Alexandr Okhotnikov napsal(a):
After upgrade my Kubuntu (up to Kubuntu karmic 9.10, GCC 4.4, KDE 4.3 RC3):
attempt to start (demo in "contrib/hbqt/tests/demoqt") leads to error
"Segmentation fault (core dumped)"
First come in mind that you need to recompile harbour
best regards
Bruno Luciani napsal(a):
Something Strange happens when i try to update via SVN
br...@notebook:~$ svn co
svn: Error al convertir la entrada en el directorio
Bruno Luciani napsal(a):
But I never need to do that
until yesterday all works ok
"export LC_ALL=C" make error message in English
2009/11/27 Davor Siklic>>
Bruno Luciani napsal(a):
Something Strange happens when i try t
hbide fail to compile on ubuntu
s...@siki:~/clipp/harbour/contrib/hbide$ hbmk2 hbide
hbmk2: Processing environment options:
hbmk2: Processing configuration:
Harbour 2.0.0beta3 (Rev.
Tamas TEVESZ napsal(a):
On Mon, 30 Nov 2009, Davor Siklic wrote:
> s...@siki:~/clipp/harbour/contrib/hbide$ hbmk2 hbide
hbmk2 hbide.hbp
so tired after all night work
thank you and sorry to bother
best regards
Harbour mail
Tamas TEVESZ napsal(a):
would someone with gcc2 handy get me the output of
gcc -dM -E -xc /dev/null
please? (whatever /dev/null is on your platform; running it on an
empty file is good, too.)
please indicate what platform you are on.
i am not at the moment interested in any other gcc v
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
Yes , but there aren't any people asking or responding in this forum/list
One more reason to redirect traffic there, otherwise
it's a catch 22, nobody goes there (even with relevant
question), because there is nobody there :)
Community experts pls jump on thi
Hello all
dbu.dif is not usable on linux, any hint ?
there are a problem with dbu.hbp also becouse the filenames are in uppercase
best regards
Harbour mailing list
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
dbu.dif is not usable on linux, any hint ?
I have a guess: EOL.
Convert it with dos2unix or similar tool and retry.
I'll fix it in a while.
Harbour mailing list
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
Hi all
dbu.dif is not usable on linux, any hint ?
No. What happens?
there are a problem with dbu.hbp also becouse the filenames are in uppercase
It's intentionally uppercase (specifically because
of *nix systems) because the original sources were
Davor Siklic napsal(a):
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
Hi all
dbu.dif is not usable on linux, any hint ?
No. What happens?
s...@siki:/opt/clipp/harbour/examples/dbu$ dos2unix dbu.dif
s...@siki:/opt/clipp/harbour/examples/dbu$ patch dbu.prg dbu.dif
patching file dbu.prg
Hunk #1 FAILED at
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
It's question of how filesystem are mounted. I mount my old dos hard drive
and I have all files lowercase. I think that this is mostly true for
expirienced linux/unix user
I think that dbu are very important and we can try to make dif proces case
insensitive and dont h
Przemyslaw Czerpak napsal(a):
On Wed, 10 Jun 2009, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:
I know, one of the major points of this patch is to
make DBU code use lower case names. However DBU sources
still come in uppercase from the vendor, as we're just
patching them :) Same situation with superlib, but
Alexander S.Kresin napsal(a):
Davor Siklic writes:
Maybe we can include another dbu clone, Alexander's dbc come in mind
(Hello Alex :-))
Hi, glad to see you :)
me to
I'm ready to provide dbc sources under common Harbour license.
That's great, thank You
best regards
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
Is there a simple cmdline to convert filenames to lowercase,
which works on most *nix systems?
convmv --lower --notest *
|rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *|
|or script like
for filename in *
n=`echo $filename | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
Is there a simple cmdline to convert filenames to lowercase,
which works on most *nix systems?
convmv --lower --notest *
|rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *|
|or script like
for filename in *
n=`echo $filename | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
Hi All
I found small problem in debbuger
when try to locate some text in source file debbuger chrashed:
METHOD Search( cString, lCaseSensitive, nMode ) CLASS HBBrwText
LOCAL lFound := .F.
IF !lCaseSensitive
cString := Upper( cString )
CASE nMode ==
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
Thank you Alexander.
I've added this hbformat command line into readme.txts:
hbformat -lFCaseLow=yes -nEol=0 -lIndent=no -lCase=no -lSpace=no *.prg
I'd appreciate if Linux users could test the process with real
sources. Davor?
hbformat -lFCaseLow=yes -nEol=0 -lIndent
source/debug/test_src$ ls
dbucopy.prg dbu.hlp dbunet.prg dbustru.prg dbuview.prg
dbuedit.prg dbuindx.prg DBU.PRG dbuutil.prg
dbuhelp.prg dbu.lnk dbu.rmk dbuview.bak
On 2009.06.11., at 19:32, Davor Siklic wrote:
Viktor S
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
s...@siki:~/clipp/harbour/source/debug/test_src$ ls
dbucopy.prg dbu.hlp dbunet.prg dbustru.prg dbuview.prg
dbuedit.prg dbuindx.prg DBU.PRG dbuutil.prg
dbuhelp.prg dbu.lnk dbu.rmk dbuview.bak
Alexander S.Kresin napsal(a):
I found small problem in debbuger
when try to locate some text in source file debbuger chrashed:
Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list
Davor Siklic napsal(a)
but in case I run again and there are all files lowercase
s...@siki:~/clipp/harbour/source/debug/test_src$ ls
dbucopy.prg dbuhelp.prg dbuindx.prg dbunet.prg DBU.RMK dbuutil.prg
dbuedit.prg DBU.HLP DBU.LNK dbu.prg dbustru.prg dbuview.prg
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
Good, so the command line is fine.
