Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12327] trunk/harbour

2009-08-26 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, after a month break I'm back from N42.2217 E78.4485 and back on the list. I'll try to read mail and answer some questions. 2009-08-26 02:34 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/ * harbour/include/hbapifs.h * harbour/source/rtl/filebuf.c + added hb_fileExists() and

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12327] trunk/harbour

2009-08-26 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, after a month break I'm back from N42.2217 E78.4485 and back on the list. I'll try to read mail and answer some questions. Wow, that is a remote part of the world! Did you camp at 4200m? The highest camping place was at 4150m. Highest peak reached at 4721m (coordinates above are for an

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12327] trunk/harbour

2009-08-26 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, That's quite nice. Why peaks were these? These are peaks with Lithuanian names in Tian Shan mountains: Akstinas, Zalgiris, Mazvydas, etc. Regards, Mindaugas ___ Harbour mailing list http://lists.harbour-project.o

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12327] trunk/harbour

2009-08-26 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, BTW, I guess some MT lock should be moved from s_file*() to hb_file*(). s_fileMtx and s_openFiles are static variable, and it is not possible to implement for example MT safe file close function for additional file protocols. Perhaps additional functions to insert/delete items into/from

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12249] trunk/harbour

2009-08-26 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, 2009-08-21 19:19 UTC-0800 Pritpal Bedi ( * contrib/hbwin/axcore.c + __AXDOVERB(), a very important function for in-process active-x controls There are a few things I do not like in this: 1) Passing of the message is not supported in this function. I understan

Re: [Harbour] mingw64 4.5.0 warnings

2009-08-28 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -I. -I../../../../../../include -Wall -W -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -IC:\devl\Firebird-2.1.2-x64\include -ofbirddd.o -c ../../../fbirddd.c ../../../fbirddd.c: In function 'fbConnect': ../../../fbirddd.c:166:26: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer withou

Re: [Harbour] mingw64 4.5.0 warnings

2009-08-31 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, What is correct way to initialize handler? isc_db_handle db = NULL; // wrong on 64bits isc_db_handle db = 0; // wrong on 32bits Probably some clever macros :) Maybe there is something already defined in FB headers. After all they should also need something like this. I've tried

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12003] trunk/harbour

2009-08-31 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
2009-08-09 11:07 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 * source/rtl/rat.c ! HB_RAT() fixed to not ignore nEnd parameter if it's out of bound. In such case it will now return zero ("not found"). Mindaugas, please verify if this is what you proposed. Hi, yes. Thank You.

[Harbour] OLE

2009-09-01 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, I have problems with OLE and variables by reference, exemple: ---cut--- oOle = Win_OleCreateObject( "NFe_Util_PL005a.Util" ) cName = "" cMess = "" oOle:PegaNomeCertificado( @cName, @cMess ) ? cName,cMess ---cut--- I have not implemented references in OLE because of a simple reason: I was

Re: [Harbour] Trouble with ole

2009-09-02 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Horodyski Marek (PZUZ) wrote: I try modify opened excel sheet, but this code : Local oExcel, oAs if ( oExcel := win_oleCreateObject( "Excel.Application" )) == Nil ok( 'Error ...') Return end cls * oExcel:WorkBooks:Add() // <-- when I uncommet this line, all is ok oAS := oExcel:Active

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12382] trunk/harbour

2009-09-02 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, + added new library: HBNETIO. Great! :) s_netio_exit: if( s_fInit ) // should be ! s_fInit { hb_socketCleanup(); s_fInit = TRUE; } Regards, Mindaugas ___ Harbour mailing list http://l

Re: [Harbour] ActiveX

2009-09-03 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Looking at the code I see one important difference between our new AX code and GTWVG/HWGUI. New AX code calls lOleError = HB_VTBL( pCPC )->FindConnectionPoint( HB_THIS_( pCPC ) HB_ID_REF( IID_IDispatch ), &pCP ); to take connection point but GTWVG

Re: [Harbour] ActiveX

2009-09-03 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
... and yet somehow, it works ... I just tested with this rather weird EFT ActiveX I have been given to talk to, and Przemyslaws new code. Unless the GPF you warn of is on the last event :) Can you debug: what interface you connect to (value of rriid after connection point enumeration loop)? W

