Re: [Harbour] Harbour's Ready-to-Use Distro II - HarbourDev_10824_2009-04-09.exe

2009-04-09 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello, Thank you very much for your help. Add -libmpr to thr project from harbour_dev\mingw\lib\libmpr.a I just searched for harbour_dev\mingw\lib\libmpr.a. But didn't find it. I use xMate. I went to Environment Configuration -> Exe defaults -> Add. (But couldn't find libmpr.a) Is there

Re: [Harbour] Harbour's Ready-to-Use Distro II - HarbourDev_10824_2009-04-09.exe

2009-04-09 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello, rbour_dev\mingw\lib\libmpr.a is very much present there. May be it missed your search. Yes, it is there. Previously I tried with C:\harbour_dev\harbour\mingw\lib folder. ;( You are trying to add it the right way. I compiled it. First time it ran and then disappears. Then I copied

Re: [Harbour] Harbour's Ready-to-Use Distro II - HarbourDev_10824_2009-04-09.exe

2009-04-10 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello, Pullout Procedure HB_GtSys() from demowvg.prg and place it beneth main() of your application. I did this and also added following codes (copied from your example):- SET( _SET_EVENTMASK, INKEY_ALL ) Wvt_SetGui( .t. ) Wvt_SetMouseMove( .t. ) Wvt_SetFont( "Courier New", 18, 0, 0

Re: [Harbour] Harbour's Ready-to-Use Distro II - HarbourDev_10824_2009-04-09.exe

2009-04-12 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello, Is there any document from where I can get the use of different functions of WVG? I used SAVE SCREEN, RESTORE SCREEN commands in my old Clipper programs. But, I can't use it with wvg_boxraised() or wvg_groupboxraised() commands. Is there any way to use it? TIA. Regards. Sudip __

Re: [Harbour] Harbour's Ready-to-Use Distro II - HarbourDev_10824_2009-04-09.exe

2009-04-12 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello, Thanks a lot. So, I shall create different windows for different forms (like I do with my other windows programs!!!) With best regards. Sudip Pritpal Bedi wrote: > > Hi > > > Sudip Bhattacharyya wrote: >> >> Is there any document from where I c

Re: [Harbour] Harbour's Ready-to-Use Distro II - HarbourDev_10824_2009-04-09.exe

2009-04-12 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Pritpal, Thanks a lot for detailed help. I saw MyAlert also. Yes it will be very helpful :-) Now there is some complexity. My old clipper programs heavily depend on save screen, restore screen. So it will not be easy enough to add those codes in each and every save screen and restore scr

Re: [Harbour] Harbour's Ready-to-Use Distro II - HarbourDev_10824_2009-04-09.exe

2009-04-13 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello, I got following link error when I tried to compile demewvg (MingW) Project: demowvgMINGW, Environment: wvgMINGW: [1]:harbour.Exe C:\harbour_dev\dev_sources\demowvg\demowvg.prg /m /n /gc3 /w1 /es2 /a /ic:\harbour_dev\harbour\mingw\Include /d__xQT__ /oObj\demowvg.c Harbour 1.1.0dev (Rev.

Re: [Harbour] Harbour's Ready-to-Use Distro II - HarbourDev_10824_2009-04-09.exe

2009-04-13 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Pritpal, Thanks a lot! It's now Ok. Regards. Sudip -- View this message in context: Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at _

Re: [Harbour] Harbour's Ready-to-Use Distro II - HarbourDev_10824_2009-04-09.exe

2009-04-14 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Pritpal, I am learning WVG. So far so good :) And hope to convert all my xHarbour+gtwvt codes into it!!! Now I have some questions about it? 1) Is there any rgb() function? 2) Maximize/Restore command is not working properly. 3) Is WVG an open source library? TIA. With best regards. Su

Re: [Harbour] Harbour's Ready-to-Use Distro II - HarbourDev_10824_2009-04-09.exe

2009-04-14 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Pritpal, Thanks a lot for your answer. So, I can use Rgb() (macro or function) same way I used in gtwvw. :-) I used Wvt_ShowWindow( SW_RESTORE ) I want to run my program maximized. Is it possible? Regarding open source, I found some wrong information in xHarbour group. ;-) Now I am very

