>> -env is not meant to suppress defines, but envvars.
>> To suppress a define, use '-under:__MT__' Harbour
>> option.
> Probably it is '-undef:__MT__'.
Yes, typo. It's in Harbour help anyway.
>>> #ifdef __MT__
>>> #include "hbthread.h"
>>> static PHB_ITEM s_pMtx = NULL;
>>> #endif
Viktor Szakáts wrote:
>> I was trying to supress define, if any, __MT__ and tried as documented:
>> -env:__MT__-
> -env is not meant to suppress defines, but envvars.
> To suppress a define, use '-under:__MT__' Harbour
> option.
Probably it is '-undef:__MT__'.
I tried it but it does no
> hbgetenv.c
> HB_BOOL hb_setenv( const char * szName, const char * szValue )
> {
> #if defined( HB_OS_WIN )
> {
> LPTSTR lpName = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( szName );
> LPTSTR lpValue = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( szValue );
> HB_BOOL bResult = ( SetEnvironmentVariable( lpName, lpValue )
In continuation...
Pritpal Bedi wrote:
> See, const char * szValue , is never sent and is NULL in C.
> Also I do not see how a variable gets removed from list in this code.
> I will be wrong if an empty value nullifies it.
MSDN says
If this parameter is NULL, the variable is deleted fro
In continuation...
Pritpal Bedi wrote:
> Unrecoverable error 9023: hb_xgrab requested to allocate zero bytes
> Called from HB_SETENV(0)
> Called from HBMK2(945) in ../../../hbmk2.prg
> Called from MAIN(473) in ../../../hbmk2.prg
HB_BOOL hb_setenv( const char * szName