Re: [Harbour] ActiveX

2009-09-03 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
If I understand you well then we should remove the rriid ISink member and modifiy this code: for( ;; ) { lOleError = HB_VTBL( pEnumCPs )->Next( HB_THIS_( pEnumCPs ) 1, &pCP, NULL ); if( lOleError != S_OK ) break; if( HB

Re: [Harbour] ActiveX

2009-09-03 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
My BPTI ActiveX uses EnumConnectionPoints and GetConnectionInterface as FindConnectionPoint fails. It seems to work fine, I get events that I expect. But, like MSCAL it GPF's on exit. Can you enumerate and print all available BPTI connection interfaces and try if these interfaces are available

Re: [Harbour] ActiveX

2009-09-03 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
This is all well and good again, but begs another question: "How does a client know the IID it wants to connect to?" Excellent question! There are two possible answers: Actually, the first method is known and implemented, but the second is not clear for me. From OLE View bundled with VB6:

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12399] trunk/harbour

2009-09-04 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, 2009-09-03 23:54 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/ * harbour/contrib/hbwin/axcore.c ! removed the hack I added in previous commit with interface enumeration which was accepting any interface without validation its ID. + added 3-rd parameter to __AXREGISTER

Re: [Harbour] ActiveX

2009-09-04 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Alex Strickland wrote: To debug, in axcore.c I put: if( cID ) { wchar_t* wCLSID = hb_mbtowc( cID ); MessageBox(NULL, "cID", cID, MB_OK); lOleError = CLSIDFromString( wCLSID, &rriid ); hb_xfree( wCLSID ); } MessageBox(NULL, WIN

Re: [Harbour] ActiveX

2009-09-04 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Actually if I try a console app: static oMSCAL:="fred" static oBPTI memvar oMainWindow public oMainWindow function Main() ? "Hello world!" ? oMSCAL return nil It also fails on the second ? line. Is this a regression, or am I being thick? Use -n compiler switch. Regards, Minda

Re: [Harbour] MultiThreads

2009-09-04 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
/When I need to compile a harbour code in console mode and need to use //MultiThreads, I use -mt nodifier to include //libhbvmMT.a instead libhbvm.a I like to know what problems or disadvantages could be generated if I use this by default , in programs that not use //MultiThreads MT cau

Re: [Harbour] SQL RDD

2009-09-11 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Lucas De Beltrán wrote: In Harbour, is there a RDD for SQL, so I keep the same code (such as SELECT ("INFO"), SET FILTER, PACK, etc). RDDSQL gives possibility to obtain SELECT query result via RDD API, but it does not support PACK. There is no PACK query in SQL. Regards, Mindaugas ___

Re: [Harbour] ActiveX

2009-09-11 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Do you think it is worth having a function to manually shut down the connection point, as HWGUI does? It seems that Release() is never called, for whatever reason. I'm really sorry, but I have nothing to do, if you are talking about HWGUI. SELF CONTAINED samples would help to solve the

Re: [Harbour] Problems with ADORDD.

2009-09-11 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Oci is like a dream. I managed in test app to get through the OCI into the base of pure C code, but in C I not know how to write users application. Unfortunately, ODBC, despite many attempts I was not able to connect to the database, and through ADO, you can easily connect. Problems begi

Re: [Harbour] Harbour clang static analyzer results

2009-09-11 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, ../../../sqlmix.c:1110:22: warning: Dereference of null pointer if ( pNode->Leaf ) static void hb_mixTagSkip( PMIXTAG pTag, LONG lSkip ) { PMIXNODE pNode, pNode2; unsigned int uiPos, uiPos2; pNode = pTag->CurNode; uiPos = pTag->CurPos; if ( lSkip > 0 ) {

Re: [Harbour] Problems with ADORDD.

2009-09-11 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Tomaž Zupan wrote: You can try ORACLE 10g Express Edition, which is much smaller. Minimal install file is 165MB. Perhaps, I'll wait for Viktor. :) Regards, Mindaugas ___ Harbour mailin

Re: [Harbour] Problems with ADORDD.

