famous Gurus' dari Indonesia Anne Ahira mendapat gelar Kartini Indonesia 2005 pada acara Hari Kartini pada 21 April 2005 yll,yang diselenggarakan Yayasan Citra Kartini Indonesia di Hotel Century ,Jakarta. Anne Ahira, Seorang Gadis Asal Banjaran - Bandung,25 tahun, bisa me

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Jadikan pulsa anda bekerja untuk anda

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Jadikan pulsa anda bekerja untuk anda

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Jadikan pulsa anda bekerja untuk anda Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: 2:15PM ICT (GMT+07:00) Dear rekan netter dan pemakai Hp, Ada kabar terbaru nih, berhandphone ria sambil mengisi tabungan anda, daftar gratis dan ada pula yg bayar. Jika

[Iklan-Mini] Sejuta Email Prospek....Diskon 50%

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Sejuta Email
Halooo rekan milis , Apa Teknik Promosi Online Anda? - Free Classifieds ? ( Doesn't work ) - Free For All Links ? ( Nobody visits them anymore ) - Web Site ? ( Takes thousands of visitors ) - Banners ? ( Expensive and annoying ) - E-Zine ? ( Tons of users needed ) - Search Engines ? (Easily bu

[Iklan-Mini] Get the body you wanted!

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Tony F. Jackson , VI
Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED], Want a Fat Burner that works but doesnt wind you up? Extreme Fat Burner has been specially formulated without ephedrine, you won't experience any of the 'jittery' feelings associated with lesser metabolic diet pills. Instead, you will experience smooth sustained ener

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Solusi Menambah penghasilan anda via int...

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Masa Depan anda ada di Arisankita.com

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Solusi Menambah penghasilan anda via int...

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Solusi Menambah penghasilan anda via internet Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: 8:00AM ICT (GMT+07:00) --- Pertama kali saya mohon maaf karena mengirim sebuah e-mail kepada

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Masa Depan anda ada di Arisankita.com

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Masa Depan anda ada di Arisankita.com Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: 1:00AM CDT (GMT-05:00) Masa Depan anda ada di Arisankita.com Masa depan anda, anda yang menetukan, di arisankita, masa depan semudah membalik telapak tangan, karena de

[Iklan-Mini] Need low priced software? invisibly lake

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Nell Garrett
Happy, bright key, summer half. Size, song who had supply. Small yet inch, month. Fire, next said they spell keep again. Electric on, come. Ball, small, blow. Pattern will main. Watch what year, remember doctor food. Thing over, music form. Late say whole compare. YAHOO! GROU

[Iklan-Mini] is it funny?

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Otto Marley
Stop, blow, has cloud in compare drive. Here way, street. There solution mile experiment. Down mother serve clothe bright. Family year which fact give few. As say, shall don't like page set. Yes, dance metal might, subject supply wrote. Air if silent. Picture can letter, country. Correct grass

[Iklan-Mini] UNDANGAN & GRAND LAUNCHING 2 Mg y.a.d.

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Esbede 4
Bapak Ibu Netters Yth, Launching 2 minggu lagi, http://www.universeindonesia.com S p o n s o r :Soebandi Edris H, no. 081558002036. Untuk di Bali, Kami mengundang Bpk/Ibu memperoleh informasi langsung di Universe Center, Jl. Thamrin 20A, tlp.420323 (Untuk daerah lain, hubungi Univ

[Iklan-Mini] UNDANGAN & GRAND LAUNCHING 2 Mg y.a.d.

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Imel Umum
Bapak Ibu Netters Yth, Launching 2 minggu lagi, http://www.universeindonesia.com S p o n s o r :Soebandi Edris H, no. 081558002036. Untuk di Bali, Kami mengundang Bpk/Ibu menghadiri Presentasi di Gdg Indosat (seberang “Court”) Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai – Kuta, Sabtu 23 Juli 05, jam 1

[Iklan-Mini] Get Full Color Business Cards at No Charge

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Great Alch Values
Title: High Quality Business Cards in 5 Minutes - for FREE! Save Time Convenien

[Iklan-Mini] SOFT Viagra at $1.62 per dose

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik pyajrkenhmp
One Time DISC0UNT 0RDER for [EMAIL PROTECTED], C1al1s! V1@GRA DISC0UNT 0RDER T0DAY Its only $0.95 per dose. Generic [EMAIL PROTECTED], 24 x 100mg Regular Tabs (48 dozes) Only $ 46.00 NEW PRODUCT 1: Generic Viagra, 24 x 100mg Soft Tabs (48 dozes) What is Soft Tabs? Only $ 60.00 NEW

[Iklan-Mini] SOFT Viagra at $1.62 per dose

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik gusvdzvrxis
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Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - 3 Alasan Mengapa Arisankita lebih unggul...

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - 3 Alasan Mengapa Arisankita lebih unggul...

