> # ./cf-key
> ld.so.1: cf-key: fatal: libpq.so.4: open failed: No such file or
> Killed
The gnu autoconf script was able to find headers and libraries for pgsql
during the build (--with-pgsql=/opt/pgsql/foo?) but the run-time linker
isn't able to find the .so
This happens all the
Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Cannot compile cfengine-3.0.5 on Solaris 11
Author: manimaran
Link to topic: https://cfengine.com/forum/read.php?3,23080,23080#msg-23080
I am tring to insatll the cfengine ver 3.0.5 in solaris 11 box with the help
of installation script.
#uname -a
SunOS sol11gcx8