Jan Nieuwenhuizen, le lun. 11 mai 2020 10:53:58 +0200, a ecrit:
> Samuel Thibault writes:
> > Samuel Thibault, le lun. 11 mai 2020 10:42:08 +0200, a ecrit:
> >> > diskfs_S_file_set_translator (struct protid *cred,
> >> > [...]
> >> > if (passivelen && passive[passivelen - 1])
> >> > return
Samuel Thibault writes:
> Samuel Thibault, le lun. 11 mai 2020 10:42:08 +0200, a ecrit:
>> > diskfs_S_file_set_translator (struct protid *cred,
>> > [...]
>> > if (passivelen && passive[passivelen - 1])
>> > return EINVAL;
>> >
>> > hmm; so even when there are no arguments, VALUE must end w
Samuel Thibault, le lun. 11 mai 2020 10:42:08 +0200, a ecrit:
> > diskfs_S_file_set_translator (struct protid *cred,
> > [...]
> > if (passivelen && passive[passivelen - 1])
> > return EINVAL;
> >
> > hmm; so even when there are no arguments, VALUE must end with 0?!
> That
That's a bit s
Jan Nieuwenhuizen, le lun. 11 mai 2020 10:33:53 +0200, a ecrit:
>gnu.translator empty if no passive translator
> translator and arguments: "/hurd/foo\0arg1\0arg2\0"
> ah...so there's a nice hack (way??) to also pass arguments...
? It's not hack, it's how it's passe
Samuel Thibault writes:
Hello Samuel,
> Did you have a look at Shengyu Zhang's work on xattr? That's about
> summer 2016.
Ah, that's a helpful pointer. What I notice is that Shengyu's last
message says "not merged yet", to which Richard Braun responds
Did you have a look at Shengyu Zhang's work on xattr? That's about
summer 2016. Also see glibc/sysdeps/mach/hurd/setxattr.c which
translates gnu attributes into RPC calls, and then again in the
translators's diskfs_set_translator. See for instance in
hurd/ext2fs/inode.c's diskfs_set_transla
As part of the effort of creating vm-images for the Hurd using Guix, it
would be nice to use extended file attributes to set passive
In particular, it would be helpful if we could use
setfattr --name=gnu.translator --value=/hurd/pfinet 1
That would allow us to boot right