Re: guidelines for package names (namespaces?)

2023-07-09 Thread Juliana Sims
Hi Andy, There are some guidelines for naming packages, as discussed in the manual: Ultimately, of course, the final say rests with the commiters who do or do not accept a given patch in a given state. As for namespaces, G

New England Guix Meetup Interest?

2024-02-07 Thread Juliana Sims
Hello everyone, Coming off the wonderful experience of meeting up with a bunch of fellow Guixers (Guixs? Guix? what is our demonym?) in person for the first time at Guix Days, I would very much like to have similar experiences more often. I know there are Paris and London meetups; would there

Re: Google Season of Docs 2024

2024-02-13 Thread Juliana Sims
Hi Simon, I would absolutely be interested in actually writing documentation. I appear to be rapidly specializing as a technical writer and have long wanted to help write better documentation for Guix (and Guile, for that matter...). Reimbursement would allow me to set aside the time necessar

Re: Patch review session tomorrow (Thursday 7th March)

2024-03-07 Thread Juliana Sims
Thanks so much for heading this up; it was great to see so many folks show up! I've started using reviewed-looks-good to mark patches so committers can check;users=guix for stuff that should need minimal review before mergi

Distributed GNU Shepherd NLNet Grant

2024-04-18 Thread Juliana Sims
Dear comrades, As some of you already know, in December I submitted an application for an NLNet grant to fund porting our beloved Shepherd to Spritely Goblins [1]. This work would represent a radical evolution in the capabilities of not just Guix's system layer, but of GNU/Linux system layers

Re: System deployment commands hoarding all RAM

2024-06-02 Thread Juliana Sims
Hi Sergio, Continuing on from our out-of-band conversation about this topic, the most likely cause of your RAM issue is that you use recursion extensively, but not in tail position. This means that Guile cannot optimize this recursion to re-use stack frames and thus your memory usage is unbou

Re: /run/setuid-programs via the Shepherd?

2024-06-07 Thread Juliana Sims
Hi Felix, You ask a really interesting question. I think run0 is a great step in the right direction, and I would welcome the Shepherd gaining similar abilities. I also think run0 is a stopgap and we can do much better. Let me try to explain. As I've announced previously, I'm working on port

Re: /run/setuid-programs via the Shepherd?

2024-06-18 Thread Juliana Sims
Hi Felix, ... we must hardcode some paths to /run/setuid-program/... as in this yet-to-be-accepted patch for OpenSMTPd. [1] ... > [1] Oh, this is quite a tricky issue... I'm opposed to packaging software in Guix in such a way as to rely on the conventions of

Re: An IRC bot called Peanuts

2024-06-26 Thread Juliana Sims
Hi Felix, Firstly, I feel this person could and should have expressed their frustration in a more polite way. I'm sorry someone has taken to using such fierce and critical language for something you've worked on. I hope that you're not too hurt by their rudeness. Secondly, I quite like peanu

Re: Next Steps For the Software Heritage Problem

2024-06-28 Thread Juliana Sims
Hey y'all, I've avoided weighing in on this topic because I'm of two minds about it. Still, when members of the community raise concerns, it's important to take those concerns seriously. We must be careful how we address them because the opinions and concerns of any community member are as le

EU NGI funding cut engagement opportunity

2024-07-20 Thread Juliana Sims
Greetings comrades, As many of you are likely already aware, the European Union has recently made plans to cut funding to its Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative which funds hundreds of FOSS projects, including many related to Guix itself. The current plan is to shift these funds into

Goblins Shepherd Design Document

2024-10-25 Thread Juliana Sims
Hey y'all, After a turbulent few months, I have an exciting announcement about the Goblins Shepherd port -- the design document has reached (initial) completion! [1] The purpose of this document is to have a point of reference for thinking about the port as well as explaining it at a high bu

Magic Wormhole Package Weirdness/Potential Security Issues?

2024-11-08 Thread Juliana Sims
Hey folks, I tried to update magic-wormhole today and things went super smoothly. All I had to do was change the version number. I didn't even have to change the source hash. If that strikes you as odd, good! It should! To cover all my bases, I pk'd the hash produced by `pypi-uri` and used

Thank you for the docs work!

2024-10-24 Thread Juliana Sims
Hey y'all, I've noticed over the last couple years that the documentation for Guix just keeps getting better and better. Thank you to everyone who has contributed and is contributing to this effort! -Juli

Re: Guix (and Guile's) promise, and how to (hopefully) get there

2024-10-26 Thread Juliana Sims
Hey y'all, Ekaitz, thank you for opening this thread. RIP your inbox. I think this thread demonstrates in itself one of our biggest issues. A few folks have mentioned it indirectly. I'll be direct. We can't stay on topic. So once again, Ekaitz, thank you for clarifying what this discussion i

Guix Days notes email thread

2025-01-30 Thread Juliana Sims
Hello, For those not at Guix Days: We have split into groups discussing various topics. Each group is collecting notes on its discussion. I am starting this thread as a place for these notes, to be distributed as necessary. To kick things off, I've attached my notes on the discussion of "