Re: The Little Guixer

2022-06-04 Thread vidak
gt;> >> Ludo’. we could do a small wiki? i'm down to help. ~vidak

Re: Release v1.4?

2022-06-05 Thread vidak
some deadlines in advance, it is hard to free some slots compared to > the continuous other “urgent” tasks from elsewhere. > > My email is a call (July is a proposal) for synchronizing our agenda and > agree on some deadlines and make them happen. > > > Cheers, > simon can i help with the system tests? how do i do those? ~vidak

Re: Guix System For Kids

2022-10-03 Thread vidak
uld be like an old 80s BBC Micro. I am pursuing making a simple Lisp educational tool myself. I can commit to working on this project. Let's talk casually on jitsi or something! vidak.

Re: Business as Code and GNU way of doing business

2023-05-20 Thread vidak
o share your post! >> >> Best of luck, >> >> T G-R > I absolutely agree with the above decision anyway. Those two requirements are entirely sound. Good to see people posting job adverts for Guix. Loving it. ~vidak > > 1) TOOLS AND MINDSET GO HAND IN HAND >

Re: A Forum for Guix Users

2023-07-13 Thread vidak
A great idea. I would use a forum. I would say just go ahead and set up a forum yourself, and I'll bring some people along that I know from the fediverse. ~vidak

Re: I just got my pinephone.

2021-09-04 Thread vidak
Yo all! Just put the latest nightly Mobian again on my pinephone--I am going to attempt to put Guix on it over the next couple days. I will keep everyone posted on how the process goes (: ~vidak On 2021-09-02 15:59, Christine Lemmer-Webber wrote: > Joshua Branson writes: > >&

guix system reconfigure after more than a year

2021-12-28 Thread vidak
7;s system, and I could not for the life of me figure out how to update the Linux kernel. Lol. So, anyway, it succeeded easily. Imagine trying to do something like that with Gentoo. I feel this is a massive testament to Guix. Thank you so much for all your amazing work. ~vidak >