Can you please send us an update on your project?
Hello, could you please send us an update on your project?
Hello all,
On the last week, I had fallen out of the process. I had been having exams
at the university since the beginning of June. The last exam was
rescheduled and that has affected my plans. I am sorry for that. Now the
semester is finished and I am having much more time to focus on our
In my last interaction on this list, my behaviour was inappropriate
I used some foul language
I shouldn't have
I understand I hurt Ricardo's, Pjotr's and Mark's feelings
Of course there's some difference in our backgrounds, but instead of
properly discuss it, I ended up resorting to unfairness
Hi Ricardo,
I think I am done with basic changes for 4th task. File is attached. As
mentioned in IRC output is in escape code sequence when I tried in REPL.
> I am done with 2nd task out of given 4 tasks and that was included in my
> previous patch.
> I am currently working on 4th task.
I am abl
Hi Sahithi,
> I think I am done with basic changes for 4th task. File is attached. As
> mentioned in IRC output is in escape code sequence when I tried in REPL.
Great. Please change ui.scm directly and send a patch that can be
applied to the wip-sahithi branch.
Please also pay attention to th