On Wed, 19 May 2010, Petr Chornyj wrote:
> Yes, because rmchart.dll no p-code dll. You can use the function hb_libLoad
> and Co only with p-code dll.
It's not true.
hb_libLoad() can and should be used to any type of libraries.
It doesn't matter if they contain PCODE or not.
The important ext
Itamar Lins-2 wrote:
> Hi!
> Function TestLoadLib
> Local hDll := hb_LibLoad("rmchart.dll")
> MsgInfo(ValType(hDll))
> /*
> The return is 0 if run ok file "rmchart.dll" exist and 'U' if file does
> not exist.
> Is this correct?
> */
> Best regards,
> Itamar M. Lins Jr.
Yes, becau