Re: [Harbour] Harbour's Ready-to-Use Distro II - HarbourDev_10824_2009-04-09.exe

2009-04-14 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello, Thanks a lot. Sorry to disturb you so much. When I use hb_gtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_WNDSTATE, HB_GTS_WS_MAXIMIZED ) Program window becomes large but not full screen (I am using with wide screen labtop) Regards. Sudip -- View this message in context:

Re: [Harbour] Harbour's Ready-to-Use Distro II -HarbourDev_10824_2009-04-09.exe

2009-04-14 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello, I come here to learn wvg. I don't want to "fight" against anybody. :-) Yes, I heard some words about Vouch. And regarding vouch I heard Pritpal's name. This may be my "fault" to think wvg and vouch same way. And I shall never say whose message was this. Because everybody has right to ex

Re: [Harbour] Harbour's Ready-to-Use Distro II - HarbourDev_10824_2009-04-09.exe

2009-04-14 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello, Thanks a lot. It's now clear to me. That's very good!!! So, I don't have to worry about font's size!!! :-) Yes, I'm using "Courier New". :-) With best regards. Sudip -- View this message in context:

[Harbour] Printing Problem

2009-05-24 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hi All, I am a very new user of Harbour. I found that during printing with Lpt1 DMP, printing halts sometimes, which I didn't face when working with xHarbour+gtwvw. Here is a sample which will show want I want to mean:- FUNCTION Main() LOCAL nChar := ASC( "A" ) CLEAR SCREEN SET DEVICE TO

Re: [Harbour] Printing Problem

2009-05-24 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Xavi, Thank you for your interest. >Try this with the latest SVN .- How can I get latest SVN? (Sorry for my silly question ;) ) Regards. Sudip -- View this message in context: Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list arc

Re: [Harbour] Printing Problem

2009-05-24 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Massimo Belgrano, Thanks a lot. How can I get hbmake2 ? Regards. Sudip -- View this message in context: Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at ___ Harb

Re: [Harbour] Printing Problem

2009-05-25 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hi Victor, I downloaded (harbour source), and build. But it's not there. Finally I copied from Harbour_dev :-) Regards. Sudip -- View this message in context: Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at _

Re: [Harbour] Printing Problem

2009-05-25 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hi, I downloaded harbour source and compiled. But didn't find hbwin library. But I found this library within C:\harbour_dev\harbour\bcc\lib, but here I can't find hbw32.lib. But I find hbw32lib in harbour. I copied a sample (and the library) from there and test win32prn with Harbour-dev. It runs

Re: [Harbour] Printing Problem

2009-05-25 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Thanks Victor, I downloaded the previous version of sourcecode. Now I downloaded Nightly Version source of Harbour. Regards. Sudip Viktor Szakáts wrote: > >> I downloaded harbour source and compiled. But didn't find hbwin >> library. But >> I found this library within C:\harbour_dev\harbo

[Harbour] Different Behavior of BCC and Mingw

2009-05-30 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hi All, I use following code for Common Dialog boxes. When I call the functon CSaveFile() or COpenFile() compiled with BCC, it gives error, but runs fine when compiled with Mingw compiler. #pragma BEGINDUMP #include "windows.h" #include "hbapi.h" HB_FUNC( CSAVEFILE ) { OPENFILENAME ofn;

Re: [Harbour] Different Behavior of BCC and Mingw

2009-05-31 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Xavi, Thanks for the "joke". I am not a very experienced user. I don't know how to use the open or save file common dialog box. So, I wrote 2 C functions from the code I received from xHarvour forum. My xHarbour+gtwvw program runs OK. Now, I am in a process to transfer xHarbour+gtwvw cod

