Congratulations on reaching your life milestone!
All of your contributions will be greatly missed.
Enjoy Life, Hobbies, Grandchildren!
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
John Eells
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2018 7:41 AM
There was, at one time, a product know as SAR(CA VIEW)/PC.
There was also an AFP Viewer.
Don't know if either is still marketed.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Roger Bolan
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2018 8:28 AM
I can reach both sites from the US.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Jeremy Nicoll
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2018 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: SPFLite goes Open Source
On Mon, 17 Dec 2018, at 10:31, Michael Knigge wrote:
> Nice t
I am in the process or reconfiguring from a Single CF to multiple CFs (per
partition) to eliminate the single point of failure.
The subject of CFCC Thin Interrupts has been evaluated and will most likely be
As part of this process the discussion of DUPLEX CF structure vs. use of SYS
RLS is not needed (although it is supported for HSM CDS).
All that is needed is extended addressability (also support).
However, this requires converting the HSM CDSs to SMS Management.
I have done this with a "do nothing" MCLAS/DCLAS/SCLAS set of constructs.
-Original Message-
Extended addressability and RLS are (AFAIK) both supported for the HSMCDS.
There are caveats.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Feller, Paul
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: Multi-volume HSM MCDS [
TestPlex and two for the Production Plex.
On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 10:37 AM Allan Staller wrote:
> I am in the process or reconfiguring from a Single CF to multiple CFs (per
> partition) to eliminate the single point of failure.
> The subject of CFCC Thin Interrupts has been evalua
IIRC, there is some RACF work needed to support BLP.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Jesse 1 Robinson
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 3:54 PM
Subject: Dancing around RMM
We want to discard some very old tapes after maki
z/OS 2.2 and above allow use of system symbols in batch. See the SYSSYM=ALLOW
parameter of JOBDEF and JOBCLASS in the JES manuals.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
scott Ford
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2018 12:37 PM
Which Macro?
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Steve Smith
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2018 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: IBM Mapping macro for ISPF statistics in PDS Directory entries?
I found this macro in the ISPF maclib. It's n
You are referring to a "architectural level set".
I don’t have the details, but some OS'es will not support the hardware.
Some hardware will not support the OS;es.
E.G. z/OS 2.3 is not supported on z9 (I doubt it would work).
z/VM is your friend. You can mimic older hardware.
I would check sys1.samplib. As many other have stated there are most likely
several examples on the CBTTAPE and elsewhere.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of R.S.
Sent: Monday, January 7, 2019 5:08 AM
Subject: Re: USS10MSG s
DCOLLECT and RYO code.
Probably something on the CBTTAPE to uses as a starting point.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Gadi Ben-Avi
Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2019 7:31 AM
Subject: HSM management
I am looking
This looks more like the linklst dataset has taken an extent for some reason.
Try compressing the dataset containing CEEBINIT, followed by F LLA,REFRESH
IF that does not work an IPL will be necessary.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Wayne Bicker
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Jesse 1 Robinson
Sent: Wednesday, January 9, 2019 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: Generic query on Region allocation failure
I don't expect below-the-line CSA to be much affected by a hardware change
CICS Web Services.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Windt, W.K.F. van der (Fred)
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2019 1:18 AM
Subject: Re: zos program to supply web based client
The z/OS Web Enablement Toolkit does not work
Does anyone have any pointers to reports should CF structure utilization?
CBTTAPE or other?
You can always ask here. There is a vast level of broad knowledge from JOAT
type sysprogs.
In this particular case, you probably will have better luck on the RACF LIST.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Bob
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 12:
AFAIK, no.
However, ICSF is a pre-req for several other tasks (e.g. dfhsm)
I believe it is in your best interest to install ICSF on all connected LPARs
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Mary Kay Tubello
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019 12:17 PM
To: IBM-
Yes. For certain fuinctions. Found out the hard way during 1 DR exercise.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of R.S.
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: ICSF and z/OS 2.3
W dniu 2019-01-18 o 19:21, Allan Staller
z/OS 2.3
> W dniu 2019-01-18 o 19:21, Allan Staller pisze:
>> AFAIK, no.
