> Could you send a update? Thanks!
See "[PATCH] Hack font."
Dmitry Nikolaev writes:
> Hi. I wrote expression for adding Hack font family to GuixSD. You can
> see it my guix package repository:
> https://github.com/8p8c/my-guix/blob/master/packages/font-hack.scm
> Here is patch for fonts.scm:
The indention is missing, you can get the patch from git by
Hi. I wrote expression for adding Hack font family to GuixSD. You can see
it my guix package repository:
Here is patch for fonts.scm:
--- fonts.scm2016-06-02 08:01:49.387086500 +0300
+++ fonts.new.scm2016-06-02 08:05:30.0