2009-09-11 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Oracle has let Oracle XE as free database server for commercial users with limited (one procesor, 4Gb quota for data files etc.). This Express database is good for test and has only 150Mb. It is like 10g version. I can send it for you via normal post on CD. Thank, You. I can download it,

Re: [Harbour] Error using OLE

2009-09-15 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, oWord = CREATEOBJECT( "Word.Application" ) oWord:Documents:Add() oWord:Visible = .T. RETURN NIL stops with Error TOleAuto/65535 : TOLEAUTO:NEW Called from THROW(0) Called from TOLEAUTO:NEW(0) Called from CREATEOBJECT(0) Called from MAIN(5) It works fine using xHarbour. What a

Re: [Harbour] Another OLE problem

2009-09-15 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote: FUNCTION MAIN() LOCAL oWord oWord = WIN_OLECREATEOBJECT( "Word.Application" ) I have a question here. In your previous example you used: oWord = CREATEOBJECT( "Word.Application" ) I'm interesting if using WIN_OLECREATEOBJECT() resolved the problem you rep

Re: [Harbour] hb_sendmail issues under linux

2009-09-17 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Lorenzo Fiorini wrote: In contrib/hbtip/sendmail.prg these lines: ... the standard requires Cr+Lf and servers like QMail reject messages with ONLY Lf reporting: 451 See while others like Postfix accept them but report: 354 End data with . Using Chr( 13 )

[Harbour] MT compile warning

2009-09-21 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, code: PROC main() #pragma begindump #include "hbthread.h" static HB_CRITICAL_NEW( s_mtx ); void somefunc( void ) { HB_CRITICAL_INIT( s_mtx ); } #pragma enddump causes warning on BCC: Warning W8075 test.prg 7: Suspicious pointer co

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12590] trunk/harbour

2009-09-21 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Viktor Szakáts wrote: In first test on darwin, I'm getting this: (with clang, but similar errors happened when trying with gcc) --- /Developer/usr/bin/clang -I. -I../../../../../include -DHB_CC_CLANG -fno-common -Wall -W -O3-o iodmem.o -c ../../../iodmem.c ../../../iodmem.c:686:4: warning:

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12590] trunk/harbour

2009-09-21 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Viktor Szakáts wrote: Is there any particular reason you choose a name without 'hb' prefix? I'd like to add make files and rename it to hbmemio, if possible. I'm not sure we should start a new special prefix to store IO replacement libs yet. Or, maybe we could rename both this lib and hbnetio t

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12593] trunk/harbour

2009-09-22 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, And most importantly thanks for this contribution, I think it's a very nice one and can easily replace any temp tables created on disk. I'll now go and convert my app to use it. the primary idea was more a toy I/O driver than the really useful addition to harbour. Linux users can reach a

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12593] trunk/harbour

2009-09-22 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote: Ups, I see you were replying to Mindaugas message with test code. I haven't tested it yet by I guess you did not remove tables and indexes created in memory. Use dbDrob() before application exit. I'll add automatic memory file system cleanup on application exit.

Re: [Harbour] hbmemio issue

2009-09-22 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Viktor Szakáts wrote: My very first problem towards implementing hbmemio as a replacement for temp tables is that I'd need to create *unique* "filenames". BTW the same problem goes to hbnetio, where I sometimes need to create unique temp files (which later get renamed to final table name)

Re: [Harbour] MS SQL and ODBC.

2009-09-22 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Horodyski Marek (PZUZ) wrote: I'm try to connect to MS SQL Serwer with code : > And app crash in dbusearea() with : oErr:severity_ 2 oErr:osCode___ 65527 oErr:subsystem()__SDDODBC oErr:subCode__ 1902 oErr:description__Invalid field type oErr:filename_ oE

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12601] trunk/harbour

2009-09-22 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Saulius Zrelskis wrote: Now in previous sample dbDrop() returns .F. for Mem I/O. Is this expected? Hi, should be fixed now. Thank You. Regards, Mindaugas ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12601] trunk/harbour

