other challenges ahead, as do the wvwtools function
satisfactorily, because it depends largely on the WVW implementation done by
Budyanto (wvw creator).
Reynaldo Henrique
Massimo Belgrano wrote:
> Hello,
> Message from the forum comp.lang.xharbour stating tha
arbour, as well.
Although my knowledge of Harbour are just a little.
So, next step is to port it to Harbour in my machine.
Reynaldo Henrique
Massimo Belgrano wrote:
> seem that Reinaldo from comp.lang.xharbour have made msvc modification
> 2009/8/15 Viktor Szakáts
t command line tool for building harbour app, although I know just
> a little about its usage, because I use Harbour only for tests and
> comparisions.
> In sort, I think that it will not be easy to make "gtwvw.c" completly
> compatible with Harbour's standard
> or
vwtools code in order to make it
> compatible with the last changes.
> Well, at least my wvwtools is already working.
> IMO, Harbour is more standardized than xHrb, but Harbour is more complex.
> Regards,
> Reynaldo Henrique
> 2009/8/15 Reynaldo
Hi Team,
Congratulations for the great and hard work and achievement attained through
it. congratulations to the great team of developers for this release that I
think is the best of all time. This is one of the best news of all time in
the history of Harbor.
Reynaldo Henrique
Viktor Szakáts
Hi, Viktor
That is exactly what I would point out.
Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Hi Pritpal,
> After clearing Windows/GTWVG dependency issues I could finally
> run demoxbp on OS X.
> It worked, and here's a list of issues:
> - Menu doesn't appear.
>(in OS X a window cannot h
Yes, that's right. Many Brazilian users, like me, want GTWVW back again. And
we know that it is not a so easy task. I really would like to praise this
idea from Patrick!
thanks for making me know.
Massimo Belgrano wrote:
> Follow post is from Patrik Mast on xharbour dev
So, thanks for continuing helping us so much!
Reynaldo Henrique
Patrick Mast wrote:
> Hello,
>> Five year ago i have nominated Hannes Ziegler best makers of software
>> documentation regarding xbase and i am convinced about this
>> I have a drea