> Is the host still in soft state while you do the testing?
No. I blocked ICMP before Christmas.
> Pete (ex @HG :-)).
Ich hab' Keukis Karte immernoch an der Wand hängen.
icinga-users mailing list
Hi Edgar,
> In icinga2 object list I see the Dependency object I expect:
> child_host_name is the server in question
> child_service_name is the port-80-reachability test
> parent_host_name is the server in question
> parent_service_name is empty
> disable_checks and disable_notifications are bot
I guess I must be doing something stupidly wrong.
I tried to disable issuing service checks for hosts that are down via the
disable-host-service-checks example in the docs, but it doesn't seem to work.
I tricked the Icinga 2 server into believing the host is down by blocking ICMP
echo requests