2009-09-23 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Saulius Zrelskis wrote: One small thing. Example below produces hb_out.log file: Application Internal Error - D:\ERROR\test.exe Terminated at: 2009.09.23 10:17:04 Unrecoverable error 9008: hb_xrealloc called with an invalid pointer

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12593] trunk/harbour

2009-09-23 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, I want to share more test results after using memory FS in real project. Report generation time (min:sec): Local disk database 3:07 Network database25:52 Local disk database and MemFS2:22 + 0:03 (copying to memory FS) Network database and MemFS

Re: [Harbour] MT compile warning

2009-09-24 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Warning W8075 test.prg 7: Suspicious pointer conversion in function somefunc The same warning is generated for HB_CRITICAL_LOCK( s_mtx ) and HB_CRITICAL_UNLOCK( s_mtx ). HB_CRITICAL_NEW() creates structure which does not need any initialization and can be used with hb_threadEnterCritical

Re: [Harbour] MS SQL and ODBC.

2009-09-24 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, I can not check because I do not have MS SQL, but to make error more informative, I've passed field type to :osCode. You error log shows it is value 65527. Since it is USHORT value, it can also mean -9, if it is signed. I can not find nor -9 neither 65527 field type sql.h. Varchar is defi

Re: [Harbour] MS SQL and ODBC.

2009-09-24 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, to: case SQL_CHAR: case SQL_VARCHAR: case SQL_LONGVARCHAR: case -9: pFieldInfo.uiType = HB_FT_STRING; break; in odbcdd.c. This helped, but only on nvarchar. When I make "select *" problem still : oErr:severity_ 2 oErr:o

Re: [Harbour] MS SQL and ODBC.

2009-09-24 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, I can read all fields from this table :) Maybe this solution should be make in svn ? /* case SQL_CHAR: case SQL_VARCHAR: case SQL_LONGVARCHAR: case -8: case -9: pFieldInfo.uiType = HB_FT_STRING; break; */ Using such arbitrary val

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12593] trunk/harbour

2009-09-24 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, NETIO locally (two processes) adding 10 entries - 80 seconds Read all entries - 10 seconds Update Records - 35 seconds the network (two computers) adding 10 records - 320 seconds Read all entries - 60 seconds Update Records - 420 seconds And all of this, any interruption of the cl

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12593] trunk/harbour

2009-09-25 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
server and client runs locally. Sound like something is wrong wit our socket layer. Regards, Mindaugas Alexandr Okhotnikov wrote: Hi DBFCDX (server WIN2003, client XP, net 100Mb) There are so many delays (in multiplayer mode) that I did not even recorded the results :) 2009/9/25

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12593] trunk/harbour

2009-09-25 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, The local disk tests in WinXP and Harbour using DBFCDX with native IO took ~2.50 seconds. It means that in above test Harbour consumes less then 1% and rest is the cost of network overhead. but this test clearly shows that to reach real speed improvement it's necessary to create RDD orient

Re: [Harbour] 2 ask on SQL Server in one time.

2009-09-28 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, DBUSEAREA( .T., "SQLMIX", "select * from klient", "KLIENT") DBUSEAREA( .T., "SQLMIX", "select p.*, nazwa from PRODUKT p, klient k where p.id_klient = k.id_klient and jed = '1234' and system = 1", "KLI_PROD") And have error in second query : oErr:severity_ 2 oErr:osCode___

Re: [Harbour] MEMIO - Some Clarifications

2009-09-28 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hello, Hello Mindagaus, All My name is Mindaugas. I have finished porting some parts of my appln's report-generation of routines to take advantage of MEMIO instead of disk files and have found the following. One of reports creates a table, say, rpa80025.dbf and associated index, ttt14

Re: [Harbour] 2 ask on SQL Server in one time.

