The issue with the large buttons' labels overflowing into oblivion is now
Additionally, I just made it possible to localize screenshots without any
additional work on part of the translators by letting the build process figure
out if a screenshot has a localized version available an
Since people have asked about being able to see the built pages before they go
live, they are all currently available from the following page:
I am aware of the issues with the download buttons' text overflowing and I'm
working on a fix r
Turns out we made a couple of typos in the announcement source. While they are
mostly fixed for the translations that have already been submitted (British
English, French, Japanese, Spanish, Russian), one of them is impossible by
nature to fully fix with an automated tool.
The following li
Hi there,
As you are probably already aware, Wesnoth 1.16.0 is slated for release on
October 24 (exact time TBD) per the 1.15 Development Roadmap:
There is going to be a proper translatable release announcement on Wesnoth.org