Ludovic Courtès writes:
> Divan Santana skribis:
>> Ludovic Courtès writes:
> [...]
>>> My guess is that you’d need to explicitly mark one of the mapped device
>>> as depending on the other; this cannot be guessed.
>>> If you run “guix system shepherd-graph” on your config you’ll prob
Hello Guix!
First timer here!
I recently attempted to install GUIX SD on my laptop. After about 5
initial iterations I was finally able to get GUIX SD on my laptop so
that it just worked. I used the basic config for my first try and I kept
on modifying that config for the subsequent 'init's. Here
Alex Kost writes:
> Divan Santana (2017-06-30 22:15 +0200) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Trying to use my emacs (on arch linux) with the guixsd system from the
>> 0.13 image and ssh-daemon. By image, this is a fresh VM booted
>> guixsd-usb-install-0.13.0.x86_64-linux and about to install guixsd .
Ludovic Courtès writes:
> Divan Santana skribis:
>> env /bin/sh no such file
>> If in the VM, I do a hack like
>> ln -s /run/current-system/profile/bin/sh /bin/sh
>> Then tramp works without issue.
>> How can one configure tramp to work without the above hack?
> The VM image shou
From: (Ludovic Courtès)
Subject: Re: xscreensaver on GuixSD
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2017 14:47:47 +0200
Strangely, after creating a ~/.xsession file, I wasn't able to log
to my gnome session anymore (though I didn't investigate this
and just deleted ~/.xsession again).
Divan Santana (2017-06-30 22:15 +0200) wrote:
> Hi,
> Trying to use my emacs (on arch linux) with the guixsd system from the
> 0.13 image and ssh-daemon. By image, this is a fresh VM booted
> guixsd-usb-install-0.13.0.x86_64-linux and about to install guixsd .
> This Used to work with 0.12 ima
Mekeor Melire skribis:
> Muto writes:
>> I'm trying to install Guix.
>> "ifconfig" doesn't detect my wlp5s0 device.
> Your wifi-card may need a proprietary driver which GuixSD doesn't
> include (because Guix only has official packages for free/libre software
> because Guix doesn't want to en
Divan Santana skribis:
> Ludovic Courtès writes:
>> My guess is that you’d need to explicitly mark one of the mapped device
>> as depending on the other; this cannot be guessed.
>> If you run “guix system shepherd-graph” on your config you’ll probably
>> see that there’s no such depen
Divan Santana skribis:
> env /bin/sh no such file
> If in the VM, I do a hack like
> ln -s /run/current-system/profile/bin/sh /bin/sh
> Then tramp works without issue.
> How can one configure tramp to work without the above hack?
The VM image should contain a valid /bin/sh already,