2009-09-28 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Sounds like syntax error. Try to execute this query using some ODBC utility, or try to reduce query to find out a supported syntax. Probably no. This is a serious problem with SQLMIX. For example work : dbUseArea( . Browse() dbCloseAll() But when I use my_old_tBrowse_function() in p

Re: [Harbour] hbvpdf.lib with image

2009-09-28 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Anyway how you and other programmers create PDF files ? is there any other library better than HBVPDF ? I use cairo. Regards, Mindaugas ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] hbvpdf.lib with image

2009-09-28 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Bruno Luciani wrote: Mindaugas LibHPDF is manteined actually ? Sorry, I do not know anything about libhpdf. Just answered a question "how you and other programmers create PDF files". Regards, Mindaugas ___ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-pro

Re: [Harbour] MEMIO - Some Clarifications

2009-09-30 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, DBEVAL({|| QOUT(F1)}) ? alias(), used(), dbInfo( 10 ) ? "dbDrop() =>", DBDROP("mem:\test") // Free memory resource ? alias(), used(), dbInfo( 10 ) // This SHOULD PRODUCE ERROR It should not, because workarea is not closed. File entry is r

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12628] trunk/harbour

2009-09-30 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Revision: 12628 Author: vszakats Date: 2009-09-30 12:04:58 + (Wed, 30 Sep 2009) Log Message: --- 2009-09-30 13:53 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/ So, who is th

Re: [Harbour] MEMIO - Some Clarifications

2009-09-30 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Now I am puzzled a bit. It means DbDrop() only removes file entry from the directory but does nothing with file contents. Am I right ? OR if DbCloseArea() is issued prior to calling DbDrop(), it removes the file entry as well as file contents. To me it appears logical that DbDrop() must

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12647] trunk/harbour

2009-10-05 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, 2009-10-05 15:35 UTC+0300 Mindaugas Kavaliauskas (dbtopas/at/ * contrib/hbmemio/memio.c ! fixed memory corruption on hb_memfsTruncAt() call ! added required memory clear on hb_memfsTruncAt() call + implemeted file handles different from internal structure pointers

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12647] trunk/harbour

2009-10-05 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, I am not around my dev-environment so cannot test. Is this fix has to do anything with memory consumption I had reported ? Since this is related to memory corruption, it can also be related to memory consumption, GPF and anything else. But no memory leaks were found. Regards, Mindauga

Re: [Harbour] SqlMix and dbcreated

2009-10-16 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Horodyski Marek (PZUZ) wrote: Hi database community. dbCreate in this code : dbUseArea( .t., 'DBFCDX', 'POSREDNK.dbf', 'POSREDNIK', .f., .f.) ? 'Połączenie ', RDDINFO( 1001, { "ODBC", "DSN=WPIS;SERVER=KAN;PWD=pass;UID=MyAcc" }, 'SQLMIX' ) // > 1 ? dbCreate( 'POSREDNK', Posrednik->( dbStr

Re: [Harbour] CodePage and RDDSQL

2009-10-16 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Horodyski Marek (PZUZ) wrote: Mindaugas, RDDSQL/SQLMIX ignored CP parametr in function : dbUseArea( <.nw.>, , <(db)>, <(a)>, if(<.sh.> .or. <.ex.>, !<.ex.>, NIL), <.ro.> [, ] ) Can you add support for this parameter? the question is: How this CP parameter should be passed to SQL? If SQL

Re: [Harbour] SqlMix and dbcreated

2009-10-16 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, I have one question: rdd_info does connect to a particular database. How to make a call simultaneously to 2 or 3 bases, and juggle connections (Oracle, SQLServer and DB2). Now I have to copy the DBF file and do the other, a new connection. When I need to read the previous database, I do a

Re: [Harbour] SqlMix and dbcreated

2009-10-18 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Yes, of cause. You just have to pass a connection parameter to RDDINFO(), DBUSEAREA(), etc. Or select current connections using RDDI_CONNECTION. Do not understand :( For example I have 2 databases : 1 - oracle 2 - sqlserwer nConnection1 := RDDINFO(RDDI_CONNECT, ...) nConnection2 := R

Re: [Harbour] HBMemIO and RDDADS

2009-10-18 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, I'm trying to test hbmemio with RDDADS but I can't. Is it possible? No, ADS server is not a part of Harbour code, so, it can not use hbmemio.lib :) Regards, Mindaugas ___ Harbour mailing list http://lists.harbour