Re: [Harbour] Different Behavior of BCC and Mingw

2009-05-31 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
p Pritpal Bedi wrote: > > Hello Sudip > > > Sudip Bhattacharyya wrote: >> >> I use following code for Common Dialog boxes. When I call the functon >> CSaveFile() or COpenFile() compiled with BCC, it gives run-time system >> error, but runs fine when compiled

Re: [Harbour] Different Behavior of BCC and Mingw

2009-05-31 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Sorry Pritpal, I just skipped your message. Thanks a lot for your mail. Regards. Sudip Pritpal Bedi wrote: > > Hello Sudip > > > Sudip Bhattacharyya wrote: >> >> I use following code for Common Dialog boxes. When I call the functon >> CSaveFile() or

Re: [Harbour] Different Behavior of BCC and Mingw

2009-05-31 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Pritpal, Xavi, Thanks a lot! :-) wvt_getopenfilename() and wvt_getsavefilename() runs fine. And I prefer to use them rather than low level c functions :-) My academic query is also satisfied. With best regards. Sudip -- View this message in context:

Re: [Harbour] Printing Problem

2009-06-02 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hi Victor, Thank you very much. I am now able to run win_prn() :-) But I cannot solve my initial problem with simple Clipper type text printing with DMP (printer halts). Here is a sample for it :- FUNCTION Main() LOCAL nChar := ASC( "A" ) CLEAR SCREEN SET DEVICE TO PRINTER SETPRC( 0,

Re: [Harbour] Printing Problem

2009-06-02 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Victor, Thank you very much for very quick reply and it solved the problem. :-) >To reduce the problem and sort out Harbour from the equation, >you can try saving the output stream to a file, and send it >to the port directly: > copy output.txt PRN: >And see if it hangs. I used this in

Re: [Harbour] Printing Problem

2009-06-02 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
()+2, 0 SAY "Press any key to continue..." INKEY( 0 ) RETURN NIL With best regards. Sudip Pritpal Bedi wrote: > > Hello Sudip > > > Sudip Bhattacharyya wrote: >> >> Thank you very much for very quick reply and it solved the problem. :-) >> &g

Re: [Harbour] Printing Problem

2009-06-03 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hi, >And probably only this line was important to force flushing print buffer >before key press. >Try to remove from your code: > SET PRINTER TO DEMO.TXT// this line is added >and: > ! COPY DEMO.TXT PRN// this line is added >leaving only 'SET PRINTER TO' a

Re: [Harbour] Printing Problem

2009-06-03 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Victor, This the best solution I used :- Set( _SET_PRINTFILE, "" ) And everything is ok :-) (No pause of printing before quitting of program) This am waiting for this solution for a long time. Thank you all again :-) With best regards. Sudip -- View this message in context: http:/

[Harbour] MyAlert() Problem Solved

2009-06-03 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Pritpal, I just solved MyAlert() function problem. Problem was :- after returning from MyAlert() function, screen shows some unexpected results. I used a simple trick:- Function MyAlert( cMessage, aOptions, cCaption, nInit, nTime ) LOCAL lRet, lScr := savescreen() lRet := Vou_AlertD

Re: [Harbour] Printing Problem

2009-06-03 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hi Viktor, > It's still a little bit strange as 'Set( _SET_PRINTFILE, "" )' is the > exact > synonym of 'SET PRINTER TO', so I wonder what else could have > caused the difference in your results. I used the commands in following sequence: SET PRINTER TO SET DEVICE TO SCREEN Set(_SET_PRINTFILE,

Re: [Harbour] Printing Problem

2009-06-03 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Massimo Belgrano, > can you write and article about your experience i will translate it in > itallian for upcoming italian harbour cominity > Thanks in advance Yes, of course. To be more specific, shall I write it about this printing problem? > > i invite eve

Re: [Harbour] Printing Problem

2009-06-03 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Victor, I am now confirmed about my doubt :-) My final "problem free" demo sample is:- FUNCTION Main() LOCAL nChar := ASC( "A" ) CLEAR SCREEN SET DEVICE TO PRINTER SETPRC( 0, 0 ) DO WHILE nChar <= ASC( "Z" ) @ PROW() + 1, 0 SAY REPLICATE( CHR( nChar ), 75 ) nCha

