Thanks for the review; I pushed the samba fix but will postpone mplayer2
until I've fixed mesa, because it also suffers from that dlopen issue.
Taylan (Taylan Ulrich "Bayırlı/Kammer") skribis:
> I could "manually" try to find out which of the bug reports are closed
> by this, but I guess the smartest approach is to push the patch, wait
> for the build farm to rebuild all samba-depending packages, do a "guix
> package -u",
The first patch closes at least one of the "dangling .so references"
bugs I reported recently; it should close all those where the dangling
references are to libtalloc, libtevent, libtdb, libwbclient, and
libcrypt. Possibly more, because those libs are just the ones that bit
me while building mpla