[Harbour] hbvpdf.lib with image

2009-09-17 Thread Jose Miguel
Hello The library hbvpdf.lib When printing an image and the file does not exist, does not close the pdf and gives error What are the sources that supports and what types of pages? Saludos Jose Miguel Ejemplos y programas para Harbour + MiniGUI Extended http://www.embalajesterra.com/misdoc

[Harbour] MenuItem

2008-01-04 Thread Jose Miguel
Hola/Hello Cuando presiono un numero en el menu se selecciona siempre el primer item, alguna solucion? - When I press I number in menu always selects the first item, some solution? Este el el codigo/this is the code // TopBar() creates the menu at the very

Re: [Harbour] MenuItem

2008-01-04 Thread Jose Miguel
nd you verified that option 1 is selected, thanks Saludos Jose Miguel Szakáts Viktor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: Hi Jose, Could you post a working example for this problem, so that I can compare the behavior to C5.3. Brgds, Viktor On 2008.01.04., at 16:30, Jose Miguel wrote: > Hola

Re: [Harbour] MenuItem

2008-01-05 Thread Jose Miguel
Hello I have proven it with Harbour Compiler Devel build (SVN 2007-12-20 15:00), that is harbour of Minigui Ext. Not like obtaining a recent version but Saludos Jose Miguel Szakáts Viktor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: Thank you. Please try with lastest repository. Brgds, Viktor On 2008

Re: [Harbour] MenuItem

2008-01-05 Thread Jose Miguel
Hello, I have seen that it has made a modification, thank you very much, will prove in proxima update of Minigui ext. Greetings and thanks Jose Miguel Szakáts Viktor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: Hi, I've fixed this problem yesterday (see the Changelog sent just before my previous

[Harbour] GET FECHA

2008-01-05 Thread Jose Miguel
Hola/Hello Cuando edito un campo fecha se desplazan los guiones, es correcto? --- When I publish a field date move the scripts, he is correct? FECHA:=DATE() @ 4,16 GET FECHA Saludos Jose Miguel Ejemplos y programas para MiniGUI Extended http://www.gateos.com/misdoc/programas

[Harbour] DIRECTOY and subfolders?

2008-01-26 Thread Jose Miguel
Hola, Existe algun comando como DIRECTOY que incluya las subcarpetas? -- Hello, Exists algun commando like DIRECTOY that includes the subfolders? Saludos Jose Miguel Ejemplos y programas para Harbour + MiniGUI Extended http://www.gateos.com/misdoc

[Harbour] Wvt_SetFont( 'Lucida Console',18, 11, 0 )

2008-06-30 Thread Jose Miguel
te comando Wvt_SetFont( 'Lucida Console',18, 11, 0 ) Me da error incluso enlazando la libreria gtwvt.lib quizas la enlazo mal, nose. Es para un programa mixto hmg ext + console Saludos Jose Miguel Ejemplos y programas para Harbour + MiniGUI Extended http://www.embalajesterra.