Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,
Ed Voncken.
Help-cfengine mailing list
> So '!(Sunday|Morning|dev_env|phost)" means not Sunday and not morning and not
> dev_env and not phost?
Yes; I read this as follows:
"It cannot be Sunday, or Morning, or dev_env, or phost."
Boolean logic can be confusing ;-
appling with
some CFengine 3 concepts, but I'm getting there ;-)
Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,
Ed Voncken.
Help-cfengine mailing list
e authorized_keys file is emptied,
only the missing keys are added.
The actual result is that the old keys remain in place, and the new
keys are simply added.
Am I misunderstanding the effect of 'empty_file_before_editing =>
"true";', or is there an other error in my l
g contains funny chars
"cindex[$(index)]" string => canonify("$(index)");
# match a line starting like "keyword value"
"$(index)\s* .*"
edit_field => col(" ","2","$($(v)[$(index)])","set"),
surprise the "replace_done"
class works opposite to what I expect. If I understand correctly, the
"replace_done" class is set if the pattern was replaced (i.e. if there
is NO need to append the line). So I initially put "!replace_done::"
in insert_lines. That didn't work, it changed AND appended the new
line... Perhaps I'm suffering a serious caffeine deficiency?
Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,
Ed Voncken.
Help-cfengine mailing list