[Harbour] Mail Server Backup

2008-04-19 Thread Phil Barnett
Over the weekend we got spam bombed. The inbound mail queue was deleted with 600k entries. If you have sent something to the mail list and it hasn't shown up, send it again. It was probably lost in the storm. Thanks. -- In order to ensure a safe police state; the right of the people to keep a

Re: [Harbour] 2008-04-18 01:41 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)

2008-04-19 Thread Szakáts Viktor
Hi Przemek, * harbour/source/rtl/tget.prg * updated to respect -1 returned for wrong color strings Viktor please check me, now it's simpler and hbtest does not reports any errors so I guess that this version will work like in Clipper also for :colorSpec := "R,X,Y,0" or simil

[Harbour] FOpen() Argument Error

2008-04-19 Thread Mario H. Sabado
Hi, When running my compiled application, I got the following error. I tried to put an Alert("message") just after the local variable declarations of the MAIN function but still got the same error. My application used to work with Harbour and Prezemek advised me to check for possible NIL p