Re: [Harbour] Printing Problem

2009-06-03 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Przemek >Maybe I'm wrong but I have serious doubts about it. > SET PRINTER TO >closes printer file and should always flush the buffers. >I rather think it was a typo in your tests or sth like that. You are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT :-) Problem was due to sequence of commands. My final "problem

[Harbour] GTWVG and GTWVW

2009-06-04 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Pritpal, After working on gtwvg for a few days, I am convinced that it is the best way to transfer our old Clipper codes into Win32 environment. I am solving initial problems day by day with help from esparts (including you). Can you please tell me the differences between GTWVG and GTWVW

Re: [Harbour] GTWVG and GTWVW

2009-06-04 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Massimo, Thanks a lot for in depth discussion :-) With best regards. Sudip -- View this message in context: Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at ___ Ha

Re: [Harbour] GTWVG and GTWVW

2009-06-04 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Massimo, I went But, cannot proceed due to language barrier ;-( Thank you for the help :-) Regards. Sudip -- View this message in context: Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing l

Re: [Harbour] A Real-time RDBMS RDD for Harbour Family of Compilers

2009-06-05 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Pritpal Bedi wrote: > > Yep > > > Angel Pais wrote: >> >> Not published in their site. >> So expect a very restrictive and expensive one. >> Some old mesages (googled) talk about $175.000 per CPU >> > > Cache is a costly database. That is why I never dared to offer this lib. > > Regards

Re: [Harbour] A Real-time RDBMS RDD for Harbour Family of Compilers

2009-06-05 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Xavi, > So... How many times faster than postgres should be? 8-) hmm... Ok no > marketing with postgres. :) May be I am out of the track, but I can't resist myself to know about PostgreSql from you ;) I have no experience about prosgreSql. I have little experience about MySql. In HMG Forum

Re: [Harbour] A Real-time RDBMS RDD for Harbour Family of Compilers

2009-06-07 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Xavi, Thanks a lot for your mail. I was waiting for your mail :) >Learn SQL! MySQL and PostgreSQL are servers of SQL and this means that .- >SQL it's used for abstracted physical data from the application using it. >You send text SQL commands to server and receives, if no error, aff

Re: [Harbour] A Real-time RDBMS RDD for Harbour Family of Compilers

2009-06-07 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Angel Pais, I felt really bad reading your mail. I joined this list advised by Pritpal Bedi, when I started using GTWVG and faced many problems. IMHO, he advised me to join in this list, because my queries may be helpful for betterment of the software, or I shall get answers from "develope

Re: [Harbour] A Real-time RDBMS RDD for Harbour Family of Compilers

2009-06-07 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Angel, Thanks a lot. Regards. Sudip Angel Pais wrote: > > HI Sudip > > > Sudip Bhattacharyya escribió: >> Hello Angel Pais, >> >> I felt really bad reading your mail. > > That wasn`t the intention. Just a general warning. I've seen this

[Harbour] HWGUI Custom Paper Size

2009-06-30 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hi All Developer of HWGUI, I am posting this message after trying Harbour User Group. I am seeking answer for a question for several days. Is there any way to set Custom Paper Size for HWGUI printing with HWinPrn class? So that we can change paper height and width. Thanks in Advance. Regards.

Re: [Harbour] A problem with Ole using hbwin32.lib

2009-07-14 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Dear Malay, There is a library called hbwin.lib. May be it has been changed. (If I am not wrong) For example, previously there was a class Win32prn, but now it became Win_prn. BTW, which library are you using? Again, this list is a place for DEVELOPERS only, not for USERS like you and me. Harbo

Re: [Harbour] A problem with Ole using hbwin32.lib

2009-07-14 Thread Sudip Bhattacharyya
Hello Pritpal, Thanks a lot for correcting me. And hope I shall also get more valuable advice from you in future. :) > Hope you can "fix" your viewpoint on "Developer" and "User" perspective. Yes, I had some wrong idea :) And I really like Harbour Project and and it's improvement very much :)