>> However, ICSF is a pre-req for several other tasks (e.g. dfhsm) I
>> believe it is in your best interest to install ICSF on all connected
>> LPARs
> Is ICSF realy required by DFSMShsm?
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
John McKown
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2019 6:18 AM
Subject: how many OSes run on IBMz
This is mainly a curiosity question. I know of: z/OS, z/VSE, z/TPF, and
z/Linux. Are there any o
MFT (and subsequent incarantions)
DOS/360 and subsequent incarnations
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Bernd Oppolzer
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2019 6:54 AM
Subject: Re: how many OSes run on IBMz
GRS RING can/will run over CTC's. Not sure I would want to do that in a 3
member ring. It was bad enough in a 2 member ring.
I am currently using an ICF on a z/12 BC w/no issue. Howerr, I am not sure an
ICF is the same thing you are describing.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe
How do you add a SCHENV to a job? Does the user/submittor do this or is
it done automatically?
1) JES can assign a default SCHENV on the JOBDEF/JOBCLASS(n) init parms
2) Modern schedulers (CA7, CTL-M) allow this to be added to the job as part of
their processing.
3) SCHENV= on Job Card.
There a
Comments interspersed.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Bob
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 10:07 AM
Subject: Newbie SMP/E questions
I'm the Top-Secret admin for a client whose system programmer retired a coup
They were indented when I sent it.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Paul Gilmartin
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 11:06 AM
Subject: Style (was: Newbie SMP/E questions)
On 2019-01-29, at 09:52:18, Allan Staller wrote
Reject would occur after the restore.
However, another semi-forgotten item has be paged into my virtual storage.
The "2 PTFs" do not need to be restored. They can be re-implemented with APPLY
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Mike Schwab
Why would you want to do this?
I presume you have the health-check recommended 4 backups (or more).
If the current backup is 'N', the next backup would be taken to N+1.
N will not be overwritten for 3 additional cycles. More than long enough to
make a backup copy.
To answer your question about fi
I disagree. The answer is "it depends".
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Seymour J Metz
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2019 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: Internal Coupling Channel on z13
It is possible to convert ENQ with SYSTEMS to RES
I have heard of a company in the Far East the periodically (every 6 mths.,
IIRC) flips from site A to site B (and back).
Aus(?) to Phillipines ?) and back.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Savor, Thomas (Alpharetta)
Sent: Friday, February 8, 2019 7:08
JCL, FREE=CLOSE on the relevant DD statement. Unfortunately require a
Several system level programs do this routinely.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Jake Anderson
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2019 10:55 PM
For each affected volser:
HDEL 'datasetname' for each indicated dataset.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Tony Thigpen
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 9:00 AM
13, 2019 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: HSM question - ML2 tapes no longer avaialble
Two recommendations below
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On
> Behalf Of Allan Staller
> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 7:03 AM
Most likely a continuation of a prior volume. Without going into a lot of
detail, if a dataset spans from 1 volume to another the 1st volume in the
sequence "owns it".
Duplex volumes are never referenced by DFHSM directly.
HSEND LIST TTOC will list all primary voulmes. I expect the duplex volum
how to get rid of them. I'll try the TAPEREPL process in a test
environment to see what happens.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Allan Staller
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 8:28 AM
Subject: [Extern
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Charles Mills
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: PARMDD and Symbols in a Started PROC
OK, I am making some progress. I got past the JCL error b
I get the same "not defined" message.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Allan Staller
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 12:16 PM
Subject: [External] Re: HSM question - ML2 copy2 tapes that have no copy1
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
esmie moo
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2019 8:07 AM
Gentle Readers,
I encountered a problem with a space abend for a IAM VSAM EXTENDED FORMAT.dsn.
In the DATACLAS we
Has anybody seen the z/OS V2R4 preview announcement go by?
If so, can you provide a link or Announcement number?
about the z/OS version after 2.3 was named
> "the z/OS version after 2.3".
> Kees.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
> > [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of Allan Staller
> > Sent: 18 February, 2019 19:
Behalf Of
Timothy Sipples
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 1:42 AM
Subject: Re: z/OS 2.4
Allan Staller wrote:
>If so, I need to get my 2.3 order in before I can no longer do so.
