Mistake, here is the full text haha
Here is the repo I am using for my emacs conf dedicated to Guile !
If anyone can benefit/want to contribute/submit ideas/share ... Anyway you get
Thank you!
Le 13 février 2020 10:34:45 GMT+01:00, "Jérémy Kor
Will it not inline "(not-inline x)" and then peval it to x? What are you trying
to avoid? I am out on very deep water here, now I am just genuinely curious :D
Linus Björnstam
On Thu, 13 Feb 2020, at 08:36, Stefan Israelsson Tampe wrote:
> No even if you have cross module inlining you will s
Hey guile-user,
i'm currently trying to use the peg module to parse android bp files. I
have never used pegs before so i might have done an obvious mistake.
The current grammar looks like this:
"blueprint <-- ws* (modules* variables*)* .*
modules<-- (ws* modu
On Wed, 12 Feb 2020, Matt Wette wrote:
Hi All,
Over the last year I have been dealing with issues getting a configure.ac put
for my guile app. It needs to install .scm and .go files into the place
guile expects to
see them: (%site-ccache-dir) and %load-path. If I compile for my ub
On 2/13/20 11:37 AM, Malte Frank Gerdes wrote:
Hey guile-user,
i'm currently trying to use the peg module to parse android bp files. I
have never used pegs before so i might have done an obvious mistake.
Maybe start with something simple. I hacked this today. First PEG
Though I