somebody can give a reply on harbour user mailing list?
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 1:16 AM
Subject: [Harbour-users] Docs on installation?
I am trying to use th
Hi Przemek,
I forgot about one thing, in order to implement
__i18n_gettext() with hashes, two hash lookups
are needed, but my tests were doing only one.
Is there a way to eliminate two hash lookups
in this expression:
// IN: text, hash
IF text $ hash
text := hash[ text ]
// OUT: text
I can improve the speed by reading hash items in raw form
but it may cause some bad side effects because hashes uses
national collating by default. IMHO it's wrong and I would
like to change it. The default should be binary collating
we optimized for speed. If user wants then he can enable
Szakáts Viktor wrote:
Hi Przemek,
I forgot about one thing, in order to implement
__i18n_gettext() with hashes, two hash lookups
are needed, but my tests were doing only one.
Is there a way to eliminate two hash lookups
in this expression:
// IN: text, hash
IF text $ hash
text := hash[ text
I use standard gnu makefiles with hb* scripts but under Mac OS X I
can't find the right way to shared executables.
Everything gets built correctly using the same makefiles I use under
Win and Lin but at runtime the executable looks for libmylib.0.dylib
while my lib is libmylib.dylib.
If I change
I think that it will be also good to introduce internal
hash flag which will force resorting on 1-st access and
implement internal b-tree structure for hashes. It's waiting
for really long time. I'll try to make these modifications in
some spare time.
does b-tree have a big advantage over
Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
2008-11-02 13:36 UTC+0100 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/
* harbour/include/hbexprb.c
! fixed possible GPF/internal memory corruption in code like:
? HB_I18N_GETTEXT_NOOP( "Ala ma kota" + " !!!" )
Mindaugas, the fix is also the answer for
2008-11-05 13:15 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)
* make_vc.mak
* -GA option only used for HB_VISUALC_VER >= 70.
Please update this if older versions also support it.
* include/
* source/common/hbver.c
* Some more fiddling with version number terminology a
On Wed, 05 Nov 2008, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
Hi Mindaugas,
> I see Przemek has already implemented national/binary hash ordering, so my
> remarks are too late, but I really do not understand a problem here.
> From my point of view hash is a way to obtain data value by key value (not
> by
Hi Przemek,
We can use any algorithm for sorting keys. We can also use the real
algorithm, i.e. generate some checksum of key, and try to find
value using
this checksum. In this case national/binary sorting is not used at
So, I do not understand at all, why do we need hb_hSetB
On Wed, 05 Nov 2008, David Arturo Macias Corona wrote:
Hi David,
> >Should be fixed. Please tray after:
> > 2008-11-04 17:28 UTC+0100 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/
> >> ../../../thread.c(402): Warning! W869: col(25) use of '_beginthread'
> >> requires build target to be multi-thre
On Wed, 05 Nov 2008, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
Hi Mindaugas,
> does b-tree have a big advantage over simple binary search in case all data
> is IN MEMORY. I see no advantage in data lookup. There is advantage in data
> insertion in case of large number of keys.
Exactly and this is the only
I dream reading some argument in todolist so compliment to Harbour that
have done a big amount of changes
Can I suggest another point that will be useful for make an uniform
documentation of harbour
Define a standard make system so each platform/c compiler will use
similar instruction for compi
From my point of view hash is a way to obtain data value by key value (not
by number like in array).
To be precise: hashes allows to operate non continuous on indexes.
These indexes does not have to be strings.
F.e. AFAIR you are using pointers.
Yes, I know keys can be also numeric. Per
On Wed, 05 Nov 2008, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
Hi Mindaugas,
> Well, I did not know such things. After such know knowledge I'll be afraid
> to use ==. Perhaps, I'll write my own string_[binary_]equal() :)
If you do not use CP which can introduce equal chars then you do not
have to think abo
I think that using standard serialization method will increase
functionality, f.e. users can easy change the place where they store
i18n translation tables, f.e. they can use DBF with MEMO fields.
