Suppose I have a program that is executed via xinetd (or inetd) and suppose
there is
an active copy running. Further suppose that there's a newer version of this
binary that
cfagent is actively copying. Since copying over the currently running binary
could cause
the running version to fail, how
In file do.c (revision 632 in the subversion repository for cfengine 2) at
the very end of
the routine UnMount (around line 2350) are these statements:
if ((! DONTDO) && (NUMBEROFEDITS > 0))
When cfservd detects that its cfservd.conf file has been changed, it seems to
undefine all
the classes it defined in the first place before reprocessing the newly-changed
file. When it then goes to rebuild the classes, all the OS definitions (like
'redhat', etc) are not
defined ag