Re: [Harbour] Data Dictionary Support

2009-10-20 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, 1. A compiler option to declare a data dictionary declaration so that statements of the form: workarea->fieldname could be validated. Some time ago I had another idea. The letter of Alex just made me to remember and share it. Sometimes it is useful to have a "virtual field". On fie

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12721] trunk/harbour

2009-10-20 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, + added PRG functions for BlowFish encryption: hb_blowfishKey( ) -> hb_blowfishEncrypt( , ) -> says: "It takes a variable-length key, from 32 bits to 448 bits ..." Is cPass parameter a key? Or key is computed using this pas

Re: [Harbour] SqlMix and dbcreated

2009-10-20 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, DBUSEAREA(..., nConnection1) In dbUseArea nConnection can be on 8 item/position. That is nowhere in the documentation Yes, nConnection is the 8th parameter. The most precise documentation is source :) RDDI_ERROR, RDDI_ERRORNO after query execution. Its return 1, but records inser

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12721] trunk/harbour

2009-10-21 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, says: "It takes a variable-length key, from 32 bits to 448 bits ..." Is cPass parameter a key? Or key is computed using this password? is the key from above description which is transformed to used in encryption/decryption algorithm by hb_blowfishIn

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12721] trunk/harbour

2009-10-21 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, I've looked to key length encoding in Harbour level functions. Is it some standard way to encode length of 8byte unaligned data? I guess you are talking about .prg functions. No, it's not a standard. I implemented it only for these functions. I guess your padding IS standard ANSI X.923

Re: [Harbour] ActiveX and GPF

2009-10-21 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, 1. we can add additional "mark" function which will be registered with GC block together with cleanup function by hb_gcAlloc(). ... We can implement it without additional memory overhead and even increasing a little bit speed of existing GC core code but it will be necessary A

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12721] trunk/harbour

2009-10-21 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, 4. pad only strings shorter then 8 bytes. For longer strings encode encode all full 64bit blocks then encode last 64bits (decode in reveresed order) But the 4th is the most interesting :) I've not understood your idea, can you describe it it more detail? Ok, I've understood. You me

Re: [Harbour] hbmemio doesnt't work from USB key.

2009-10-22 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, FRANČEK PRIJATELJ wrote: When I copy simple program ,which is using hbmemio, to USB key and then run it from USB, it crashes with DOS error 123. The same program is workin fine from hard disk. Sounds like different executables. Can you send a self contained source, or executable, that

Re: [Harbour] hbmemio doesnt't work from USB key.

2009-10-23 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Franček Prijatelj wrote: Here is a program I do not find REQUEST HB_MEMIO in your source or in .exe. So, MemIO driver is for sure not linked, and as you can see "mem" disk file is created instead of memory file. I can only guess why windows return 123 error not in all cases. Regard

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12721] trunk/harbour

2009-10-23 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Przemysław Czerpak wrote: I hope that now the whole picture is more clean so I would like to ask you about your final preferences about raw mode. I think padding with CHR(0) is the best choice in raw mode. This way function has more extended functionality than RTE or NIL, but it is stil

Re: [Harbour] Destructors of static scope variables

2009-10-26 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Alex Strickland wrote: Is it expected behavior that this program does not output "Destructor"? ... If I set oMSCAL to nil it does work of course. I've not looked to destructor execution order on exit. But try to change ? "Destructor" to HB_MEMOWRIT("debug.log", "Destructor") It is po

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12776] trunk/harbour

2009-10-27 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, + added XHB_AINS(), XHB_ADEL() functions which accept negative indexes. Warning I haven't replicated xHarbour bugs in AINS() so it's not exactly the same. Sooner or later someone will fix AINS() code in xHarbour CVS. Such changelog entries always makes me smile. But

[Harbour] ADS limits

2009-10-28 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, in the beginning I was going to write a private email to Przemek and ask about CDX detail, but more deep test gave me an answer. The problem of the customers was that sometimes browse does not show records (in scoped alias), but records for sure exist in database. We found that ORDKEYCO

Re: [Harbour] ADS limits

2009-10-28 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, ToninhoFWi wrote: I had this problem in the past and I change ads1.c to trap it: 2008-09-22 16:19 UTC-0300 Antonio Carlos Pantaglione * harbour/contrib/rddads/ads1.c * using AdsCreateIndex61 when ADS_LIB_VERSION >= 610. This functions use ADS_DEFAULT as index page size parameter and

