Qatan wrote:
> Antonio,
> I had problems building HBIDE in the past and I understand you.
> My main problem was configuring the enviroment. I assume that you have
> already downloaded the right tools from the right places and have QT,
> MingW and of course, Harbour with contribs (HB
I had problems building HBIDE in the past and I understand you.
My main problem was configuring the enviroment. I assume that you have
already downloaded the right tools from the right places and have QT, MingW and
of course, Harbour with contribs (HBIDE).
I hope the way I d
Revision: 14278
Author: snaiperis
Date: 2010-04-07 02:55:53 + (Wed, 07 Apr 2010)
Log Message:
2010-04-07 05:55 UTC+0200 Mindaugas Kavaliauskas (dbtopas/at/
* harbour/contri
Revision: 14277
Author: vouchcac
Date: 2010-04-07 00:51:15 + (Wed, 07 Apr 2010)
Log Message:
2010-04-06 17:40 UTC-0800 Pritpal Bedi (
* contrib/hbqt/THbQtUI.prg
Barry Jackson wrote:
> ---
> Project [ ash ]Launch [ Yes ]Rebuild [ Yes ]Started [ 22:43:44
> ]
Barry Jackson wrote:
> When opening a new tab using the right side tool bar, a newly opened tab
> does not acquire focus, but opens under any previously open tab.
> This is a bit annoying. :-(
What a coincidence.
Right at this moment I am trying to fix it.
enjoy hbIDEing...
Barry Jackson wrote:
> Project [ ash ]Launch [ Yes ]Rebuild [ Yes ]Started [ 22:43:44
> ]
> ---
When opening a new tab using the right side tool bar, a newly opened tab
does not acquire focus, but opens under any previously open tab.
This is a bit annoying. :-(
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
I am now trying to actually use hbide to build a project.
When invoked from the hbide GUI it fails to build:-
Project [ ash ]Launch [ Yes ]Rebuild [ Yes ]Started [ 22:43:44 ]
Hi All,
I continue to test sddodbc with mysql for adding a BIGINT field ...but
error comes out :
the error comes out at the line with dBUsearea(...)
and the source at follow:
* $Id$
> Fear of post in public place
> fear of bad explain
> fear of bad english
> fear of write a permament bad post with error visible to everybody
> fear of wasting time
> -
> I invite same of "ready only" user
> help us
> why not collaborate?
> what can be done to give better col
Fear of post in public place
fear of bad explain
fear of bad english
fear of write a permament bad post with error visible to everybody
fear of wasting time
I invite same of "ready only" user
help us
why not collaborate?
what can be done to give better collaboration?
> Massimo Belgrano wrote:
>> I know by private mail around 30 user that want use mailing only to read
>> and
>> not for write post
>> if in future we allow anonymous posting (moderated) it appear
> The question is WHY ? Why they do not want to post by name ?
> What reasons stop them to d
Massimo Belgrano wrote:
> I know by private mail around 30 user that want use mailing only to read
> and
> not for write post
> if in future we allow anonymous posting (moderated) it appear
The question is WHY ? Why they do not want to post by name ?
What reasons stop them to disclose thei
Thank you.
Thinking about it, maybe we could solve this problem
plus the "fireevent" feature by introducing K_* code(s)
(f.e. K_HBSYSCLOSE) and simply passing it/them to Harbour
just like we do for keyboard and mouse event. Such K_*
codes could be enabled by new INKEY_* mask bit
(f.e. INKEY_H
I know by private mail around 30 user that want use mailing only to read and
not for write post
if in future we allow anonymous posting (moderated) it appear
> Thanks to everyone efforts. Harbour community need to be more active to
> > "sell" Harbour on the web. IMHO most xBase programmer is indi
The following feature request was posted on the Harbour SF site:
Simon wrote:
G-Wan is a free very fast web server available for Windows/Linux. It has the
ability to run scripts
at specific time
Antonio Maniero wrote:
> First of all I really sorry by my bad and poor English. I made my best.
You are allright. I think very few of us are from native english speaking
Important is not the language, but the willingness to express.
Welcome on the list.
> I want to make it clear
i agree documentation, is the biggest Harbour need, so i want invite
anybody to contribute,the steep are very easy using hbide.
H*ow read harbour documentation with hbide*
1 Point to option on and click on
2 A right-side "Document Viewer" window will appear.
3 Provide Harbour's installation
I have received an intresting messages from Antonio Lineares
aboutr new Web & Facebook API from FiveTech
Subcribe harbour group on facebook for use two web apps as example:
Accounting and Invoicing.
Massimo Belgrano
Hello everybody
First of all I really sorry by my bad and poor English. I made my best.
I am a software developer for 26 years working with several programming
languages mostly building Line Of Business applications in Brazil.