Why not order it now? I can't think of any downside as long as you're alre
CAN migrate 2.2 -> 2.4 (= skip 1 version). That is what we are planning.
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> On Behalf Of Allan Staller
> Sent: 20 February, 2019 18:38
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of
Allan Staller
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: z/OS 2.4
For historical rea
Subject: Re: z/OS 2.4
On Thu, 21 Feb 2019 14:01:13 +, Allan Staller wrote:
>For historical reasons, I have several SMP/E zones associated w/zOS and other
>ServerPac available items.
>I am going to consolidate all of the separate zones associated into a single
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of
Allan Staller
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: z/OS 2.4
Not SREL. Various compenents were installed in their own SMP environments
-Original Mes
I recently ran into an issue where LE and COBOL needed to be updated
Due to a timing problem in rollout, this caused a major kerfluffle.
I would be very careful mixing and matching between LE and Cobol.
Otherwise, the buildmcs route should work.
-Original Message-
Sigh, the same old refrain. The "new tools" are neither as available reliable
or functional as those they replace.
I get the same problem you do, howver, an APAR search through:
works fine,
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
The storage for the HSA is separate from the "orderable" storage. This has been
true for several hardware generations.
AFAIK, this memory size if fixed and cannot be changed.
This has nothing to do with the OP's question.
The OP wanted to know if there was any impact beyond replying to the warni
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Tony Thigpen
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2019 6:28 PM
Subject: Identifying and eliminating uncataloged datasets
I have inherited a system where nobody bothered to clean-up after the
Forgot to add, this is a "soft" requirement implemented in z/OS 2.3.
i.e. z/OS will run in < 8GB, but if the LPAR is too small, strange things my
-Original Message-
From: Allan Staller
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 7:54 AM
To: 'IBM Mainframe Discussion List
I observed one thing. The introductory "new style" screens are portrait
oriented and take up a lot of vertical real estate.
The new screens generate a lot of unnecessary scrolling.
I have a laptop and a desktop,
JES2 and JES3 can coexist. I am sure there are some arcane rules (as indicated
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Tom
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2019 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: z/OS V2R5 Will be the Last Release
Check your JESPARMS for the MSGCLASS and SYSOUT class(es).
The OUTDEF or the related OUTCLASS(x) should contain an OUTDISP=(x,x) parameter.
You want WRITE or HOLD in the OUTDISP= instead of PURGE
Check the fine manuals for details.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion
This would relate to how robust the MQ setup is. We have had issues with
unexpected volumes of transactions.
You might try (e.g. 10K*400) multiple times.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Ron
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 12:39 PM
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Sasso, Len
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2019 1:03 PM
Subject: IBM SFG - Your Opinion
Importance: High
I welcome your comments, suggestions, etc. about the IBM SFG Product.
Thank You!
Useless. Try search support portal for z/OS EOS.
That one is also less useful than others I have seen.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Gibney, Dave
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2019 5:23 PM
Subject: Is it broken? or just
CSSMTP was designed to mitigate several concerns with the SMTP client.
As far as I can recall, there were some configuration options, that if not
addressed, allowed the SMTP client to be a mail relay (among several others).
CSSMTP was designed to eliminate those exposures.
I am not aware of any
(z13?) or z14 processor. Pervasive encryption handled by hardware.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Matthew Donald
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 9:37 PM
Subject: Pervasive encryption and batch temporary datasets
I'm look
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Jason Cai
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 10:02 PM
Subject: Moving a Catalog to a Different Volume
Hi all
According z/OS DFSMS Man
I would expect the REFVTOC to be a very quick operation.
My concern would be getting control of the volume to perform the REFVTOC due to
the high activity catalog.
This sounds like something to attempt @ 0-dark-thirty, notify everyone of risks
and keep fingers crossed.
-Original Messa
It was originally R+ and then acquired by CA (CA-9?).
IIRC, CA stopped marketing it fairly soon thereafter.
At this point, I would guess it has been unavailable for more than 20 years.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
John McKown
Sent: Thursday,
of items within one's own shop to run some compares with.