Next question is what happens if the source
filenames were in uppercase, plus whether the
patch command works after above conversion.
Can you test this process?
s...@siki:~/clipp/harbour/source/debug/test_src$ ls
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
Good, so the command line is fine.
Next question is what happens if the source
filenames were in uppercase, plus whether the
patch command works after above conversion.
Can you test this process?
s...@siki:~/clipp/harbour/source/debug/test_src$ ls
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
Thanks. This looks fine to me, hbformat left the
uppercased names as .bak files.
What I don't understand is how hbformat found the *.PRG
extension where we looked for *.prg one. Anyway current
behavior is very good for us, since it accept extension
regardless of the ca
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
s...@siki:~/clipp/harbour/examples/dbu/test_src$ dos2unix *
s...@siki:~/clipp/harbour/examples/dbu/test_src$ patch -N -i dbu52.dif
patching file dbu.prg
Hunk #1 FAILED at 60.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 381.
Hunk #3 FAILED at 398.
3 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
Hunk #7 succeeded at 3080 (offset -1 lines).
Could be the EOL conversion is also wrong, but this last
series of errors are a clear sign that you're trying to
patch 5.3 sources with the 5.2 .dif file.
I never used 5.3, this is 5.2e sources, but maybe are touched/change
Hunk #7 succeeded at 3080 (offset -1 lines).
On 2009.06.12., at 11:47, Davor Siklic wrote:
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
Hunk #7 succeeded at 3080 (offset -1 lines).
Could be the EOL conversion is also wrong, but this la
cess is cleanly done without errors
with all .dif files as per readme.txt on Darwin. Linux
*should be* the same, but I didn't try.
On 2009.06.12., at 11:47, Davor Siklic wrote:
I found another problem, please remove ! from string "@K!S8" at line
1105 and 1272
dded workaround for hbformat needing quotes around wildcarded
input filenames on *nix systems.
* examples/dbu/dbu52.dif
* examples/dbu/dbu53.dif
! Added fix to not force uppercase in filename input GETs.
Thanks to Davor Siklic for the hint.
* examples/rl/rl.dif
! Added fix to
Hi all
I found that achoice in harbour are incompatible with clipper. Problem
is when all menu items are nonselectable
working on a dbu I see problem when press F7 .or. press F1 and then left
and right
achoice are C function, and out of my skils
strange that all this years nobody foun
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
Hi all
I found that achoice in harbour are incompatible with clipper.
Problem is when all menu items are nonselectable
working on a dbu I see problem when press F7 .or. press F1 and then
left and right
achoice are C function, and out of my skils
strange that
Massimo Belgrano napsal(a):
can you post a sample so i try
for example make a dbu and press F7
2009/6/12 Davor Siklic>>
Hi all
I found that achoice in harbour are incompatible with clipper.
Problem is when all menu items are nonselectable
workin napsal(a):
Great :-)
thank You
Revision: 11323
Author: vszakats
Date: 2009-06-13 11:56:32 + (Sat, 13 Jun 2009)
Log Message:
2009-06-13 1
Barry Jackson napsal(a):
If Harbour is built from SVN using and
install, the install defaults to /usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib/harbour
and /usr/local/include/harbour.
If rpms are made using then the resulting rpms install
Harbour in /usr/bin /usr/lib/harbour
Hi all
I need to have run command with standard input, std. output and error
output which I use in past. After discover found hb_process* functions
and find that are little difficult to use.
Attached is syscmd.prg and is good example of using hb_process*
functions. I get inspired with uhttpd
Any opinions on including it in core RTL? Przemek?
2009/6/16 Davor Siklic>>
Hi all
I need to have run command with standard input, std. output and
error output which I use in past. After discover found
hb_process* functions and fi
Przemyslaw Czerpak napsal(a):
Nice but it will not work as expected in all cases.
If stderr output is longer then PIPE buffer size this code will create
deadlock. If if passed stdin is longer then PIPE buffer size then is
truncated in hidden.
This deadlock in this code can be used to exploit in t
Hi all
Today I see this error (ubuntu 9.04)
svn update
At revision 11520.
make[4]: Entering directory
gcc -I. -I../../../../include -Wall -W -O3-c ../../strpeek.c
../../strpeek.c: In function
Przemyslaw Czerpak napsal(a):
On Wed, 24 Jun 2009, Davor Siklic wrote:
Hi all
Today I see this error (ubuntu 9.04)
svn update
At revision 11520.
make[4]: Entering directory `/opt/clipp/harbour/source/rtl/linux/gcc'
gcc -I. -I../../../../include -Wall -W -O3
Viktor Szakáts napsal(a):
No idea, sorry, -debug add -g C switch on linux/gcc, strange
that this can create such effect, so it may also be that it's
something else.
As a next step you'd need gdb to get a C trace call, I hope
someone can help with more info here.
Hi Viktor
there are the same
41 matches
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