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Chin, Frank wrote:
> Hi,
> I have cfengine 2.1.14 and I'm trying to use cfengine to copy a file
> from a local repository to a local directory. When I run
> "/var/cfengine/bin/cfagent -qv", I keep getting:
> "Nothing scheduled for [copy.copy] (0/1 minutes elapsed)". I've waite
Brad Lhotsky wrote:
I want to append a
postgresql* to exclude, because I manage those RPMs manually.
It would be nice if yum allowed for more flexibility on the
commandline, but we deal with the need for various yum configuration
file differences by defining variables and building the file en
What I'm trying to accomplish:
If a host is defined in the hg_postgresql (HostGroup PostgreSQL), I want
to check /etc/yum.conf for the exclusion list. I want to append a
postgresql* to exclude, because I manage those RPMs manually.
Here's my
I have config files which differ by several lines. How can handle the
distribution of these files with cfengine? I was thinking of having a
few files with the following names:
host2.some_config_file and so on...
residing at the policy serer; But when the file gets copy
I have cfengine 2.1.14 and I’m trying to use cfengine
to copy a file from a local repository to a local directory. When I run “/var/cfengine/bin/cfagent
–qv”, I keep getting:
“Nothing scheduled for [copy.copy] (0/1 minutes
elapsed)”. I’ve waited for 15 minutes and I get the sa