I can update this code but if Mindaugas already has some working code
then maybe we should not repeat
On Wed, 05 Nov 2008, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:
Hi Viktor,
> r9830 r9838
> __i18n_loadfrommemory(): 3.72 3.72
> __i18n_gettext(): 3.39 3.33
> hb_deserialize(): 10.26 4.41
> hash lookup: 2.58 4.16
> For some reason simple hash lookup b
"Code page name" are to "Char Set" as you see some times are confused
by the alias name, any people can think incorrectly
that iso-8859-1 is the same than windows-1252 but are real different
Char Set
Yes, exactly. Very important that ISO-8859-1 is an official
standard, while Window
>Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 14:56:27 +0100
>From: "Massimo Belgrano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Harbour] one cent for todolist
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>I dream reading some argument in todolist so compliment to Harbour that
>have d
On Wed, 05 Nov 2008, Miguel Angel Marchuet wrote:
Hi Miguel,
> Windows-1252 is the standard used at windows application.
CP-1252 is local MS name. Nothing more.
> ISO-8859-1 is the standard used at Linux and html application,
ISO-8859-1 is standardized name and official standard encoding in
__ Informaci�n de ESET NOD32 Antivirus, versi�n de la base de firmas de
virus 3586 (20081105) __
ESET NOD32 Antivirus ha comprobado este mensaje.
Harbour mailing list
-Original Message-
>Have you test xMate :) ?
I use xmate
Xmate give me high productivity as possible
The better choice in my opinion is made a make system compatible with
xmate project xhp
>>>Assign to:
>>>Detail...: Add NETRDD - meta RDD which will allow transport layer
On Wed, 05 Nov 2008, Miguel Angel Marchuet wrote:
Hi Miguel,
> Please, STOP
> this is part of MSDN documentation:
MS documentsion does not creates any standards in my country
and I hope will never do but you can contact with my government
and try to change it ;-)
best regards,
"Code page name" are to "Char Set" as you see some times are
confused by the alias name, any people can think incorrectly
that iso-8859-1 is the same than windows-1252 but are real
different Char Set
Yes, exactly. Very important that ISO-8859-1 is an official
standard, while Windo
__ Informaci�n de ESET NOD32 Antivirus, versi�n de la
base de firmas de virus 3586 (20081105) __
ESET NOD32 Antivirus ha comprobado este mensaje.
Harbour mailing list
Actually they managed to do this locally with their
office document standards a while ago :( I'm not sure
what was the deal with Poland, but MS did use dirty
tricks in several countries.
On 2008.11.05., at 18:00, Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
On Wed, 05 Nov 2008, Miguel Angel Marchue
Przemyslaw Czerpak escribió:
On Wed, 05 Nov 2008, Miguel Angel Marchuet wrote:
Hi Miguel,
Please, STOP
this is part of MSDN documentation:
MS documentsion does not creates any standards in my country
and I hope will never do but you can contact with my government
and try to change it ;-)
Hi Przemek,
For some reason simple hash lookup became
a bit slower, and now 30% slower than
__i18n_gettext() (previously it was 30%
faster). Still pretty good though. I wonder
what may cause this.
Probably there are some different conditions in tests.
Binary search is noticeable faster then th
Hi Mindaugas,
The downside I see with 'context' implementation (while
it's pretty natural and straightforward), is that it
can make the language file quite fat for long context
strings. Easy to overcome by choosing a short one, in
my case context is a mere 2 chars, so it's not too bad.
As for NI
On Wed, 05 Nov 2008, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:
Hi Viktor,
> I'll do some tests a bit later.
Below is small test code I've just created.
Here I my results:
__I18N_LOADFROMMEMORY: 5.93 sec.
hb_deserialize:6.63 sec.
other code overhead: 2.28 sec.
will show:
MINDAUGAS Kavaliauskas
but I think it's worth to pay. If other developers will agree
with me then I'll change internal hash representation so keys
will be hashed when added and then always sorted in binary form.
Fully agree.
2008-11-05 19:16 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)
* bin/
* include/
* include/hbver.h
* contrib/examples/pp/pp.c
* source/pp/ppcore.c
* source/pp/hbpp.c
* source/common/hbver.c
2008-11-05 19:26 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)
* contrib/hbcurl/hbcurl.c
% Removed two Harbour level functions not really
adding to functionality but forcing linkage of these
(otherwise unused) curl interfaces.
Thanks for these tests.
Local results:
__I18N_LOADFROMMEMORY: 9.86 sec.
hb_deserialize:9.02 sec.
other code overhead: 4.95 sec.
