I am planning to do a presentation for NixCon 2020, which will be on 16 and 17
October. This will be a contrast between Guix and Nix.
I have prepared a self-shot of my presentation,
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> which need to be user-writable, whereas the rest of /gnu only need to be
> writable by the daemon. This means that we end up mounting the same
> directories more than once with different permissions.
Yes. As default, wouldn't it be better to use `/guix/guix-var-stuff` instead of
I was looking at a NixCon 2019 session called "Guix from the Nix Perspective"
I am wondering why Guix chose `/var/guix` path instead of `/gnu/var/guix` or
`/guix/var/guix`, as Nix uses `/nix/var/nix`?
I do think that having only one or two director