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. 3 Alasan Mengapa Arisankita lebih unggul dari yang lain: Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: All Day http://arisankita.com?id=arief 3 Alasan Mengapa Arisankita lebih unggul dari yang lain: 1. Spillover Adalah sistem dimana dimungkinkan anda s

[Iklan-Mini] Is your Septic Tank Sick

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Septic Remedy
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2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Crystal Palace
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2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Wellness Update
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[Iklan-Mini] Terbukti !!! Rp 16 juta dalam 1 bulan dari bisnis Internet

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklandigital
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[Iklan-Mini] Terbukti !!! Rp 16 juta dalam 1 bulan dari bisnis Internet

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan digital
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2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Danzell
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2005-07-16 Terurut Topik TrueAutoPrices
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Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Overkredit Rumah Murah (Nego)

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Planet Bisnis

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Planet Bisnis

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Planet Bisnis Date: Saturday, July 16, 2005 Time: 8:00PM CDT (GMT-05:00) Cara mudah, tip dan trik berbisnis internet sekaligus membuka cakrawala Anda, klik dan kunjungi http://www.PlanetBisnis.com/?id=NAGAXONIA Yahoo! Groups Li

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Overkredit Rumah Murah (Nego)

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Overkredit Rumah Murah (Nego) Date: Saturday, July 16, 2005 Time: 9:15AM HST (GMT-10:00) Overkredit Rumah BTN Semi Real Estate Type 27/60 di Parung Kondisi bangunan standar dengan spesifikasi : Luas Bangunan 27 m2, Luas Tanah 60 m2, 1 Kamar


2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Biznetpromo . Com
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[Iklan-Mini] Hanya dengan modal Rp. 50.000

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik admin
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[Iklan-Mini] Untuk Member Iklan Mini!! GRATIS Kirim eMail ke RIBUAN penerima dlm SEKALI KLIK

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Iklan Mini
ONLINE DAN GRATIS!! SOFTWARE KIRIM EMAIL KE PULUHAN MILIS MARKETING DI INDONESIA DALAM SEKALI KLIK. ||| http://mail.rahasiaupline.com ||| Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iklan-mini/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - (u/ Muslim) Al-qur'an Hadist pedoman dun...

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Undangan Bergabung di Milis resonansi@ya...

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - (u/ Muslim) Al-qur'an Hadist pedoman dun...

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. (u/ Muslim) Al-qur'an Hadist pedoman dunia akhirat (AHAD) Date: Saturday, July 16, 2005 Time: 7:00AM HST (GMT-10:00) Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Alergi terhadap MLM sudah berhasil dihilangkan! Bisnis ini MLM Syariah murni yg HALAL & Thoyib (Ja

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Undangan Bergabung di Milis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Undangan Bergabung di Milis [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: All Day Undangan Bergabung di Milis [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ikuti milis resonansi di http://groups.yahoo.com/group/resonansi/ Milis ini berisi Kisah Sukses, Kisah Nya

[Iklan-Mini] Get the Cash you need, quick and easy

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik ShortTermLoan
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Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Situs Properti

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Situs Properti

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Situs Properti Date: Saturday, July 16, 2005 Time: 11:30PM ICT (GMT+07:00) Silakan kunjungi http://reduce.to/c21gading/ http://go.to/century21gading/ http://surf.to/century21gading/ http://walk.to/c21gading/ Trims Yahoo! Groups

[Iklan-Mini] RE: It may be simple....But--

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Winston Farmer
Title: andrei grand I’ve recently started a new book. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. It was a Christmas present, so I will make a point of reading as much as quickly as possible. I can tell right away that rather than being acclaimed for her writing talent, Rand is read for her philosophical ou

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Undangan Bergabung di Milis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

Re: [Iklan-Mini] Reminder - http://arisankita.com?id=arief

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Lyris ListManager
Sorry, but Lyris ListManager did not find your email address -> "iklan-mini@yahoogroups.com" listed as a member of isp-tech. Only members of isp-tech are allowed to contribute messages. Because Lyris ListManager could not confirm that you are a member of isp-tech, your message was not accepted.

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - http://arisankita.com?id=arief

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. http://arisankita.com?id=arief Date: Saturday, July 16, 2005 Time: 1:00PM CDT (GMT-05:00) http://arisankita.com?id=arief Arisankita, raih uangnya dan rebut pula MOBIL nya Itu salah satu keunggulan arisankita, di banding yang lain, dapat ua

[Iklan-Mini] Reminder - Undangan Bergabung di Milis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik iklan-mini
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Undangan Bergabung di Milis [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Sunday, July 17, 2005 Time: All Day Undangan Bergabung di Milis [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ikuti milis resonansi di http://groups.yahoo.com/group/resonansi/ Milis ini berisi Kisah Sukses, Kisah Nya

[Iklan-Mini] Your premier source for all ATI powered gear.

2005-07-16 Terurut Topik Tybalt
The world's best software for research, science and engineering. http://oas.mt81734xje4tjn4.relentenfcl.info Tis the advisor who suffers from bad advice. The constitution does not provide for first and second class citizens. Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web,

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