Re: [Harbour] about Netio

2009-11-01 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, gvarona wrote: (DOS Error 123) Any TIP? REQUEST HB_NETIO Regards, Mindaugas ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] about Netio

2009-11-01 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
gvarona wrote: Menu.o:Menu.c:(.data+0x12e8): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_HB_NETIO' Any idea? hbnetio.lib Regards, Mindaugas ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] about Netio

2009-11-02 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Now you are writing: Menu.o:Menu.c:(.data+0x12e8): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_NETIO' In a last letter it was: Menu.o:Menu.c:(.data+0x12e8): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_HB_NETIO' Don't you think these are a different things? Why have you changed REQUEST HB_NETIO as suggested i

Re: [Harbour] about Netio

2009-11-02 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, gvarona wrote: I'm just testing of 2 ways: REQUEST HB_NETIO REQUEST NETIO but with no work for me What could be missing? If you've added NETIO, you forgot to write your own IO driver, that exports such name. Regards, Mindaugas ___ Harbour ma

Re: [Harbour] uhttpd v0.3

2009-11-09 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, ToninhoFWi wrote: Can I use uhttpd to replace my calls to Microsoft.XMLHTTP ? I do not know that Microsoft.XMLHTTP is, so, I can not answer your question. "uhttpd + Harbour" is equivalent to "apache + PHP" and perhaps to "Microsoft IIS + VB scripts". Maybe this can give you a hint to

Re: [Harbour] how to control the MDI windows in ALIAS ?

2009-11-11 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, AGAIN To open a table concurrently in multiple work areas, you can do one of the following: Select another work area and issue USE with the table name and the AGAIN clause. Issue USE with the table name and the AGAIN clause, and specify a different work area with the IN clause. When you open

Re: [Harbour] something is wrong with BCC build

2009-11-12 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Chen Kedem wrote: I'm testing Rev12864 with Borland C++Builder 5.0 on a WinNT 4.0. A normal build run just fine, but when I try to build it with CodeGoard I get an error. process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, ../../../../../bin/win/bcc/hbpp.exe ../../../../../include/ -opptable.c

[Harbour] HB_GT_* and HB_GT_*_DEFAULT

2009-11-13 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, does HB_GT_*_DEFAULT request forces HB_GT_* request? Or we should add both? Regards, Mindaugas ___ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] OLE objects syntax...

2009-11-14 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, In Harbour I can: ? object:cOption("property") and have the correct value but I don't know how to set that value ! Do you have any self contained sample? object:cOption("property") := .T. is not accepted by the compiler, Just like STR(7) := .T. object:cOption("property", .T.) is a r

Re: [Harbour] Edit Compile Debug in visual cycle

2009-11-15 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Viktor Szakáts wrote: While I'm comfortable at the command line, I couldn't yet find an alternative for Far Manager on *nix systems. Midnight commander is equivalent on Linux. Regards, Mindaugas ___ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit:

Re: [Harbour] OLE objects syntax...

2009-11-15 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, #ifdef FIRST1 oPdfApp:cOption( "UseAutoSave" ) := 1 // Compiler error #endif #ifdef FIRST2 oPdfApp:cOption( "UseAutoSave" , 1 ) // runtime error #endif // I've used OleView.exe to see PDFCreator methods. It shows: [id(0x68030009), propget] HRESULT cOption([in] BSTR PropertyName,

Re: [Harbour] Edit Compile Debug in visual cycle

2009-11-15 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Viktor Szakáts wrote: It's supposed to be, but in practice it's just can't work nearly that smoothly. F.e. even PgUp/PgDn died (or maybe it never worked) to navigate, I have to press Esc twice to exit a View/Edit window, Insert key doesn't work, the editor is quite limited in comparison.

