Hello Petr,
Petr Chornyj wrote:
> Something like
> [CODE]
> FUNCTION main()
> local n, cVar := "Two", hHash := hb_Hash(), aArray
> hHash := { 1, "One" }
> hHash := { 2, "Two" }
> hHash := { 3, "Tree" }
> ?hb_isHash( hHash )
> hHash := { 1 => "One", 2 => "Two" }
> hb_hSet(
Rossine wrote:
> How to use variables with the ascan type hash ()?
Something like
local n, cVar := "Two", hHash := hb_Hash(), aArray
hHash := { 1, "One" }
hHash := { 2, "Two" }
hHash := { 3, "Tree" }
?hb_isHash( hHash )
hHash := { 1 => "One", 2 => "Two" }
How to use variables with the ascan type hash ()?
function Main
local n, cVar := "Two", hHash := hb_Hash()
hb_HSetCaseMatch( hHash, .F. )
hHash := { 1, "One" }
hHash := { 2, "Two" }
hHash := { 3, "Tree" }
n := ascan( hHash, { |aField| aField[2] == cVar } )
? n
return NIL