__I18N_GETTEXT: 18.84 sec.
HB_HKEY: 16.05 sec.
Native hash .prg access: 24.36 sec.
2008-11-05 19:36 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)
* contrib/examples/dbu/bld_b32.bat
* contrib/examples/dbu/bld_vc.bat
* utils/hbdoc/bld_b32.bat
* utils/hbdoc/bld_vc.bat
* utils/hbmake/bld_b32.bat
* utils/hbmake/bld_vc.bat
* Minor cleanups.
; NOTE: Win9x support fo
On Wed, 05 Nov 2008, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
Hi Mindaugas,
> This code forced me to test if NIL can by a hash key. It's a pity, but it's
> not :) We would be able to drop 3 lines of code, by removing default
> cDomain initialization to "[MAIN]".
But it will not increase the final code sp
On Wed, 05 Nov 2008, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:
Hi Viktor, Mindaugas and others,
I've just implemented support for
h[ cKey ] => cKey
when cKey does not exists in hash array and of course it gives
optimal speed.
It can be enabled by setting hash array flags by hb_hSet*()
Now I only
Hi Viktor, Mindaugas and others,
I've just implemented support for
h[ cKey ] => cKey
when cKey does not exists in hash array and of course it gives
optimal speed.
It can be enabled by setting hash array flags by hb_hSet*()
Now I only need good names for this function and hb
On Wed, 05 Nov 2008, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:
>> will show:
>> MINDAUGAS Kavaliauskas
>> but I think it's worth to pay. If other developers will agree
>> with me then I'll change internal hash representation so keys
>> will be hashed when added and then always sorted in binary form.
> Fully agree.
Hello Przemek
static BOOL hb_dbfIsLocked( DBFAREAP pArea, ULONG ulRecNo )
Can you guide me with which call this method is implemented?
IsLocked( nRecNo ) or something else.
Also please tell me how it is routed via USRRDD.
Pritpal Bedi
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Dnia środa 05 listopad 2008, Massimo Belgrano napisał:
> somebody can give a reply on harbour user mailing list?
I am subscribed to this list and already answered to it.
best regards,
ABIX - Linuksowe Systemy Wspomagania Biznesu
Gadu-Gadu: 302315
Skype: abix_adamj
On Wed, 05 Nov 2008, Pritpal Bedi wrote:
> Hello Przemek
> dbf1.c
> static BOOL hb_dbfIsLocked( DBFAREAP pArea, ULONG ulRecNo )
> Can you guide me with which call this method is implemented?
It's internal DBF RDD function used for few different things.
> IsLocked( nRecNo ) or something else.
I've taken a quick look at brmake source, and it looks
it would need some serious work to make it into Harbour
as multiplatform 'hbmk' implementation.
Some parts of it need to be translated to English, and
apparently the code is targeting the Windows world
exclusively (all filenames are in upperc
2008-11-05 23:27 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)
* make_vc.bat
* contrib/hbgt/doc/gendoc.bat
* contrib/hbapollo/make_vc.bat
* contrib/hbcurl/make_vc.bat
* contrib/hbmisc/doc/gendoc.bat
% Non-empty 'echo.' commands in batch files cleaned.
Thanks for your effort
Si we wait hbmk.prg
- Messaggio originale -
Da: Szakáts Viktor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Inviato: mercoledì 5 novembre 2008 22.44
A: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
Oggetto: Re: [Harbour] one cent for todolist
I've taken a quick look at brmake source, and it looks
- Messaggio originale -
Da: ABIX - Adam Jurkiewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Inviato: mercoledi 5 novembre 2008 22.13
A: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
Oggetto: Re: [Harbour] somebody can give a reply on harbour user mailing list?
Dnia środa 05 listopad 2008, Massimo Belgrano napi
Thanks Przemek
>dbRecordInfo( DBRI_LOCKED, nRecNo )
is what I was looking for.
Pritpal Bedi
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Hello All
CLASS WvgWindow
DATA lbClick
METHOD lbClick
METHOD init() CLASS WvgWindow
METHOD lbClick( bBlock ) CLASS WvgWindow
hb_toOutDebug( 'WvgWindow:lbClick: ['+valtype( bBl
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