Steve Thompson
On 3/28/19 11:34 AM, Allan Staller wrote:
> It was originally R+ and then acquired by CA (CA-9?).
> IIRC, CA stopped marketing it fairly soon thereafter.
> At this point, I would guess it has b
On Behalf Of
Timothy Sipples
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2019 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: Pervasive encryption and batch temporary datasets
Allan Staller wrote:
>(z13?) or z14 processor. Pervasive encryption handled by hardware
Matthew Donald wrote:
>No, only in the sen
Subject: Re: Pervasive encryption and batch temporary datasets
Allan Staller wrote:
>My understanding is that this was a "hardware" feature and did not
>depend on DFSMS (except as possible an on/off switch).
>In you post you refer to PERVASIVE ENCRYPTION (z/14?) vs
2019-04-02 o 14:59, Allan Staller pisze:
> Let me try it this way.
> Is df/SMS encryption a pre-requisite to the z/14 "PERVASIVE ENCRYPTION"?
DFSMS encryption is technical feature, which apply to selected kinds of
Pervasive Encryption is a buzzword which means not
Prepare a business case and submit it to IBM.
I don’t think this list wants to spend a lot of time on something extremely
unlikely to happen.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Paul Edwards
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2019 8:23 AM
I suggest we all stop feeding the Bear!
YES. It is a hard restriction.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Jesse 1 Robinson
Sent: Monday, April 8, 2019 10:37 PM
Subject: DASD-only logging
After 20+ years of heavy duty parallel sysplex, we'd finally like to dip our
Check the IBM support portal. I am sure that IBM supports (or will support)
OpenSSH 7.4.
It is most likely in the maintenance stream somewhere in the maintenance stream.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Paul Jodlowski
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 10:
Paul Gilmartin wote:
" Would IBM do better to apply IBM patches to the newest distribution rather
than trying to upgrade an outdated version with APARs? There's yet no
assurance that IBM's patching won't regress a needed security patch
Is EBCDIC a culprit?"
This has nothing to do w/EBCDIC.
"The ssh command performs ASCII<->EBCDIC conversion (for pedants, 1047<->819).
I'd expect that to be IBM-specific. Probably not relevant to security, but
additional code that must be supported in an IBM instance, or conditionally
bypassed if the sources are merged."
SSH defaults to binary tra
Almost none. The only thing ISTR is CSSMTP is not very happy with square
brackets "[" and "]".
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Bill Giannelli
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 3:01 PM
Subject: CSSMTP
I am a Db2 Systems
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of
Allan Staller
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: CSSMTP
Almost none. The only thing ISTR is CSSMTP
Looks like a database update timing issue.
I had the same problem with the IBM support portal.
The apar shows up in the search results list, but give me the 404 message when
I attempt to view the detail.
The "new tools" are neither are reliable, available, or functional as the tools
being repl
I would guess your USSTAB (USSMSG10) screen need to be updated to support the
SUBSYS parameter.
The assembled USSTAB in use can be found in the TELNET parms or VTAMLST.
The source code is another matter.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Receive 504 Gateway Error - Backend Application Server Unreachable when
attempting to access.
Cmon' IBM. When are you going to provide some reliable, functional and
available tools for us?
It seems to be back.
-Original Message-
From: Allan Staller
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 12:54 PM
To: 'IBM Mainframe Discussion List'
Subject: IBM Lookat Down?
Receive 504 Gateway Error
From: Allan Staller
You said: "... but the received wisdom is that all load libraries should have
blksize=32K-8. ..."
For optimal space usage, however, the BLKSIZE should be 27998 (i.e. half-track
On Behalf Of
David Spiegel
Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2019 9:16 PM
Subject: Re
No. See my previous reply to an earlier email in this thread.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
David Spiegel
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2019 5:08 AM
Subject: Re: Crazy concatenation mystery
Hi Greg,
If someone uses BLKSIZE=32760,
The actual arch level should be somewhere in the Job listing from the Cobol
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
John Abell
Sent: Saturday, May 4, 2019 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: COBOL 6.2 and ARCH(12)
I am a bit behi
Common Data Space? This is kind of what data spaces were invented for.
An init routine to run more or less @ IPL time to create, anchor and load the
data space.
