I have several systems running with gtwvw and I am very interested, I
use a set of objects based wvw call wvwtools, it is available in
Yes I am very interested!!!
thanks for attention
Hi Przemyslaw Czerpak
I would like to make a suggestion for the function dTOc (), a second
parameter with the output format, something like this:
? dtoc (date (), "MM-DD-)
? dtoc (date (), "MM-)
? dtoc (date (), "-DD)
I did this on xHarbour, follows the source:
Hello Pritpal
I get it right?
GTWVG want to kill?
I have twenty-five systems in xHarbour + WVW all working very well, I'm
waiting for the incorporation of WVW in WVG
please tell me a joke and that the first early April ...
I think I will cry ...
Pritpal Bedi escreveu:
Hello Everybody
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