On Friday 25 January 2008 02:52:26 am Szakáts Viktor wrote:
> Shall I do this renaming now?
Harbour mailing list
Hi Alex,
You may need a newer version of the Windows SDK.
But even with the latest (or at least one from 2007 autumn),
I'm still getting some fatal build error with VC:
cl.exe -c -I..\..\include -Ot2b1 -EHs-c- -FD -Gs -
On Fri, 25 Jan 2008, Szakáts Viktor wrote:
> I'm trying to minimize confusion and variations
> when it comes to make files, and adding make_gnu.cmd
> doesn't really help in that process (since we
> already have the same filename with .bat extension,
> and for most ppl - who are Windows users - .cmd
.cmd files are enhanced .bat files on OS/2 as well as on Win32 from NT on.
On OS/2 if you launch a .bat file you open a DOS emulation box which cannot
execute OS/2 executables (with a few exceptions, which are those .EXEs which
have bundled inside them a DOS .EXE), so the .cmd variant of
So, if .bat works in OS/2 (which I believe they do, but
I may be wrong), I'd suggest not to add a copy of that
file with the .cmd extension (and different HB_* defaults
set). If it works OS/2 users will have to set those three
envvars and lauch the .bat file. Same goes for bin/bld.bat.
On Fri, 25 Jan 2008, Szakáts Viktor wrote:
> Hi Przemek and all,
> One important issue came to my mind, namely the
> renaming of Harbour core libraries, to have the
> "hb" prefix on them, as we've planned and already
> agreed on not long ago.
> I can do this on the weekend, but since this
> would b
Anyone with a fix for this one? Antonio?
On 2008.01.16., at 22:45, Ciro Vargas Clemow wrote:
Hi all:
I test the example access2.prg from the samples of adordd
the program runs and diplay the browse, but if I press ENTER over
any field I obtain the next error:
Date: 12/30/0
On Fri, 25 Jan 2008, Szakáts Viktor wrote:
> >Maybe I missed sth but I understood that now he has to set all
> >envvars manually and call 'make' directly.
> Yes, that's basically it. There is not much magic done
> in these batch files (platform envvars, HB_BIN/INC/LIB_INSTALL
> envvars set and make
Szakáts Viktor wrote:
You may need a newer version of the Windows SDK.
But even with the latest (or at least one from 2007 autumn),
I'm still getting some fatal build error with VC:
Perhaps we should remove it?
Is anyone using it?
Hi Mindaugas and all,
I'd suggest to keep zlib.h and zconf.h out of our SVN,
since the zlib dll package is needed anyway to use this
contrib. This way we'd be in sync with the rest of the
contribs where similar concept is used to avoid any
user installed .dll vs. local header file incompatibilite
2008-01-25 10:05 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar.hu)
* contrib/hbzlib/make_b32.bat
* contrib/hbzlib/make_vc.bat
+ Added creation of .lib from .dll for non-GNU make systems.
Harbour mailing list
2008-01-25 10:08 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar.hu)
* contrib/hbrddads/make_b32.bat
* contrib/hbrddads/make_vc.bat
! Removed duplicate line.
Harbour mailing list
Hi Przemek,
Okey, here's my TODO list for rename, let's revise it.
Current Proposed
--- -
common hbcommon
compilerhbcomp ! -> hbc
debug hbdebug
hbsix hbsix
hsx hbhsx
macro hbmacro
I didn't remove it because it sort of works (after
some work done on it), and this could be an exciting /
interesting lib.
I think it could be easily fixed for someone familiar
with C++ and DX.
On 2008.01.25., at 9:54, Alex Strickland wrote:
Szakáts Viktor wrote:
You may need
Hi All,
I tried to test the hbini module and have no success.
This short sample:
Function Main
Local aIni := HB_IniRead( "a1.ini" )
where a1.ini is:
gives an error:
ERROR BASE/ Argument error: LEN
Called from LEN(0)
Called from HB_INIRDLOW(154)
Called from HB_INIRE
On Jan 25, 2008 11:13 AM, Alexander S.Kresin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried to test the hbini module and have no success.
I've tried it under Linux/Fc8 and I see the "Ok".
best regards,
Function Main
Local aIni := HB_IniRead( "a1.ini" )
? "Ok"
Proposal updated for rdds:
Current Proposed
--- -
dbfcdx hbrddcdx ! -> rddcdx
dbffpt hbrddfpt ! -> rddfpt
dbfntx hbrddntx ! -> rddntx
Since we're breaking the hb* rule for 'gt's,
I think it's logical to do the same for 'rdd's
where the
2008-01-25 10:47 UTC+0100 Marek Paliwoda (mpaliwoda at interia pl)
* contrib/make_b32_all.bat
* contrib/make_vc_all.bat
! moved hbzlib compilation into "conditional section" of above batfiles
Marek Paliwoda
Lorenzo Fiorini writes:
On Jan 25, 2008 11:13 AM, Alexander S.Kresin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I tried to test the hbini module and have no success.
I've tried it under Linux/Fc8 and I see the "Ok".
After rebuilding Harbour with latest sources ( previous was from
17.12.2007 ) it works
Before RC1 I'd like to upload this change:
* contrib/hbtip/utils.c
added *.ico mimetype support in TIP_MIMETYPE
* contrib/hbtip/cgi.prg
+ contrib/hbtip/sessid.prg
moved static functions SID GenerateSID, CheckSID, DateToGmt into a
separate prg since they can be used outside cgi.
