I can not find harbour.so and xhgtk.so libraries on my machine so I have
installed the RPMs.
Yesterday I checked out the latest svn and updated to rev10031 and latest
xhgtk I am now finding that my GUI executables will only launch from a
terminal and not directly. Has something changed in Harbo
On Tuesday 06 January 2009 11:05:09 am Teo Fonrouge wrote:
Przemek, can you give any help on this ?. I just want to be able to send
messages to private/protected methods from C source.
Thanks in advance.
best regards,
Harbour mail
With latest SVN I try to compile libs for Pelles C - Wince (ver. 5.00.8).
I use these sets:
SET HBPP=\programacion_disk\programacion\harbour\hbpp.exe
SET HBPPGEN=\programacion_disk\programacion\harbour\hbppgen.exe
set HB_COMPILER=poccce
set PRG_USR=-l