Cobol to access/update the data via the dataspace
Optional routine to save the dataspace @ shutdown.
-Original Message-
me if i am correct ?
On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 2:28 PM Allan Staller wrote:
> Common Data Space? This is kind of what data spaces were invented for.
> An init routine to run more or less @ IPL time to create, anchor and
> load the data space.
> Cobol to access/update the data via
On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 2:55 PM scott Ford wrote:
> Alan,
> A big thanks ..A Common Dataspace is good , i will have to find how to
> anchor ..homework.
> Regards,
> Scott
> On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 2:45 PM Allan Staller
> wrote:
>> That is why I sp
Set up the Resolver function. Pretty straightforward.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Tony Thigpen
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2019 5:57 PM
Subject: TCPIP.DATA file
Currently, all the TCPIP jobs have to specify the //SYSTCPD DD
With no coupling facility, you are limited to DASD-Only logstreams.
DASD-only logstreams *CAN NOT* be shared.
It is (IMO) not worth the effort to convert to logstreams for EREP when DASD
EREP, these days, is pretty much limited to software records, and thus there is
limited value to a logs
In the logger policy, and IIRC, in LOGREC= in IEASYS00.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Gadi Ben-Avi
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: Logrec Logstream name
Where do I define the name of the l
The first device to support "disconnect" was the 3330 which also connected to a
Prior to that IO in both directions tied up the entire path from CPU to device
and back for the duration (2314, 2311 dasd).
The flow of a "typical" IO request:
Channel passes commands to 3830 and disconnects.
HSM is *VERY PICKY* about the actual DCB characteristics of the ODS.
If the ODS does not match what HSM expects, HSM gives up and produces nothing.
I don’t remember what DCB characteristics are required, but it must be
documented somewhere.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Di
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Thursday, May 16, 2019 8:14 AM, Allan Staller wrote:
> HSM is VERY PICKY about the actual DCB characteristics of the ODS.
> If the ODS does not match what HSM expects, HSM gives up and produces nothing.
> I don’t remember what DCB ch
DWIN was superesed by DWIM - Do what I meant!
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
John McKown
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: [External] Re: Ancient DASD connectivity
On Thu, May 16, 2019 at 8:08 AM Pommier,
Try this:
//INDD1 dd
//INDD2 dd .
//OUTDD1 dd
//OUTDD2 dd .
DUMP DSN=datasetname1. Inddd=indd1outdd=outdd1
DUMP DSN=datasetname2. Inddd=indd21outdd=outdd2
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
,I'll try it out. The only drawback is that I will be using more than 1
tape to backup the dsns.In your example I will be using 2 tapes.
On Thursday, 16 May 2019, 4:54:38 pm UTC, Allan Staller
Try this:
//INDD1 dd
//INDD2 dd .
//OUTDD1 dd
//OUTDD2 dd .
. is there something else I
should tack on?
On Thursday, 16 May 2019, 4:54:38 pm UTC, Allan Staller
Try this:
//INDD1 dd
//INDD2 dd .
//OUTDD1 dd
//OUTDD2 dd .
DUMP DSN=datasetname1. Inddd=indd1outdd=outdd1
DUMP DSN=datasetname2. Inddd=i
Presuming this is an HFS, (and based on the supplied dsn) I believe you are
If this is a mis-named ZFS, IIRC it can span volumes.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Jackson, Rob
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 6:43 PM
This will require unload/delete/allocate/reload of the original dataset. I
presume you mean either Extended Addressability or Extended Format.
In either case, these are attributes of the DATACLAS which can only be modified
at dataset allocation time.
-Original Message-
From: IBM M
That will only work for VSAM datasets. The information request by the OP is not
in the catalog for non-VSAM datasets.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Joe
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2020 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: Is there any
Use BPXBATSL, Check the fine manuals for details.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Jon
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2020 7:23 PM
Subject: USS: su: User ID "SH" does not exist
[CAUTION: This Email is from outside the Or
//XX DD SYSOUT=(B,,SMTP),FREE=CLOSE should do what you specified in the OP.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Charles Mills
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2020 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: Looking for clarification/guidance on SMTP DD FREE/SP
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