Jookia <> skribis:
> Following up: davexunit looked at this issue with me on IRC and showed me it's
> to do with the Guix built from Git in Debian using /usr/local/var/guix while
> the
> Guix installed using Guix used /var/guix - moving the files fixed everything.
Oh. You need t skribis:
> I installed cups and xfce. What more do I need?
For printers available on the network as in a typical “enterprise”
setup, nothing more: the “print” dialog in Evince and similar tools will
discover it and do the right thing.
> In
myglc2 skribis:
> I installed guixSD on a headless server by cloning bare-bones.scm. So
> far, this is a highly enjoyable ride, thank you!
> IMHO it would be better if bare-bones.scm did not set the SSH port to
> , since this tripped me up, and I am guessing it might befuddle
> others.