I just checked the latest in SVN, and this works!
"/tmp/junkdir/." delete => tidy;
$ cf-agent -KI -f ./testbundle.cf
-> Deleted directory /tmp/junkdir
On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 11:33 PM, Assarsson, Emil <
emil.assars...@sonyericsson.com> wrote:
> Ok, I placed a bug report (101)
Forum: Cfengine Help
Subject: Strange logallconnections messages
Author: RIngersoll
Link to topic: https://cfengine.com/forum/read.php?3,16766,16766#msg-16766
Setting logallconnections => "true"; in server control causes a single message
like the following to be logged for a successful client con
I think this bug has been fixed on the svn, (3.0.4p2). Please correct me If I
On Apr 2, 2010, at 12:53 PM, Nicolas Charles wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've got the same issue on a Debian 5, using Nova 1.1.0
> Apr 2 12:52:24 debian-5-32 cf-execd[1102]: Couldn't r
The culprit might be body classes satisfied as sshd_ready would be defined
every time cfegnine runs. The body should look like the following to restart
sshd when there is something changed. (promise_repaired not promise_kept)
body classes satisfied(x)
promise_repaired => { "$(x)" };
I' currently got the following problem:
Every time cfengine run's it restarts the ssh daemon even when nothing is
How do I change this behaviour?
bundle agent sshd_config {
# Copy the sshd server configuration file
Hi guys,
I've got the same issue on a Debian 5, using Nova 1.1.0
Apr 2 12:52:24 debian-5-32 cf-execd[1102]: Couldn't run
Apr 2 12:52:24 debian-5-32 cf-execd[1102]: !!! System error for
execv: "No such file or directory"
Apr 2 12:52:24 debian-5-32 cf-execd[1103]: Coul
after few hours debugging we found that after install
cfengine-community RPM on a CentOS 5 system PCRE UTF-8 support won't
ldd /usr/bin/pcretest
libpcre.so.0 => /var/cfengine/lib/libpcre.so.0 (0x2b52f2cee000)
I'm wondering why it is needed to include library files