Re: [Harbour] Type of dbInfo(1)

2009-11-16 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Horodyski Marek (PZUZ) wrote: Mindaugas, dbInfo(1) from sqlmix is returned U. Should be .F. Fixed. Check too ValType of HeaderSize() and RecSize(). They have no meaning for SQL, so, I do not thing NIL is error. Though, it will use inherited values from workarea.c (after my last comm

Re: [Harbour] Type of dbInfo(1)

2009-11-16 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Massimo Belgrano wrote: i have tried made a sample BUT RECEIVE ERROR unable to connect what i miss? i can open sql server management studio with localhost\SQLEXPRESS , windows autentication ... x_stringa="driver=SQL Server;Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS};Database=HBTEST;Trusted_Connection=y

Re: [Harbour] Type of dbInfo(1)

2009-11-16 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Massimo Belgrano wrote: sql have a native connection? Sorry, Massimo, I do not understand your question. Regards, Mindaugas ___ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Edit Compile Debug in visual cycle

2009-11-17 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Lorenzo Fiorini wrote: IMHO as it is Harbour is only useful for ex Clipper developers that have a lot of CUI code to maintain. I've wrote the last CUI in 1999. Later I've used Clipper with Windows memory management module and I've wrote pure Windows GUI event driven applications in Clipp

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12919] trunk/harbour

2009-11-17 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, * harbour/contrib/rddsql/sddodbc/odbcdd.c + added support of SQL_WCHAR, SQL_WVARCHAR, SQL_WLONGVARCHAR ; NOTE: I get more and more complains about not working sddodbc, because of these data types. I'm unable to get such situation in my programming environvent. So, th

Re: [Harbour] Edit Compile Debug in visual cycle

2009-11-17 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Przemysław Czerpak wrote: In Norton Commander the command line is part of NC code not a SHELL so works with completely different conditions. In MC if you hit CTRL+O then hit any key then once again CTRL+O to return to MC you will not be able to execute any new command because these "any key

[Harbour] RDDADS field types

2009-11-18 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, I found some incompatibilities trying to move database from DBF to ADT. ADT has more field types than a classic DBF. Field types in FIELDINFO method returns long names like: IMAGE, DOUBLE, TIMESTAMP, MODTIME. This code was written long time ago when Harbour has no support for such types

Re: [Harbour] RDDADS field types

2009-11-18 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Viktor Szakáts wrote: None from me. It's an important fix. Perhaps you can also add mapping to CREATEFIELDS() for Harbour type codes too, so both method can be used. Yes, of cause. Such mapping is already implemented, f.e., you can use both "M", and "MEMO" as a field type in DBCREATE().

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12943] trunk/harbour

2009-11-20 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Przemysław Czerpak wrote: I haven't time too look at this whole code so I cannot say what exactly is fixed by version 2.8.4 in comparison to 2.8.3. 2.8.4 is used with nedmalloc designed to improve performance in MT programs but I added to Harbour exactly the same functionality using pure 2.

Re: [Harbour] Problem in OLE implementation

2009-11-22 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Enrico Maria Giordano wrote: In the following sample, GetRows() method returns NIL (correctly returns an array using xHarbour): Can you provide some file to be tested using the following sample? In my case sample does not work because e:\fwharbour\samples\xbrtest.mdb does not exist.

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12947] trunk/harbour

2009-11-23 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, Grigory Filatov wrote: We have a GPF in the sample arrayrdd.prg at the calling of the function DBCLOSEALL() after last changes in the hbrddsql contrib library. Thank, You. Should be fixed. BTW, it would be nice if hbmk2 -map switch will add -s option (detailed map) in BCC. Current map f

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12970] trunk/harbour

2009-11-23 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, * harbour/src/vm/fm.c * enabled HB_FM_DLMT_ALLOC by default in MT HVM if HB_FM_DL_ALLOC is also enabled BTW, what is HB_FM_DLMT_ALLOC performance in comparison to native Linux malloc() (in MT mode of cause)? Regards, Mindaugas __

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12998] trunk/harbour

2009-11-24 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas
Hi, * contrib/hbide/hbide.hbp * contrib/hbide/hbide.prg + contrib/hbide/idemisc.prg ! Implemented to execute context sensitive popups. Right click on right-hand area. GPF if not of popup menu actions is selected (by clicking outside of popup). BTW, compile toolbar button clo

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