can anyone give me a working example for installing
the same package with two different archs?
I have sth like this:
# yum list all | grep glibc-devel
glibc-devel.x86_64 2.5-42installed
On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 12:27:15PM +0100, Patryk Lason wrote:
> Hi,
> I have Cfengine 3.0.3 from SVN, revision 703.
> And I have the following:
> ---
> files:
> copy
I have Cfengine 3.0.3 from SVN, revision 703.
And I have the following:
copy_from => cp("$(path)/var/spool/pbs/mom_priv/config","$(g.cf_master)"),
classes => classdef("pbs_mom_restart");
Please take a look and tell what is wrong on that picture ;-).
In the system I have:
# /bin/rpm -qa --queryformat "i | repos | %{name} | %{version}-%{release} |
%{arch}\n" | grep " torque "
i | repos | torque | 2.3.0-snap.200801151629.2cri.sl5 | x86_64
I want to install version 2.4.3-sl5, a
could you please paste a working example where it is possible to add and
delete a package with its version and architecture?
I.e. I'd like to add a package "jdk.x86_64" with version "2000:1.6.0_17-fcs"
and keep it frozen.
# yum list all | grep ^jdk.x86_64
On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 03:02:38PM +0100, Patryk Lason wrote:
> Hello,
> How can I define a group of classes?
> I have something like this:
> -
> classes:
>rack_1 or => { "node1_1", "node1_2" };
On Tuesday 15 of December 2009, you wrote:
> You should have quotes around your "promisers"
> "rack_1" or => ...
Yes, I have, it's a manual copy/paste error ;-).
Patryk Lason
phone: (+48 12)
How can I define a group of classes?
I have something like this:
rack_1 or => { "node1_1", "node1_2" };
rack_2 or => { "node2_1", "node2_2" };
blade or => { "rack_1", "rack_2" };
And it does not work, here it the erro