Heh - just use "set_variable_values" from cfengine_stdlib.cf! Or see how it
is done there - it's rather clever (I wish I thought of it :-)
> Forum: Cfengine Help
> Subject: Looking for suggestions on ordering
> Author: Authority
> Link to topic: https://cfengine.com/forum/read.php?3,17628,1
Forum: Cfengine Help
Subject: Looking for suggestions on ordering
Author: Authority
Link to topic: https://cfengine.com/forum/read.php?3,17628,17628#msg-17628
Normal ordering for edit_line bundles puts insert_lines before
replace_patterns. For my current problem, I'm trying to reverse them.
Marc Baudoin wrote:
> Eystein Måløy Stenberg écrit :
>> This message will only be printed in inform mode (-I) like for any
>> other promise.
> [...]
>> You may choose from a varying number of verbosities (error, inform,
>> verbose, debug).
>> Maybe you have the level set in your
Connect to cf-master = on port 5308
cfengine:cf-client: BAD: keys did not match
cfengine:cf-client: Authentication dialogue with cf-master failed
cfengine:cf-client: Unable to establish connection with cf-master (failover)
a few of my cfengine clients seem to have key mis-matches. whats the
Forum: Cfengine Help
Subject: Re: Unix_GetInterfaceInfo() too slow to read > 100 ip's on one
interface, possible solution?
Author: lero
Link to topic: https://cfengine.com/forum/read.php?3,17516,17625#msg-17625
Doing a deep look, the problem is not with nsswitch.conf entries. The server
Eystein Måløy Stenberg écrit :
> This message will only be printed in inform mode (-I) like for any
> other promise.
> You may choose from a varying number of verbosities (error, inform,
> verbose, debug).
> Maybe you have the level set in your policy somewhere.
You're right:
body agent
Hello everyone,
The Libre Software Meeting (or Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre in
French) is a french worldwide event (typical french paradox) focused on
Free software and its uses. This year event is at Bordeaux (more details
there : http://2010.rmll.info/ )
On the 7/7/2010, i'll be gi
This message will only be printed in inform mode (-I) like for any
other promise.
Try e.g. the following policy.
body common control
bundlesequence => {"test"};
bundle agent test
volume => testv;
body volume testv
freespace => "10%";
sensible_size => "20K";
When using a volume body in a storage promise, Cfengine (I'm
using version 3.0.5) always sends a report saying:
-> Filesystem %s's content seems to be sensible as promised
Is it useful to know that everything's right? Wouldn't it be
better to tell when things go wrong and not generate repor