2009/5/11 Thien-Thi Nguyen :
> I've tentatively adopted the following indentation declaration style.
I do something similar, except that, for clauses that
do not fit on one line, I put the closing paren on a
new line. This allows for much easier visual
inspection; also, I find it easier to
Thien-Thi Nguyen writes:
> I've tentatively adopted the following indentation declaration style.
> Non-coincidentally, it resembles that used for Emacs Lisp code.
> The #; represents pan-Scheme (R7RS?) wishful thinking.
> (define-macro (forse precond . corpo)
> ;;#;(declare (indent 1))
I've tentatively adopted the following indentation declaration style.
Non-coincidentally, it resembles that used for Emacs Lisp code.
The #; represents pan-Scheme (R7RS?) wishful thinking.
(define-macro (forse precond . corpo)
;;#;(declare (indent 1))
`(or (and-let* ,precond (list ,@corp