I worked with Clipper since Clipper exists. I used the first copy sol
Confirm is inrteressant
I have added to my blog
2010/4/6 rafa :
> I believe this example is interesant.
> Regards
> Rafa Carmona
> /*
> Example multiThreads index.
> One thread by table , and one thread by index.
> 2010 Rafa Ca
Exists limits debug thread in harbour ?
I don't put breakpoint into thread child, never stop.
Rafa Carmona
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
I believe this example is interesant.
Rafa Carmona
Example multiThreads index.
One thread by table , and one thread by index.
2010 Rafa Carmona
Thread Main
|-> Thhread child table for test.dbf
||> Thread child index fnam
Hi Mindaugas,
I donot know why ? Now the error gone ...
However, I have download and install the mysql-connector-c-6.0.2-win32.msi
during testing SSDMY (although the testing on SDDMY fail as well)
Once see your message, I recompile my testing prog
Revision: 14276
Author: vszakats
Date: 2010-04-06 13:02:26 + (Tue, 06 Apr 2010)
Log Message:
2010-04-06 15:02 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01
* tests/mt/mttest09.prg
I try to test dBUseArea() with DBFCDX RDD and SQLMIX RDD ...
Since I cannot test the test2.prg under \hb20\contrib\rddsql\sddodbc\tests
I modify test2.prg into tstmysql.prg as follow:
However the line: ? dBUseArea( .T., "sqlmix", "SELECT * FROM country",
"country", .T., .F.)
with error comes o
I find error, i report this error another message!
Rafa Carmona
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
The examples /mt/mttest09.prg
Where is
dbRelease( , {|| xResult } )
change by
hb_dbDetach( , {|| xResult } )
Rafa Carmona
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
I compile example /mt/mttest09 , but show errors;
Not found function dbRelease()
I find this function , but not exists.
This example, stop line hb_dbRequest( , , @bResult, .T. )
Harbour 2.1.0dev (Rev. 14255)
Copyright (c) 1999-2010,
Harbour Build Info
Hi Viktor,
Remember my Fixing about this .-
2010-03-01 14:45 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01
* src/rtl/gtwvt/gtwvt.c
! Reverted close/SETCANCEL/HB_GTI_CLOSABLE behavior to
match the old one and that of other GTs.
Also see:
2008-06-25 11:49 UTC+0200
On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Xavi wrote:
> El 06/04/2010 9:33, Viktor Szakáts escribió:
>> False. In GTWVT it will only do it if callback says to do so,
>> and it instantly exists the application (that's why it modifies
>> this flag internally - I guess).
> GTWVT do this without callback,
He martin
afaik Grumpfish is written primarily in Clipper, and come with source
code so you can made modification. so is quite easy porting to
Harbour is likely
here ng for grumpfish
afaik Assembler is used only for transparent shadowing) and you must
do li
Revision: 14275
Author: jarabal
Date: 2010-04-06 09:16:30 + (Tue, 06 Apr 2010)
Log Message:
2010-04-06 11:15 UTC+0200 Xavi (jarabal/at/
* harbour/src/rtl/gtwin/gtwin.c
El 06/04/2010 9:33, Viktor Szakáts escribió:
False. In GTWVT it will only do it if callback says to do so,
and it instantly exists the application (that's why it modifies
this flag internally - I guess).
GTWVT do this without callback, you need to program a express callback to not
do so return
Hi Martin,
> 2. as above but used MS Visual Studio v9.0 C++ to compile C code to produce
> a Windows executable
> - used: harbour ausway.prg -kc -gc
> - ausway.c has the following header, I wanted an msvc env (see below), is
> this correct?
I wouldn't recommend using C compiler directly.
> S
there is no XON/XOFF support under hbtpathy right now.
Best regards.
Shum wrote:
> Hi All,
> As title (by using what function ?) ...
> Shum
| | | |__| Maurilio Longo
|_|_|_|| farmaconsult s.r.l.
Clipper code is 5.2 and uses RDD DBFCDX for access to dbf files (IDX index
Known extensions used: inkey, grump, grumpm, funcky and postscpt (Postscript
Steps completed:
1. compiled existing Clipper code and linked to an .exe to run on Vista and
32/64 bit machines
> Sorry... ???
> This does the same that GTWVT so the same code has the same behavior in
> both.
False. In GTWVT it will only do it if callback says to do so,
and it instantly exists the application (that's why it modifies
this flag internally - I guess).
In GTWIN, it just sets the SETCANCEL flag
El 06/04/2010 8:26, Viktor Szakáts escribió:
Sorry to ask, but what is this patch meant to do?
It looks totally wrong to modify SETCANCEL flag
internally from GT code, pls revert ASAP!
Sorry... ???
This does the same that GTWVT so the same code has the same behavior in both.
Best regards,
40 matches
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