Added TIP_ to t
Okey and thanks.
to Przemek: The GNU make system will have to adapted
too I guess.
On 2008.01.25., at 14:31, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
Szakáts Viktor wrote:
I'd suggest to keep zlib.h and zconf.h out of our SVN,
since the zlib dll package is needed anyway to use this
my friend found DIRECTORY() function incompatibility with clipper, when
he tries to get file list by passing path with terminating "\" character.
PROC main()
? LEN(DIRECTORY("c:\harbour\source\rdd"))
? LEN(DIRECTORY("c:\harbour\source\rdd\"))
? LEN(DIRECTORY("c:\harbour\source\rdd\
2008-01-25 16:32 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar.hu)
- contrib/hbzlib/zlib.h
- contrib/hbzlib/zconf.h
* contrib/hbzlib/hbmzip.c
* contrib/hbzlib/readme.txt
! Removed zlib headers included in Harbour SVN.
For this contrib to compiler, users will need to have
Just an idea (if NETRDD is occupied):
After all I see no reason why an RDD couldn't have
a server and a client part and still called an RDD.
(the client part would have to called RDD anyway IMO)
On 2008.01.25., at 15:35, Massimo Belgrano wrote:
NetcsdNet clien
On Friday 25 January 2008 06:35:13 am Lorenzo Fiorini wrote:
> Before RC1 I'd like to upload this change:
> * contrib/hbtip/utils.c
> added *.ico mimetype support in TIP_MIMETYPE
> * contrib/hbtip/cgi.prg
> + contrib/hbtip/sessid.prg
> moved static functions SID GenerateSID, CheckSID, Date
On Friday 25 January 2008 09:49:31 am Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
> Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
> > I think so. And probably it should be called rc-1.
> > The open question is what to do with beta branch.
> > After Viktor's cleanup in devel code (mostly in
> > contrib) the diff file between branche
2008-01-25 21:27 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar.hu)
* harbour-ce-spec
* harbour-w32-spec
* bin/bld.bat
* harbour.spec
* common.mak
* source/pp/Makefile
* source/lang/Makefile
* source/macro/Makefile
* source/rtl/Makefile
* source/vm/mainstd/Makefile
* so
Hi Mindaugas,
Since directory("c:\path","d") returns an array of 1 element, my
friend used directory("c:\path\","d") to get list of directory for
years. He did it in Clipper, and after that he successfully did it
in xHarbour.
I've looked to xHarbour's code, they have code to mask platform
2008-01-25 15:20 UTC+0200 Mindaugas Kavaliauskas (dbtopas/at/dbtopas.lt)
* harbour/source/compiler/hbmain.c
! fixed a few /w3 memory leaks
Harbour mailing list
2008-01-26 06:27 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar.hu)
* tests/gfx.prg
* tests/wcecon.prg
* tests/gtchars.prg
* tests/gtkeys.prg
* include/hbgtinfo.ch
* source/rtl/hbgtcore.c
* source/rtl/gtkbstat.c
* source/rtl/gtdos/gtdos.c
* source/rtl/gtwin/gtwin.c
* sourc
2008-01-26 07:53 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar.hu)
* source/pp/pplib.c
* source/rtl/run.c
* source/rtl/hbgtcore.c
* source/rtl/philesx.c
* source/rtl/strzero.c
* source/vm/runner.c
* source/vm/debug.c
* source/vm/itemapi.c
* source/vm/arrayshb.c
* source/v
Good morning everybody,
due to the event here linked
http://www.flisol.info/FLISOL2008/Venezuela/Caracas (sorry, only
spanish), I'm interested to develop a talk about Harbour Project.
The FLISOL is an Latino America Open Source Installation Festival and
I think could be a good opportunity to spread
2008-01-25 17:55 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar.hu)
* source/rtl/radiogrp.prg
! Minor formatting.
Harbour mailing list
Szakáts Viktor wrote:
I'd suggest to keep zlib.h and zconf.h out of our SVN,
since the zlib dll package is needed anyway to use this
contrib. This way we'd be in sync with the rest of the
contribs where similar concept is used to avoid any
user installed .dll vs. local header file incompatibilite
Hi Mindaugas,
Seems to me this rather goes to down to platform behavior,
than being a bug in Harbour code itself. Harbour actually
passes down the file spec to the OS filefind call, unmodified.
Exact behavior for this case is also not described in detail
in the CA-Cl*pper NG.
We may try to mask
NetcsdNet client server dbf
Net.hds Harbour Database server by net
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alexander
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 7:38 AM
To: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
Subject: Re: [Harbour] Re: Lic
Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
I think so. And probably it should be called rc-1.
The open question is what to do with beta branch.
After Viktor's cleanup in devel code (mostly in
contrib) the diff file between branches has over
10MB. I can sync it but probably it will be much
easier to remove old bet
Seems to me this rather goes to down to platform behavior,
than being a bug in Harbour code itself. Harbour actually
passes down the file spec to the OS filefind call, unmodified.
Exact behavior for this case is also not described in detail
in the CA-Cl*pper NG.
I know that parameter of
38 matches
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