Thanks Viktor
In my sources here I just rename de local function and OOHG works ok using
harbour's version.
2009/6/14 Viktor Szakáts
> Thank you.
> After recent update this error should no more happen.
> Anyway, since this only masks the problem, if it's
> possible it's a good idea t
Thank you.
After recent update this error should no more happen.
Anyway, since this only masks the problem, if it's
possible it's a good idea to either rename oohg
implementation to OOHG_GETLASTERROR(), and
use that. Or, delete this function from oohg and switch
to use Harbour's new WAPI_GETLASTE
Ok Victor thanks I hope Vicente And Ciro Corrects this little problem
I only try to transmit to you that oohg.hbc works ok
2009/6/14 Viktor Szakáts
> Yes I see it , and get a try , but giveme some errors trying to compile an
>> OOHG sample
>> Exists a conflict in function GETLASTERR
Yes I see it , and get a try , but giveme some errors trying to
compile an OOHG sample
Exists a conflict in function GETLASTERRORdefined in
c_winapimisc.c in OOHG
and in libHBwin
Well, I'm only the "messenger" here :) My intention wasn't
to fix problems with any of these libs. I hope
Yes I see it , and get a try , but giveme some errors trying to compile an
OOHG sample
Exists a conflict in function GETLASTERRORdefined in c_winapimisc.c in
and in libHBwin
The file oohg.hbc works ok , I just rename that function in oohg sources and
compiles ok now
This is an old Issu
config file is already there:
I've sent the .hbp + .hbc to oohg author Ciro,
to include them both in the project, if he finds
them useful.
On 2009.06.14., at 19:08, Bruno Luciani wrote:
It is posible to add support to mingw to OOHG.HBC ?
It is posible to add support to mingw to OOHG.HBC ?
> Revision: 11337
> Author: vszakats
> Date: 2009-06-14 02:32:17 + (Sun, 14 Jun 2009)
> Log Message:
> ---
> 2009-0
Revision: 11337
Author: vszakats
Date: 2009-06-14 02:32:17 + (Sun, 14 Jun 2009)
Log Message:
2009-06-14 04:33 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01
* utils/hbmk2/examples/oohg