Hi all,
I'm creating a parser that takes a text file whose paragraphs are
separated by blank lines. Unfortunately, if the input file contains a
paragraph with more than one non-space character, it gives me a syntax
error via yyerror(). So the following works, where = etc are not in
the inpyut
Hey Steve,
My reading of your code is that PARATEXT will only ever be a single
character. I'm thinking you want the flex rule to be ".*" (etc) instead of
just ".".
I'm curious whether your paragraphs are allowed to contain NLs. If so,
you're going to have to include them in the PARATEXT token v
Indeed - note that flex is more aligned with posix-style patterns than
perl-style patterns, so it would rather have "[:space:]", and "\s" just
means "s".
On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 12:07 AM Steve Litt
> Hi all,
> I know this is a Bison and not a Flex venue, but just in case somebod
Thanks Chris,
Changing "." to either ".*", ".+", "[^\n]*" or "[^\n]+" all solve the
problem with multiple printables on one line, but still throw a syntax
error when two lines follow each other without an intervening
blankline. In other words, it calls a paragraph of more than one line
a syntax er