[icinga-users] How to read alert summary report

2015-07-22 Thread Kakadiya, VIJAY
Hi All, Can anyone help me understand how to read the Alert Summary graph in Icinga web2? Or provide like which explains what all means in that graph? What are skyblue bar means? PFA a screen shot of report. Thanks & Regards, Vijay Kakadiya ___ ic

[icinga-users] SSL for ido mysql?

2015-07-22 Thread Jorge Ferrando
Hi I'm trying to configure icinga ido-mysql to use SSL connection but I couldn't find the option in the documentation: http://docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/chapter/object-types#objecttype-idomysqlconnection Is there any way to do it? Thanks! Jorge __

Re: [icinga-users] Check Windows EventLog with icinga2

2015-07-22 Thread LOEFFLER Peter
Hi, Thank you very much. This was the right hint. The reason for not using the ITL plugin was because of an historic oriented migration from nagios and missing knowledge :-) The now working config for me is: object CheckCommand "check_nsclient" { import "plugin-check-command" command =