John Soo writes:
> Hi rust packagers,
> We have: ripgrep, tokei, cbindgen.
> [ ... exa and alacritty ]
> I also have: racer, rustfmt, fd and pijul.
> What should we do next?
I have started packaging i3status-rust[1]. This is motivated primarily
by scratching my own itch, and to become m
Hi Andreas and everyone,
Patches for exa are in #39382
> I have started packaging i3status-rust[1]. This is motivated primarily
> by scratching my own itch, and to become more familiar with Guix
> packaging.
Excellent! Welcome and have fun!
> - The dependency tree includes a portion of Rusts as
As a result of FOSDEM conversations today I felt inspired to put some
thoughts on paper about an area where I think we currently run into
Not sure if it is appropriate to write this blog-post-ish contribution
here, but as I don't have a blog, and it's about Guix development,
Hi Guix,
it seems that it is impossible to nest with-imported-modules. A gexp
that is wrapped in multiple layers of with-imported-modules won’t depend
on the list of all mentioned modules but only on the outermost.
This is because with-imported-modules sets the current-imported-modules