Hi Tomas !
You have to make choices in the code weather you want to leverage the
REPL or not. That's fine. I incentivize you to try different approaches
and see how it feels while you work. So you can make your choices based
on actual experience.
What comes to my mind right now is pretty clo
David Pirotte writes:
>> Hi David. I’m trying to find the true error location.
> The true error location was given by the gdb backtrace, the
> gtk-widget-snapshot-child call, presumably with a bad pointer or so ...
Hmm my assumption was that all callbacks are broken, not vfuncs
specifically, w
Hi Thomas,
I usually work by redefining the whole procedure and running it.
Typically I start with the minimal procedure
(define (hello) #f)
Then — for nicely testable procedures — I add a doctest and get it to
(define (hello)
"Say hello."
(test-equal "
Hi folks!
I've removed intergrated guile-redis & guile-json in Artanis, and tweaked the
interfaces, so folks may install their prefered version from upstream.
Artanis become more lightweight now.
And this will also alleviate the pain of the packagers.
The CI tests are passed.
Hi Florian,
> > The true error location was given by the gdb backtrace, the
> > gtk-widget-snapshot-child call, presumably with a bad pointer or so
> > ...
> Hmm my assumption was that all callbacks are broken, not vfuncs
> specifically ...
Very unlikely, but the important thing is to get a pr